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  1. #1
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Dec 2007

    Orville burke - one of my favorites!!!!

    Okay, so back in the day Orville Burke was one of my favorites -

    He was huge but still lean with a tiny waist "Had some bloating but waist was still nicely pulled in from the sides" unlike most the mass monsters "Jay Cutler"...Orville kind of reminds me of Phil Heath - Great proportions...He had a CRAZY BACK TOO

    From what I remember, he went into surgery for a tricep tear and slipped into a coma and never returned to bodybuilding. Wondering if anyone can not only confirm that is true but also if he is still alive????

    Here is a few pics -

    Orville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville.jpgOrville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville1.jpgOrville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville2.jpgOrville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville3.jpgOrville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville4.jpgOrville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville6.jpgOrville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville8.jpgOrville burke - one of my favorites!!!!-orville9.jpg

  2. #2
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    Blog Entries
    If google is to be believed.. he had motor skill problems needed some rehab. Lives in NYC. Works on Donald Trump's security staff. Weighs around 210 solid and no longer competes. Can anyone who knows him confirm?

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