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  1. #1
    Justsayno's Avatar
    Justsayno is offline New Member
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    Any advice on leg strength? (volume? reps? genetics?)

    I just started lifting again 9 weeks ago after 3 years off. I fell in love with the big lifts a few years ago and incorporated them into my mountaineering training regamine.

    The problem I have is even though I'm an endurance athlete my leg power is trash.

    I do
    "A" day- Deadlift, Rows, Barbell press, Bench press (weighted chins/dips)
    Day off/ cardio
    "B" day- Overhead squat, front squat, back squat (weighted chins/dips)

    Granted I'm only 9 weeks in but my lifts are as follows
    5'10 168 lbs
    Bench 3x5s @ 205
    Deads 3x5's @ 315
    Squat 3x5's @ 185
    Chins 8 reps + 60 pounds (when I started I could only do 6 at bodyweight) I'm a climber so this is a big focus

    A few years ago when I lifted for about a year I was doing sets benching 335 and only squatting 205

    I was only 175 pounds at the time but why the hell do my legs not get strong like my chest/tris? I work them out as consistently as one another, could it be genetic?

    My concern is the trend is already starting again, since I started lifting 9 weeks ago I've put 180 pounds on my deads 70 pounds on my bench and only 20 pounds on my squat? Any experienced powerlifters have any advice?
    Last edited by Justsayno; 03-15-2011 at 05:17 PM. Reason: I put 6 weeks into lifting I meant 9

  2. #2
    Justsayno's Avatar
    Justsayno is offline New Member
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    Wow after reading the stickies my head is spinning, I never realized competitive powerlifting had such complicated workout routines. I just go to the gym each time and try to add tiny plates to what I did last time, rinse and repeat. I'm way out of my league here.

  3. #3
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Powerlifting is its own niche sport so you have to train accordingly. Having a good base is essential, but you have to train your body (like any other sport) to be able to compete. Lots of technique involved in powerlifting as well as raw strength.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justsayno View Post
    Wow after reading the stickies my head is spinning, I never realized competitive powerlifting had such complicated workout routines. I just go to the gym each time and try to add tiny plates to what I did last time, rinse and repeat. I'm way out of my league here.
    plifting doesnt have to be complicated, i never trained any fancy workouts and was a national lifter

  5. #5
    Ronald10's Avatar
    Ronald10 is offline New Member
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    As you want to increase the strength of your legs.I advice you the following exercise.
    Heel raises
    Hope so these shall work for you.
    winter park boot camp
    Last edited by Ronald10; 03-26-2011 at 04:08 AM.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Box squats will help.There is a article in lifting techces by Blown.Read it has everything you need there.

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