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Thread: Question For LION--Order Issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Question For LION--Order Issue

    Sorry to bug you on this, but I placed an order for Liquidex & it said my credit card was declined. I called my bank and they showed two charges from Lion Nutrition. I never did receive a confirmation email. I just wnat to make sure if my order is placed, I don;t care if you send two.
    Please help


  2. #2
    sounds like there was a problem with the order. please pm me the order info. I will send you a pm with what I need to track the order. We will get the second order refunded and get the order out to you asap. We will get you straight.

  3. #3
    Okay. I tried to send you a pm and you can't receive them . I'm very sorry there has been a problem. We have a filter in place to block double charges. This may be why you received the decline. I don't know if a hold was put on the funds or if you were billed 2 times. We don't prosess the cards it is done by software when you click the button. We will check to see if the order shipped. If not it will be shipped out express if the order is more than a day old.

    I need the name on the card the billing address , the last 4 digits of the card( we don't receive the card nunbers. I will need the last four to find the charge and credit it back to you ) and shipping address. I will need to know what you ordered.

    The refunds will prosess the same day I get your info. Your bank will have up to 72 hours from the time they receive the funds to credit your account. Please include your email address and I will send you the receipt.

    send this info to [email protected] and turn on you pm's and pm the info to me too thanks.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by snwac
    I called my bank and they showed two charges from Lion Nutrition.
    another one bites the dust...

  5. #5
    what do you mean another one bites the dust,,,,?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I sent the info to your email address. How do I turn on the pm?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by snwac
    I sent the info to your email address. How do I turn on the pm?
    You need to make about 30 or 40 posts before PM is turned on automatically. Go to the Post Whore thread and type in 30 shit posts and you will have it. By the way Lion, I ordered some Cialis and it has just arrived. Took two weeks to get to Asia which is great. Thanks mate. !!!

  8. #8
    Your card was never charged. a Fraud hold was placed on funds due to you attempting 6 time with the wrong cvv. code.......please email us if you need help getting the charge through.

    Last edited by RUI-Products; 01-20-2006 at 04:54 PM.

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