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Thread: Ms./Fitness/Figure Olympia 2004

  1. #1

    Ms./Fitness/Figure Olympia 2004

    Some results:

    Ms. Olympia

    Champion: Iris Kyle

    1. Dayana Cadeau
    2. Denise Masino
    3. Marja Lehtonen

    1. Iris Kyle
    2. Lenda Murray
    3. Yaxeni Oriquen

    Fitness Olympia

    1. Adela Garcia-Friedmansky
    2. Jen Hendershott
    3. Kelly Ryan
    4. Kim Klein
    5. Tracey Greenwood

    Figure Olympia

    1. Davana Medina
    2. Jenny Lynn
    3. Monica Brant
    4. Jaime Franklin
    5. Amber Littlejohn

  2. #2

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