I posted not too long ago about Greg Kovacs' dimishing physique...Apparently some serious health issues are definitly behind that.
I recently got promoted to a different gym that's in our chain and as it turns out kovacs just got a membership there not too long ago. I looked him up in the computer and he is definitly there. Anyways I havent had a chance to see or speak with him yet but some other staff members have spoken with him. He didnt completely discuss his health issues but from what he did disclose apparently he's had 3 heart attacks...kinda scary. I'm quite curious as to the amounts of gear this guy was running to have assisted in causing that.
Anyways, i'm hoping to run into him sooner or later so I can ask him a few questions myself and maybe snap a pic or two if I can. I'll post again when i finally get a chance to see him.