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  1. #1
    mehungry is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Test Subject Cycle

    I will be expirimenting on a test subject who is about 240 pnds and 28% body fat. What do you guys recommend for a 12 week cycle of Clen , T3, Taurine. I have done many searches but my test subjects body fat % is higher than what I have dug up. BTW his body handles supplements pretty well (has taken high dosages of AAS). For the Clen I was thinking 6 weeks on straight with benadryl taken during week 3 then 2 weeks off after week 6 then back on 6 weeks with benadryl 3rd week. Opinions appreciated along with recommended dosages for the 12 weeks. Thanks in advance!!!

  2. #2
    Darren1968's Avatar
    Darren1968 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Liverpool, England
    Clen/T3 Cutting Cycle...
    Have a look at the cycle above, as your looking at running it for 12 weeks.

    Most run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, take 5g of Taurine a day with the cycle
    Days -- T3 -------Clen
    1 ----20mcg ----20mcg
    2 ----40mcg ----40mcg
    3 ----60mcg ----60mcg
    4 ----60mcg ----80mcg
    5 ----60mcg ----100mcg
    6 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    7 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    8 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    9 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    10 ---60mcg ----100mcg
    11 ---60mcg ----80mcg
    12 ---60mcg ----60mcg
    13 ---40mcg ----40mcg
    14 ---20mcg ----20mcg


  3. #3
    hiloracerboy84 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    most people nowdays are saying run straight through with the benadryl to refresh the receptors. i was thinking about a 12 week run too but was advised against it. 6-8 weeks max was recommended since it can be tough on the for dosing, i dont know about the T3 but go with what "his body" tells him. i started at high and used 140mcg on my third day with minimal sides. (im about 185) just go with what his body can handle

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