Here is the almighty Blonde Myth. My absolute favourite bodybuilder.
Here is the almighty Blonde Myth. My absolute favourite bodybuilder.
big boy!
some more
last ones
Lee Priest in the off-season. My god what a transformation.![]()
any one ever noticed how much lee looks like he aged in the past 5 years
he would be top 5 in olympia if he had a chest
ahaha hows the off season pic lllllllllol
definitly one of the best
often stolen in the classement IMO, too often
hes bigger then a hummer![]()
6 weeks to ironman...![]()
security, where'd you pick up those pictures?
i find it on a french forum...
the blond myth
theres only 2 things imo he is missing, a chest like you said and height!!! the second one he cant do anything about. He will never be an olympia contender imo.
does any one know to find male bodybuilder to do private possing arm wrestling
long torso, short legs= never win the O
He'll never be a mr. O because of his height. In this era of BB'ing you can't be tiny like him and expect to win. He'll continue to do well at the other shows like ironman and arnold classic, but mr. O he is not...
I think you hit the nail on the head. Even though his chest looks weak in some poses, thats really not his biggest problem. If he were taller his chest would look bigger, assuming his shoulder span increased proportionally.Originally Posted by nsa
Still my favorite BBer though.
Yeah, plus he has a Nascar tatoo on his shoulder. That won't get you anywhere.
Originally Posted by BeerBaron
that squat pic is cool!!!
does anyone else notice how his face is always different in every he never looks like the same guy
Those arms are insane.....
His forearms are absoluetly rediculous!
It says in my MD magazine that he does not train abs. With that 6 pack, HOW?
everyone says lee has no chest, but to me his 54 inches is impressive as hell, Cormier only has a 55 incher...
Originally Posted by 19inchpythons
Great point
He is probably my fave bodybuilder!
Its not so much the fact that his short, its just that his legs are too short for his upper body. I saw a pic where him, Kris Dim, and Dex do a double bi next to eachother and it really stood out, he was the same height as them, but had a longer torso and shorter legs
I think you are exactly right. I finally know what is always bugging me when I see a full picture of Lee. I felt that something was off...but until now couldn't really put my finger on it.Originally Posted by bor
As for him being tiny....compared to full sized elephant. I think it is pretty darn impressive that at his height he is able to carry 200-225 lbs at comps. By extrapolating, that would mean he would be pretty close to 300 lbs if he were Ronnies, or Jay's height.
He is my all time favourite BB'er. I am short too at 5'6" so it gives us "tiny" guys (LMAO) some hope.
what height would you guys say would be the cut-off or minimum to be an Olympia contender?
5'6-5'8. Lee I think is 5'4Originally Posted by RoidGut
beleive it or not Lee works out at the same gym i go to if you dont beleive it pick up last months issue of Muscular Development with him on the cover there is a 30 page article on Lee...i actually also workes calves with him today im not saying were workout partners but he is a cool gut not stuck up or full of BS he's real
I dont know what you guys mean about no chest, the guy has a great chest!!!! The only thing he has against him as pointed out is his height. But he is never given the credit he deserves. In fact, there are certain poses Lee can do effectively that other bodybuilders cannot. That pose where he puts his arms over his head and turns his palms outward like the old Frank Zane pose(however Franks was to show off more of the torso and abs and not as much the arms) Lee is about the only one who makes that pose look killer. And the Nascar tattoo, def not something I'd do, but it shows individuality in the sport, and thats what it needs right now. It shows that Lee says"Hey, **** you guys, I'm getting the tattoo cause I like it, and I'll still be an IFBB pro nonetheless." Great bodybuilder, cant say enough about him.
That cant be him, r u seriousOriginally Posted by jkddave
that's cool that he's not some arrogant assOriginally Posted by steve0
Yes...most bodybuilders, myself included, forego abs and other such nuances in the offseason...and just uberbulk.Originally Posted by BOBBY D
Lee Priest is AWESOME!
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