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Thread: AR-R Presents: Lion's RC/Peptide Tip of the Week!

  1. #1

    ar-r Presents: Lion's RC/Peptide Tip of the Week!

    This weeks tip is on TAMOX:

    Liquid Tamox, or Tamoxifen Citrate, is a SERM often used in your research. SERMS are selective estrogen receptor modulators. They selectively bind to estrogen receptors illiciting certain effects in research subjects.

    The effects primarily associated with your research are:
    Increasing and inducting the production of testosterone.
    Blocking the estrogen receptor in breast tissue.

    For the above reasons Tamox is often considered a research chemical that is and should always be on hand for your research. Quite often your male research subjects may be taking androgenic anabolics which can aromatize to estrogen. This aromitization and subsequent increase in estrogen could result in the undesirable formation of gynecomastia even if an aromatase inhibitor is being used. Tamox will effectively block the estrogen receptor in breast tissue preventing the formation of gynecomastia.

    Quite often the above mentioned research subjects experience low testosterone once the anabolics they are being administered are stopped. Tamox will effectively induce the natural production of endogenous testosterone quite effectively making it a standard for use post anabolic administration.
    Tamox truly is a research chemical that should be on hand at all times.

    We hope you find this tip helpful in your research!

    Tamox 50mL 20mg/mL
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 01-26-2015 at 01:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Tamox is a staple in my pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    This is one I always have on hand, always.

  4. #4

    Letro: The Powerhouse AI

    This weeks tip is on Letro:

    A little info about Letro (Letrozole). Letro is an Aromatase Inhibitor. It attaches to the aromatase enzyme in your research subjects. This results in significant lowering of estrogen. Letrozole is by far the most powerful AI you can use in your research.

    There are 2 types of aromatase inhibitors. Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 aromatase inhibitors (ie: exemestane) bind to the aromatase enzyme and render it permanently inactive. Type 2 aromatase inhibitors bind to the aromatase enzyme and the do so strongly that they prevent anything else (ie: testosterone) from binding and aromatizing to estrogen. Type 2 aromatase inhibitors are only temporarily effective, only rendering the aromatase enzyme unavailable for the time they are administered and active in your research subject. Letrozole is a Type 2 aromatase inhibitor.

    Letrozole has been proven quite useful at reducing the aromatization of testosterone to estrogen when research subjects are being administered anabolics that aromatize to estrogen. This is especially true when your research subject is being administered high amounts of the aromatizing anabolics.

    Letrozole is often the choice in some people’s research at very low doses when they are administering low or even moderate amounts of anabolics to their research subjects. Many that do this in their research rave about the effectiveness of Letrozole once they have the proper dosage dialed in for their research subject.

    Lastly Letrozole has been proven so effective at reducing estrogen levels some have chosen to administer it to research subjects that exhibit the condition of gynecomastia. Letrozole has been observed to reduce or even reverse gynecomastia very effectively.

    As you can see Letrozole truly is a powerhouse AI that can be useful in several situations you may encounter in your research.

    Top quality letrozole is available here: Letrozole 30mL 2.5mg/mL
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 02-02-2015 at 01:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Great info here!

  6. #6

    IPT-141: Liquid Libido

    This Weeks Tip is on IPT-141

    IPT-141, or bremelanotide, is a very unique peptide. In order to understand it you have to first take a look at its parent peptide, melanotan 2. Researchers were looking for a peptide to reduce the occurrence of the formation of melanoma (skin cancer). They discovered the peptide Melanotan 2 and found it to be successful for this purpose, noting a marked reduction in skin cancer occurrence in research subjects administered Melanotan 2.

    While that may be interesting you might be asking yourself what in the world it has to do with IPT-141. Good question and the answer may be as unexpected to you as it was to the original MT2 researchers. You see along with the reduction in skin cancer researchers also noted a rather dramatic increase in both libido and sexual activity on the part of their research subjects. This effect was so pronounced they decided it warranted further explorations.

    These explorations lead them to the discovery of IPT-141. You see IPT-141 is an MT2 isomer and once isolated they found it was the very isomer responsible for this dramatic increase in libido and sexual activity in research subjects.

    So you see IPT-141 is an isolated MT2 isomer that induces a profound increase in libido in research subjects. Further investigation shows its effects are both psychological and physiological. Quite a profound effect for a research peptide that was derived as a result of researching skin cancer prevention!

    IPT-141 has become quite a popular research peptide in the arsenal of many researchers. It has often been found that the combination of IPT-141 with a PDE5 inhibitor such as Cia, Varden or Liquid V leads to a phenomenal response when it comes to sexual desire as well performance in research subjects.

    Get your IPT-141 HERE!

  7. #7

    Clen; Burns Fat and Spares Muscle in Research

    This Weeks Tip is on CLEN

    Clen is used in research with regards to inducing lipolysis in lab animals. It does so via a mechanism (b2 receptor agonism) that is sparing of lean body mass (muscle tissue) in said laboratory animals.

    Get your Clen HERE!

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