16 or 17 in that pic.
omg!!!i think i weighed like 110lbs 5'2" at 16!!!
wow..he looks so young.
I've seen some of him at 17 and he was lookin big allready
That pic looks kinda fake, imo (im not saying it is, I have no idea)
14 or 15
geez arnold looks young there.
id say 14. ive seen pictures of him around 17 and he is big. He started ass at 13 and took whatever he could get a hold of and took insane amounts back then. He ate dbol with every meal ingesting 8 or more at a time. I just read a unauthorized bio on him and it talks about some heavy use at a very early age!
well, wait a minute. I was only kidding. I thought he just drank a lot of milk as a kid
yea id say 13-14 in that pic no older.. as tatman was sayin.. guys been poppin dbol since he was 13-14 like candy
In the book I just read on Arnold this picture was in it and it said it was from his very first contest ever!
Looks like he had already stuck a few needles.
he looked good young
14 same pic is in his book setteled
yea dbols !!!!
can sombody please send me this book and or website i could read weather it be here or in pm. thanx
its the encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding if u do a search on google you should get tons of links. i got my copy off amazon
that book has one paragraph on steroids and he says no bbs do them
jay cutler looked awesome at a young age also.
I think it's fake. Look at the difference between the neck colour and the upper part of the chest!!
just curious i hear alot of people say arnold would have been much bigger had he had access to the drugs of today what exactly would that consist of im guessing gh obviously and slin what about tren?
i would guess 14 maybee 15 but he was alot bigger at 17 so
at 17 he was much bigger than that definately. I remember reading hsi book when i was about 17 myself, and thinking "WOW he is huge at 17 compared to me" and i was definately bigger than the above pic lol
The one I posted is 100% real
wheres a pic of when he was 17?
nice one! i'd never seen one that young before. as for people saying he popped d-bol like candy at age 13 coz i read something in an un-authorised bio, well........grow a brain egghead!
that was his first contest in a hotel in graz austria, it was taken in 1963 which makes him 16
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