The best physique right there ever to step on that stage imo. Conditioning is beyond human. Insane.
The best physique right there ever to step on that stage imo. Conditioning is beyond human. Insane.
looks awesome
The best form he has ever had maybe.
And even without the turtle belly...preterhuman.
thats me in the middle
He looked awesome there tiny waist
A lot better than he looks now...IMO a lot better proportion.
cormier looked pretty jacked in that last shot aswell but ... yes ronnie is god
yep, he certainly looked fantastic.
yup. he was deffinetly bigger then j cutler ever will be but the next generation try brewer will be at his level in 3 years and surpass him in 4 and be the biggest bb ever in 5
Those stills look good, but in this video from the same show I think Flex Wheeler looks better
It's not just about being 'the biggest bodybuilder' though, is it. There are numerous factors involved, and Coleman ticked every box.
Trey will never match the 'Overall' physique of Coleman. Never. You can clearly see that from his physique and genetics today. What about Gunter or Rhul? Same thing. That being said, Trey has a phenomenal physique.. especially for his age.
i wanna be that big
Sorry, no disrespect to Ronnie who took mass to a whole different level and did a lot for bodybuilding during his reign as Mr. O, but Flex should have won. I contend that if Flex had kept his hair and mustache (as he had in his first Arnold win), he might have increased his odds of winning. As it was during Ronnie's reign, everyone was trying to beat Ronnie by looking like Ronnie (shaved head, emphasis on mass, etc.), when they should have emphasized their difference instead. When I see that video, I just think Flex looks like a smaller (but much more aesthetic) version of Ronnie.
Flex should have won. I think Flex was the Franco of this era. Always second bannana when he had the body to be #1.
wow... they both looked great. i'd rather look like Flex though for sure. Flex looked extremely pissed about winning $50k. hmmm... i guess if your gonna get beat by somebody, it might as well be Ronnie Coleman.
ronnie was the best mr.olympia ever
He was deff a mass monster... He looked so fvckn good in 99 and after that he kinda went down hill, in the gut anyway...
Im just curious as to how much gear one would have to take to get and stay that big? On top of heredity of course, that is not all heredity though..
Unbelievable amounts. The are pretty much choosing the sport over potential health issues, cause they all damn well know, the amounts they take, could kick their ass to the floor at any second.
But having said that, they keep very precise checks on their health via private doctors.
LOL at people saying flex was better that year...Ronnie dominated him at every level, especially the back. I love flex's look too, but in no way will i ever say he was better then ronnie. Look at the lines all through ronnie arms and shoulders, Flex was an oiled up (snythol abuser) who really puts a bad name to the sport doing that shit. Calves were big blocks of oil..sick and slack
Ronnie > far
anyone got any number as far as grams? 3 grams of test per week? +- 2 grams of deca?
aint flex had to have kidney transplant?
Agree. But as stupid as it is, and sounds, at least they know.
On the subject of dosages etc some pro's use (and I would strongly be against someone "Trying" these amounts in the hope of "looking like a pro" because you certainly wouldn't), i've read 1g test a DAY being a possibility, and thats just the base.
Ronnie 1999 > Flex
Animal ]: )
thats so crazy...
while i was watching i kept thinking, if you felt his arm or something what would it be like? all around crazy..
Ronnie Coleman never looked good to me. Nothing aesthetic.
I guess thats what 2400lbs seated squats will do to you.
Flex is arm heavy. Biceps out of proportion to the rest of him.
My heart says Ronnie, my head says Jay....
I only hope that the result for this one is transparent and makes sense across the board... Unlikely, I know....
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