Dorian Yates – 1996 German Grand Prix Prejudging DVD PICS!!!
Here are some great pics of Dorian Yates from the prejudging of the 1996 German Grand Prix. In my opinion, this was his best conditioning he ever achieved in his career (best overall physique was probably 93/95 Mr. Olympia). You can tell both of his arms were starting to look smaller than normal in proportion with his torso and to the rest of his body, but despite that Dorian pretty much dominated this contest easily. His calves and especially his back are still considered one of the best or the best ever. If it wasn’t for his torn left biceps and downsized arms, then I would of rated his physique here as the best of All-Time!!!
MORE PICS -----> Dorian Yates – 1996 German Grand Prix (Drag pics to new tab and it will open to original size)
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