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Thread: Big Al's Take on the 36th Olympia Preview

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Big Al's Take on the 36th Olympia Preview

    There is no showon earth to compare to the Olmpia, the experience of a life time tht will be replcated every year nowas I have to see more.

    At the Pre-Judging Ronnie blew my mind, huge, ripped and extremely well conditioned. Howeve, it was to be clsoer than you could imagine, Jay Cutler was awesome and IMO had superior symmetry and abs, the judges agreed putting him six points ahead after the first two rounds.

    I was impressed with all the physiques and many were over looked. It was amzing bumping int these gyts as hy walk around the Mandalay, geting to speak to them and have phot's signed was a dream. Ronnie is a nice guy,as was Lee, JD Mike Mazzaro. Levrone was spaced when I met him, Dorian a always was cool.

    Anyway enough of that, in the eveing show Ronnie stole the show with his red, white and blue posing trunks, Jay wa off ad he needs to get a better rountine.

    the pose down was intense, I was in the front row practically, they jumped off stage and I took super close up shots s they walked through the crowd, and then as quickly as it had begun it was over and Ronnie made it four. I asked him what he felt Jay had him on and he said abs and tri's, so I tink Ronnie will srt our his abs for next year.

    For me I was in ore of there size, at 230LBS I as a be aas some but their physiques are on another planet, however, they are all short an lie about their heights at 5.10 I towered above most.

    Acne, deep voices, masciline faces ravaged some of the women. Not just the competitors but alot of the audience, a worring inidication of abuse and mistakes in dosaging. Some of the guys were freaks in size too much test ravaged their bodies, but still they lacked the quality of their idles. an indication that AAS are not a mircale drg and that true champions ar gentically gifted and the most discipined athrletes in the world.

    Drugs is 5% of the equation.

    What hve I learned? Vegas is a planet of its own, and I will trvel here agin to witness the greatest bb show on arth, and maybe I fulfil a dream to step on the stage alon side th bes. BUT EVEN IF I don't I'll be the best can be, cos I'm fired up and ready to go!

    Golds is quite amazing, lifed some heavy poundages cos it would be rude not to!

    I told you I'd be back and for all you imitators out there here's a little something for you. Vince Taylor.

    Ill pos the best pics you could see come my return.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Sounds good Big Al - get those pictures posted bro!!

    Looks as if you got a good learning experience from it all which is valuable.

    Have a safe return bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    that's a once in lifetime opp for a lot of people. sounds like it was definatley worth the trip. maybe someday i'll get my sorry ass out there! i'm surprised that they're all short. they look so big in mags and pictures. i knew that lee was short, but i didn't know the others were too

  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    Way to go Big Al. Good reporting man. I'm glad you enjoyed and decided to share it with us. I will be looking forward to those pics.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Calgary, Canada
    bump, excellent insight into the real, human side of the sport!

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