This weeks tip is on TAMOX:
Liquid Tamox, or Tamoxifen Citrate, is a SERM often used in your research. SERMS are selective estrogen receptor modulators. They selectively bind to estrogen receptors illiciting certain effects in research subjects.
The effects primarily associated with your research are:
Increasing and inducting the production of testosterone.
Blocking the estrogen receptor in breast tissue.
For the above reasons Tamox is often considered a research chemical that is and should always be on hand for your research. Quite often your male research subjects may be taking androgenic anabolics which can aromatize to estrogen. This aromitization and subsequent increase in estrogen could result in the undesirable formation of gynecomastia even if an aromatase inhibitor is being used. Tamox will effectively block the estrogen receptor in breast tissue preventing the formation of gynecomastia.
Quite often the above mentioned research subjects experience low testosterone once the anabolics they are being administered are stopped. Tamox will effectively induce the natural production of endogenous testosterone quite effectively making it a standard for use post anabolic administration.
Tamox truly is a research chemical that should be on hand at all times.
We hope you find this tip helpful in your research!
Tamox 50mL 20mg/mL