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  1. #1
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    questions about t3/clen cycle

    Ok, heres the story, I just purchased the t3/clen combo for research purposes for my rat Phil. Phil has never taken any of these compounds before and the question I have is this, what would be a safe but effective dosage that I could give Phil and for how long? Also, if Phil was doing alot of cardio, would these compounds be very hard on his heart? Phil just had a stress test and echocardiogram done just last week. I wanted to make shure that nothing is wrong with Phils heart before I put him on the stack. Im trying to see how lean I can get Phil because he has got to look his best for 4th of July weekend, he is going to a big reunion you see in upstate NY. Phil has been following a very strict low carb, low fat diet coupled with an hour of cardio a day, 6 days a week. Im thinking about bumping phil up to 2 hours of cardio 5 days a week, and 1 hour a day on the weekends. Would this with the t3/clen stack be to much on his heart? Phil is also 32 yrs old in rat years of course. I also want to add that Phil hits the weights very hard, 4 days on, 1 day off. Also, what other fat burning compounds could he take with the t3/clen combo that would be safe but effective? Gugglelipids? phil has already lost about 30 lbs in the past 3 months, but Im really trying to get him in the best shape of his life by 7/4/05
    thanks for whatever info you guys could give me

  2. #2
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    sounds like phil is off to a great start. I read in another post in this forum where Lion told someone to put their rat on 4gms of CLA ed and to increase their water intake as close to 2 gallons a day if possible. (you'll be pissing every 45 miniutes) He also said that cardio should be done first thing in the morning after consuming a protein shake.
    CLEN /T3 have synergy together and low dosages are very effective together. Staring at 40 mcgs ed is a good place to start. Make sure phil gets at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. YOu may want to increase your protein intake to 1.5 just to safeguard against the muscle burning effect of the T3.

  3. #3
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your reply. What is CLA? Also, when you say start at 40mcgs, are you talking about t3? I also forgot to tell you that Phil works nights, he usually gets up at around 2pm, what would be a good doseing schedule? Also, where could I buy taurine at, GNC?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    we will be releasing taurine in a weeks.....Cla can be found at GNC...if you are getting up at 2 pm dring a shake and get have to get the protein in you first to limit the katosis. Make sure to carb restrict......Water will be the trigger to the fat burn. make sure you get a good multi and double what the manufacture recomends.B complex will limit yor cravings to food.

    Phil should be good starting at 40mcg of each. Remember you don't want him to shake. CLA will really increase the fat lose. take pics you will be proud of Phil.

  5. #5
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    Thanks Lion, I just got my package the other day with no problems. Will be doing buisness again in the near future.

  6. #6
    juicegorilla is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2005
    CLA is Conjugated Linoleic Acid. I don't know if this link is allowed but i'll try:

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