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Thread: 1 answer can help, please

  1. #1

    1 answer can help, please

    It is normal that a first timer rat using Clen does not feel nothing, like, I gave 1 pump (200mcg) in the morning and I did not felt nothing, so I decided to take another 2 pumps (400mcg) by lunch time and did not felt nothing beside a little rise of my temperature but nothinmg else. and I decide to do another 2 pumps by 3pm (400mcg) and almost like at lunch..... nothing. Is this normal or I should increase the dosage?
    Besides this, is there a way I can change insted using the pump thingie that comes with it, to use a droper (up to 20mg) and if I can how much is suposed to be in mg. Thanks everyone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I can tell you that 20mg has me shaking and sweating. Ive heard others on this forum say the same thing your saying, that it just doesnt affect them. Assuming its real, you are one of these guys. Did you build up to the 200mcg, or just start right off with it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005


    BIG BOY 10019 8 squirts = 1 ml or 1cc. did a.r. give you an oral use onley measuring syringe if so check it out your self. I totaled your sqirts at 5 if thats corect you totaled just over 100 mcg for the whole day if the doseg is corect in the bottle 200 mcg /ml than 1/2 cc or .5 ml is equal to 100 mcg. to estmate it is 20 mcg per squirt. I my test subject has had over 140 mcg with no problems but you must rember to acess your tollerence now that you know your doses. Be caerfule!

  4. #4
    honestly, I did 1 squirt @ 6am, because I didn't feel nothing @ 12pm I did 2 squirts the only thing I felt this time was like my temperature went a lil up and kinda sweating but no shake or nothing else so @ 2:45pm I did another 2 squirts, so total for first day and first time I did 100mcg without a side effect. I will keep you post about it tomorrow again, lets see

  5. #5
    you don't want your rat to shake to shake ..the raised temp is it working

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