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Thread: To Lion, and others!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA

    To Lion, and others!

    Hello, I ordered Clen and T3 from your site a few days ago. I am 20 years old, 1+ year lifting experience, 5'9, 200lbs and 17% BF. I was wondering if you think it is necessary for me to go to the doctor and get a physical before beginning my Clen cycle. I will not be running T3 with it as I had originally planned because I will not be running an anabolic along with it. Is it bad to run the T3 with Clen if I don't have an anabolic? If so, I will just hold on to my T3 till I run a cycle at the end of the summer. I have also read many different posts about a straight through cycle of Clen, and 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I'm sorry to send these questions directly to you, but I have been unable to find the answers I needed through searches, posts and other PMs. I figured you are probably the most knowledgable on this subject. I appreciate your time and any answers you can send my way. Thanks!

    Edit: Lion, you told me Clen is anabolic? So if I eat enough protein I should be able to avoid the catabolic effect of T3? If thats the case, some T3 dosing info would be great too !

  2. #2
    I don't comment on others research...but I will say that the catabolic effects of t3 are over blown.........I think you should focus on your diet. If you've only been at it fot 1 year you have a long way to go to get your diet dialed in. It usally takes years to get right, just about the time your really ready to use gear.

    Adkins works! South beach is better. Water intake and supps. Then go take a spin class at the gym 3 days a week . Lift 5 days a week.

    Please be careful with your research. Make sure you have planned everything . Please read every post in the forum all the answers you need are here.
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 01-11-2006 at 03:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    listen to Lion, he speaks the truth!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    I don't comment on others research...but I will say that the catabolic effects of t3 are over blown.........I think your should focus on you diet. If you only been at it fot 1 year you have a long way to go to get your diet dialed in. It usally takes years to get right. just about the time your really ready to use gear.

    Adkins works south beach is better. Water intake and supps. Then go take a spin class at the gym 3 days a week . Lift 5 days a week.

    Please be careful with your research. Make sure you have planned everything . Please read every post in the forum all the answers youneed are here.
    good sound advice right there..
    The answer to your every question


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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA
    Ok well here's my planned cycle, will a couple of you at least chime in and let me know how it looks:

    Day 1: 20mcgs Clen/ 20mcgs T3
    Day 2: Same as day 1
    Day 3: 40mcgs Clen/ 40mcgs T3
    Day 4: Same
    Day 5: 60mcgs Clen/ 40mcgs T3
    Day 6: Same
    Day 7-15: 80mcgs Clen/40mcgs T3 <--Begin taking 100mg Benadryl Every night for one week on day 15.
    Day 15-30: 100mcgs Clen/ 60mcgs T3
    Day 30-42: 100mcgs Clen/40mcgs T3 <--Begin taking 100mg Benadryl every night for one week beginning on day 35.

    I will run 5g of Taurine everyday.
    Drink 1.5-2 Gallons of water everyday
    Ingest 400mg of potassium everyday.

    Is it okay to take Benadryl more often than on days 15-21 and days 35-42 if I have trouble sleeping at night?

    Thanks for all the tips. Lion, your shipping was fast as hell and products were intact! Thanks again.
    Last edited by Romeoguy62; 01-12-2006 at 08:34 AM.

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