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Thread: BIG Paul Dillett is back!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Arrow BIG Paul Dillett is back!!!!!!

    coutesy of

    Paul Dillett's last contest was the 2000 Night of Champions, in which he placed 3rd. The year before that, Paul won the Night of Champions. Paul has not competed since, due to various personal problems that was reported.
    However, Paul is back, and is training for the 2002 Night of Champions. Paul currently weights 285 pounds, with seven weeks left to go before the contest.

    With all of the negative comments that have been brewing against Paul, Paul wants to make sure that whatever anyone else says, you will see what happens come May 18th. Paul has said it before and he will say it again "There is no man that will be on that stage that I have not beaten yet, or can beat quite easily! I will be in the best shape possible, and if I come into the contest in the shape I want to, no one will beat me! This time, I am going to try my best to concentrate on the show, and not let anything get in my way."

    "The other competitors; the fans can hate me all they want, but they can't stop me. And to the ones that doubt me; the can kiss my ass! I plan to bring to the contest the pain, hardcore to the brain!"

    "As for the Dallas Pro Show, that is up in the air. You just might see me show up there, for the easy win! The Dallas Pro Show might definitely give me a nice ride into the NOC, and give the judges a taste of what the new Paul Dillett is all about. Yes, the Dallas Pro Show is defiantly something I am thinking about."

    We can't wait to see Paul back in contest shape! Good luck!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Nice to se him back in buisness.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    I won't hold my breath

    I think Paul was great in his younger years before his gut started to protrude. He has one of the freakiest phisiques in the sport. I could never understand why more people didn't recognize him for those sick legs. But, he has been a whinner in the past. I hope he does come in shape and accomplish everything he is saying. If he doesn't, I hope he is man enough to own up to being beaten.

    Capital X

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    does anybody have his most recent pic?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    yes paul is a freak huge as hell

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