Heres a great shot that shows how Lou was just on stage in the beginning and competing with this sheer height and weight. He really didnt have much definition etc.
Heres a great shot that shows how Lou was just on stage in the beginning and competing with this sheer height and weight. He really didnt have much definition etc.
He looks like a cave man dude.
The original hulk!
he looks bloated
f*cking bear
What a beast!
Is anybody talking about me??? hehehe! Big Louie is my idol since
I was a kid from the HULK series.
Dam, I had no idea he's so tall. He does kinda look neanderthal or something
He was even taller than Arnie.
He was definately huge by any standards, in that pic it helps that he was relatively 'wet' and was competing against some short fellows.
He's at least 6'4" or 6'5"
6'5" 275....they said that in pumping iron
he's 6'5" in pumping iron, but then in the pumping iron special features george butler says he's 6'8". You think the film maker would be able to remember his height correctly eh? Guess not
This is my fav pic of lou.
I have the whole Hulk series, u want me to burn them for you SJ? PM ME.!
Originally Posted by Seajackal
big louie..
A beast for sure.
LOL, Big Louie Half Deaf Neanderthal
freaking guy looks like an animal
we need more pics, post!
he's looks rediculous huge. does anyone have videos from his 90's olympia comback.
he really came a long way from his look in the 70's. but then so did the drugs.
some more here as well
Originally Posted by Paullusion
go arnold!!!!
Does anyone have any photos of Ferrigno at 340lbs contest weight???? I think it was from 1982 or around there.
Another pic from the same contest. Lou with Pierre VandenSteen and A- Enunlu. Rather extreme comparison of height category winners. (1974 contest)
Those thick tri's make the arms look hugeOriginally Posted by Paullusion
definitely refreshing to see a guy his size with what resembles a tight midsection - no GH. I remember seeing him workout with Tito Raymond at Golds Venice... big guy with what looked like scars on his calves... but it could have just been definition (or calf implants, hehe). Anyway, he was repping 315 on the bench like it was a joke. Bringing it all the way down and just doing quarter reps for 8 or so.
He got me into bodybuilding!!!
one of the best big guys back in the day.....great pic
Big louie is King bro...
Here's a picture of Lou on Saturday....He looked AMAZING for his age!!!
I don't have my bible with me but the pic in the arnold bodybuilding bible with lou in the hall of fame is one of my favorite
Looking really good for his age, thanks for sharing your pic, sis!Originally Posted by getnlarge18
Louie, Louie. They never seen arms like yours Louie, your arms are like mountains Louie. Arnold's got spaghetti arms compared to you Louie. You look beautiful Louie, like a statue up there. Louie, you gonna beat him Louie.
When he's up their posing, you pose right next to him to show them you are bigger and better, they've never seen anyone your size beforeOriginally Posted by flyguy7
god damn monster
HAHHHAAH the best is when lou trained in pumping iron hed do like 4reps, then yell no more no more i cant do ne more, then his dad would be like 4 more 4 more, and like it was spoken from god hed magically get the strenth for 4 more, what was up with that??
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