I am not a big fan of his, but daymn, i cant imagine Coleman looking better than this....
thats just crazy.
I am not a big fan of his, but daymn, i cant imagine Coleman looking better than this....
thats just crazy.
He is huge, but what the hell is wrong with his abs?
You might be Ronnie Coleman if......................your waist is wider then everyone else's shoulders....
are you guys serious???? In that picture he is exhaling and his abs are not flexed, come on now, 6x mr olympia...and you still got jokes to make on him...
i bet a bottle of test e that he will get the title a 7th time
**** that guys huge I bet thats good gh and test no what i mean.
I think it is just a matter of time before those guys start falling over dead. Within the next five years (if the abuse of drugs conitnue) i bet someone will die on stage!!
how is that impressive? who ever takes the most drugs wins? i love bodybuilding and all, but what happened to being cut and lean... hes huge but is still a big mess!
he's the man he gives ppl what they want tosee..it's the path he has chosen no want wants to see 200lb rounded muscles they want mass monsters that take their genetics to the limit...all the drugs in the world wouldnt make you look like ronnie coleman but his genetics enable him to take what he takes and get sooo friggin huge he gets my respect for that
if that were the case there would be alot more people as big as him walking around...i think it has more to do with genetics then drugs...yes he does use gear but so does eveyone else...can you feel me here...he is just a genetic freak...strong as hell too...only the ignorant would say he got that big soley on the amount af AAS he uses...please,we all know better then thatOriginally Posted by builtthekid
He is for sure one big Mofo but I think his waist is too big..........not much of a taper at all.....not saying anything bad about the guy just the waist line doesn't look right to me.
Best bb in the world...Originally Posted by RATM
Best bb in the world...Originally Posted by RATM
Best bb in the world...Originally Posted by RATM
Size seems to win with the pros
inhuman...thats all i gotta say
Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
The guy has an amazing taper, it just doesn't look great from that angle. His lats are so big its obscene.
look at that guy watching him on the stairmaster haahaha.
i also wonder about age of death for these people...does anyone know of any pros who have died young...i know arnold had a heart attack...but hes still going strong at 56 or whatever...
the amount of abuse is higher with someone like ronnie...is he doomed to a very early grave
I know that Benaziza and Muntzer (sp?) both died at an early age. If I remember correctly, their deaths were attributed to diuretics of some sort or it might have been T3 even, although i dont know if thats quite accurate. Look at Alzado. Even if his brain tumor was proved to be caused 100% by his AAS use, (which I highly doubt), I am sure that the amount that Coleman or any top pro uses makes his use seem like high schoolers toying with a dbol only cycle. I agree, it will be interesting to see the health ramifications of those like coleman, cutler, ruhl, james, et. al, in 15 or so years.Originally Posted by Latimus
bro i would say that its an organ bloat, he is so big and has taken such an incredible amount of juice that his organs have expanded.Originally Posted by NoobJuice
I wonder how high his BP is.
think about what you are saying here bro, whoever takes the most drugs wins, what kind of sh!t is that? if this were true EVERYBODY would be as big as BIG RON. Granted he has taken a piss load of juice and they all do, but have you ever seen any of his workout videos? he is one of the most amazing strength athletes i have ever seen, simply amazing. Lets not forget about his INCREDIBLE genetics, he utalizes his gifted genetics in his favor. we have all seen a novice come in the gym and in a few months they have incredible gains and they are all natural, they also have good genetics. long story short, he is VERY FUKKING impressive. it gets to me how someone can say such a thing, if drugs were the key than "PEE WEE HERMAN" could win the MR. O in a few years, i think not. MR. COLEMAN keep up the good work brotha. peace, HOP.Originally Posted by diesel21
look at him..no one can beat that....hes a monster....
geez, that guy is so gonna die in the next 15 years...no way he can sustain that much mass on his heart nor come off the drugs he is on without serious consiquences
well, he is huge and impressive, and also strong .. all that plus more than 20 years hitting many differnt gyms made coleman.. coleman!![]()
some people have eceptional strength ..i.e a friend of mine is very strong and he usually surprises us when he WARMS UP using 2 plates on each side of the bar, however, he does not look like a pro bodybuilder.. and that all natural ...he doesn't use drugs.. the story is that he has a strong ****ing pecs
P.s . he lefts five plates on each side at his peak .. and stell all natural .. guys whom started hitting the gym with him still under 3 plates on each side of the bar.
He is hugh but the abs do look a little off but hell that could be the pic angle but like the other have said you need to work at getting that big and cut
He's just a beast, there's no denial. 6 time MR Olympia,..he's the man.
A Lot Of People Have The Misconception That Steroids Alone And The Abundance Of Them Is What Make One Excessively Huge. That Is Only One Aspect. There Are Some That Take Steroids, Exercise Just A Little Bit, Grow A Little Bit, And Lose Their Gains AND BEFORE RECOVERING FROM THE CYCLE GO BACK ON ROIDS AGAIN. Hard Work Is The Only Thing That Separates The Great Bodybuilders, Form The Not So Great Bodybuilders.
Last edited by KISSMIBUT; 10-15-2004 at 08:20 PM.
it's amazing how you dug up the thread just to repeat what some of the people have already said up there.
Natural my azz!
stop bumping old threads![]()
thats false. if his genetics were great he would never even come close to that size. I dont care what your genetics are, you wont ever acheive that size. the point of steroids is to overcome your genetics. the hardwork in the gym combined with correct cycles is what makes you a monster.Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
genetics play a role in natural competitors.
just sick bra's
he looks ureal in that pic,,
Genetics are the limiting factor at the top level of pro BB'ing. Everyone at that level is on a ridiculous amount of gear, genetics are what determines who's the biggest and best. Symmetry and shape is something that steroids can't change.
Last edited by nsa; 06-02-2005 at 10:32 AM.
Originally Posted by diesel21
What to do deem as being cut and lean? Because in that picture he is more cut and lean than any of us.
Maybe you mean aesthetic or slender...
id rather live long and get laid than look like that... he wont live much longer....![]()
he looks geat
he may take alot of drugs or whateva
but u still have to work very hard to get like that
good luck to him
looks great
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