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Thread: Ron Colemans Interview

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Ron Colemans Interview

    1. Q. Ronnie, the biggest dream of a competitive bodybuilder is to win the Mr. Olympia title, and that's something that you have already done 3 consecutive times. Now, since you are just the 10th person in Mr. Olympia history to fulfill this dream, is there something that you still want to accomplish? Maybe to break Lee Haney's record?

    R.C. I just want to be the best bodybuilder that I can be as long as I can be. If it includes breaking Lee Haney's record then that is something I would cherish more than anything in the world.

    2. Q. You will compete in the Arnold Classic in a few days. If you win, you will be the first bodybuilder in history to take 1st place in both, the Mr.Olympia and the the Arnold Classic. What was the reason for this kind of decision? Was it to accomplish something that no ex-Mr. Olympia has done in the past, or is it something else? (This interview was taken few days before the Arnold Classic. He Won!)

    R.C. Yes that is the main reason why I'm doing this, I'm also trying to bring as much publicity to bodybuilding as I can. I want this sport to be more recognized than it currently is recognized. I too would love to get more recognition as the world's greatest bodybuilder and be someone to look up to as a role model for young kids.

    3. Q. A Mr. Olympia should train very hard, eat many times per day, recuperate adequately, and use cutting edge supplements. What supplements do you currently trust and use?

    R.C. I use a variety of Weider supplements, I take Zinc, Magnesium, Multimineral and all of these are by the Schiff line. I take ZMA, Vitamin C-1000mg. Vitamin E-400IU, Weider Dynamic Muscle Builder, Creatine ATP by Weider, American Bodybuilding Turbo Tea, Speed Stack and my favorite to take everyday is Pain Free by Schiff recently named Move Free.

    4. Q. Let's turn back the time and go to the year 1992. In your first Mr. Olympia that was held in Helsinki, you got just 16th place. My question is how easy or how difficult was it for you at that time to believe that you will get the Mr. Olympia some time in the future?
    R.C. I never in a million years believed I would become Mr. Olympia. I was just competing to have fun and that was my only intentions back then. But if the oppurtunity came for me to make money, I would be more than happy to do that, but I never cared about becoming Mr. Olympia because I didn't think I had what it took to become Mr. Olympia.

    5. Q. This is my last question for you Ronnie, and it's quite "hypothetical" but I believe it is a good one. Let's say that it would be possible to have a bodybuilding contest where the only competitors would be you, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Haney, and Dorian Yates, and all of you in their prime condition. Who do you believe would win?

    R.C. Come on now, this is the age of Ronnie Coleman who else would win... but I couldn't have beat them in their hey days.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    R.C. I use a variety of Weider supplements, I take Zinc, Magnesium, Multimineral and all of these are by the Schiff line. I take ZMA, Vitamin C-1000mg. Vitamin E-400IU, Weider Dynamic Muscle Builder, Creatine ATP by Weider, American Bodybuilding Turbo Tea, Speed Stack and my favorite to take everyday is Pain Free by Schiff recently named Move Free.
    Thats funny as hell!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Flaco
    R.C. I use a variety of Weider supplements, I take Zinc, Magnesium, Multimineral and all of these are by the Schiff line. I take ZMA, Vitamin C-1000mg. Vitamin E-400IU, Weider Dynamic Muscle Builder, Creatine ATP by Weider, American Bodybuilding Turbo Tea, Speed Stack and my favorite to take everyday is Pain Free by Schiff recently named Move Free.
    Thats funny as hell!!!
    don't forget Vitamin-S.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It's the late 80's and Lee Haney is Mr. Olympia. I meet and speak with him briefly. I ask him, "What do you take to get so big?" He answers, "Sarsaparilla root." I thought that was funny.

    Twelve plus years later, while trying to educate myself on the subject, I read that steroids are made from the root of the sarsaparilla plant grown and harvested in Mexico.

    How many people who read this know that?
    Last edited by ALL - OUT !; 03-27-2002 at 05:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    He couldn't have sounded more like Weider's bitch, but then again I'd do it for the money too!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    awrite I am stocking a huge stack of ZMA, Vitamin C-1000mg. Vitamin E-400IU, Weider Dynamic Muscle Builder, Creatine ATP by Weider, American Bodybuilding Turbo Tea, Speed Stack and Move Free. the O should be mine in 55yrs!! yippeee!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    lmfao, he left out a few things

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by elite01
    awrite I am stocking a huge stack of ZMA, Vitamin C-1000mg. Vitamin E-400IU, Weider Dynamic Muscle Builder, Creatine ATP by Weider, American Bodybuilding Turbo Tea, Speed Stack and Move Free. the O should be mine in 55yrs!! yippeee!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Funny Ronnie..when I was a kid I beleived that stuff

  10. #10
    First I have to apologize for my poor english..

    C'mon guys.

    Of course Ronnie is heavy drug user, no doubt at all. But business is business and roids are illegal in states, so what you think what would happen if Ronnie really tells us what he use?

    Let's see..

    "Yep, pencilnecks! I use roids like non-stop. I take 24IU HGH/ed, 100-200IU Humalog/day, 8000mg test/week, 500mg fina/ed, 5000mg EQ/week, 200mg d-bol/ed, 200mg anadrol/ed, 500mg winstrol/ed.... " and the list goes on.

    I think Ronnie go to in jail under few seconds after cops found in his house millions of ampules and tablets..

    Maybe he tells when hes retired..or not.

    Guys, just move on and keep look in our lean purse and boost our "wannabe-bb carreers" with 500mg sust/week, 200-400mg deca/week and 30-50mg d-bol/ed like we used to...and keep looking pencilnecks until the day we die (or maybe I speak only for myself ).
    But im sure that you understand that why R.C don't tell nothing about roids in public.

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