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Thread: new user

  1. #1
    skyler77 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    new user

    I'm 5'9'' about 150lb and have about 5% body fat. Thinking about taking nandrolene(deca ) for my first cycle. Is this a good idea? Or is winny better for me. does any one know what the cycle should be, how many cc per week should i take. Thanks

  2. #2
    PreMier's Avatar
    PreMier is offline Banned
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by skyler77
    I'm 5'9'' about 150lb and have about 5% body fat. Thinking about taking nandrolene(deca) for my first cycle. Is this a good idea? Or is winny better for me. does any one know what the cycle should be, how many cc per week should i take. Thanks
    #1. You are too small to cycle now....learn how to eat and train.....put in the time before you use drugs.
    #2. A deca only cycle is one of the worst, winny only is even a 10 week test only cycle for your first cycle.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you sound young to old are you ?

    PreMeir is right ...test only for your first cycle. Deca needs to be stacked with something else. Do a search for " eat to Grow " it will help you out. There are a few natural compound yo can use to help you before yopu turn to drugs. Food protein and more food .... look for NitroGro and NitroMax from Lion Nutrition in the next month they both are natural androgens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you sound young to old are you ?

    PreMeir is right ...test only for your first cycle. Deca needs to be stacked with something else. Do a search for " eat to Grow " it will help you out. There are a few natural compound yo can use to help you before yopu turn to drugs. Food protein and more food .... look for NitroGro and NitroMax from Lion Nutrition in the next month they both are natural androgens.

  5. #5
    skyler77 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    I'm 28 yr old, been working out for about 3 month, just getting stronger, but not any bigger, i eat 5 meals aday. cant seem to gain weight.

  6. #6
    Surfstud18's Avatar
    Surfstud18 is offline Member
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    3 months isn't long enough i think you just need to get your bootay over to the diet fourm read "Learn how to bluk" I can give you my work out sechdula which kicks butt i mean personal brother you have alot to learn

  7. #7
    Surfstud18's Avatar
    Surfstud18 is offline Member
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    you might get better results to your post if you post in the right forum too

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