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Thread: T3 or Clen????

  1. #1

    T3 or Clen????

    I have been taking clen and T3 together for about 5 weeks now. Currently I am up to 160 mcgs on clen and 140 mcgs on T3. I lift five days a week and do cardio four days a week for 45 min. All I eat is chicken, tuna, salmon, whole grain brown rice, oatmeal, egg whites, brocolli, green beans, and whey protein. I space the meals out about 2 1/2 to 3 hours apart and eat 7 times a day. My calorie intake is about 2000 calories. I am 5' 7" and weigh 161 lbs. I have been lifting seriously for over 6 years now. So far I have lost only 5 lbs in five weeks. My strength is still the same as it was before I started taking clen and t3 in fact I have gotten a little stronger. Now I can tell a difference from when I started. My abs are starting to come through but is it possible to lose fat without loosing weight or is it possible to not be responding to either clen or t3 or am I doing something wrong. I would appreciate any help.

  2. #2
    you have to drop the oatmeal...increase your water intake. you are bloating when you are done you will see the difference. It will take about 3 days after your off. When you stop holding water.

  3. #3
    What does the oatmeal do?? I thought it was a good complex carb. I drink a little over a gallon of water a day. Do I need to drink more than that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    At those doses he should be seeing results no matter what IMHO
    sorry if it differs with what anyone elses thinks...

    I would say I'm pretty experienced with Clen/T3 and 120mcg
    of phram grade Clen and 100mcg of phram grade T3 works
    for me very well...

    I don't see how oatmeal would make a difference, since I eat
    mixed with every protein shake... Maybe sounds nasty to some,
    but it works good for me... No reason to cut carbs under 100g
    daily unless your trying to get into keto anyway, so a lil oatmeal
    does good...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    you have to drop the oatmeal...increase your water intake. you are bloating when you are done you will see the difference. It will take about 3 days after your off. When you stop holding water.

  5. #5
    I agree those doses should have youu shaking. But ev eryone is different. THe carbs should be avoided while cutting. Water is the trigger for fat loss increse your water He is loosing fat. Sounds like he's expecting more than he's getting. The results will be bigger when the bloat is gone. 4 weeks is all I would run clen or t3 straight. Switch to ECA for 2-3 weeks then back to the clen t3

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    you have to drop the oatmeal...increase your water intake. you are bloating when you are done you will see the difference. It will take about 3 days after your off. When you stop holding water.

    As a professional nutritionist, I have to comment that this makes no sense.

    Especially when you don't even know how much oatmeal is being consumed.

    Why do carbs have to be avoided when cutting? Please, enlighten me....


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    As a professional nutritionist, I have to comment that this makes no sense.

    Especially when you don't even know how much oatmeal is being consumed.

    Why do carbs have to be avoided when cutting? Please, enlighten me....

    and this...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    Switch to ECA for 2-3 weeks then back to the clen t3
    Um.. switching to ECA makes no sense... Staying on the 'clen and t3 combo' and Adding benadryl every 3rd week would.


  8. #8
    oatmeal is a complex carb it is also a soluable fiber ( great stuff ). THe problem with oatmeal is it releases energy constantly through the day as it is broken down. THe whole idea in carb depleting is to force the body to burn fat for energy. Fat is burned to fuel the energy needs to raise the body temp.

    the switch to eca is my personal proticol. I don't like shaking. Im Hypo so t3 is something I take every day.
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 02-25-2006 at 08:10 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    Fat is burned to full the energy needs to raise the body temp.
    Then why use clen in the first place if body temp goes up just by doing this?

    Are you suggesting a keto diet w/clen?

    What about ample pwo nutrition so as to support lean muscle mass while cutting?

    Another bummer is that the thyroid slows significantly in the absence of carbs, thus workin' against the pupil in the 3-4 week mark w/out the proper refeeds.

    I guess I'm vocal about this because my profession has me very well educated on all of the subject matter, and I completely do not understand the suggestions set forth.

    I don't mean to come across as being a dick, but I don't see the thread starter benefitting from that suggestion which is why I had posed the questions.


  10. #10
    clen and t3 cause the increase in body temp. Thats why they are used. You knew this when you asked the question. I odine should be supplemented when using T3.

    Keto is quicker. through in some CLA, b complex and Houdia Gordonia (SP) and distilled water pump up the protein 2 grams per pound ofbody weight . if you don't see results cut the protein too.

    Health discusion is great. I have a habbit of over simplifing because I too am educated. I don't think your being a dick. My proticol is tuned to me and my experence. I don't often share it unless being paid.
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 02-25-2006 at 08:12 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    I have a habbit of over simplifing because I too am educated.

    You also forgot my questions about pwo and such, but no biggie.....

    I am very well educated myself as well as "living the part" if you will, and I have no issues in avoiding over-simplification. Being educated actually enables you to summarize and not have to over-simplify/utterly confuse your audience. I really didn't see anything over-simplified, I was actually looking for more logic behind the suggestions.

    I know that I find it good to not over-simplify when you are answering a wide array of people such as in running a big on-line biz. You have to be able to communicate like that to be able to send a comprehendable message and earn the trust of the one receiving the information. Then again, you said you don't divulge unless you are paid, so my apologies there, I had no idea that you were a trainer/nutritionist too.

    You have another non-responder at 120 mcg's who just posted this morning, so perhaps you could address his thread as well.



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    Health discusion is great. I have a habbit of over simplifing because I too am educated. I don't think your being a dick. My proticol is tuned to me and my experence. I don't often share it unless being paid.
    Guess I didn't know that you were "paid" to consult with successful BB-ing types either. Care to post some success stories of your clients? I know Swole's advice has lead to many people's success. I wasn't aware that you even worked out...... Learn something new everyday.....


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    well its good that some ppl are giving out sound advice here..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Yet another person not responding to Lion's T3+Clen. How many people does this make from the past couple of months? Is it possible there has been a bad batch of product?

    Edit: I must add that I have a LOT of experience with T3 and Clen (pharmaceutical grade only) and at those doses with that diet the weight lose should have been MUCH more than 5lbs in 5 weeks.
    Last edited by scriptfactory; 02-27-2006 at 09:55 AM.

  15. #15
    this is all making me very i had ordered some t3/clen on February 9th....9th.....and it is STILL not here...and after all this wait i am going to be furious if its a """bad batch""" or something other then t3/clen.....i am already pretty upset that it has taken so long....i thought this was a reliable service???

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by antihero33
    this is all making me very i had ordered some t3/clen on February 9th....9th.....and it is STILL not here...and after all this wait i am going to be furious if its a """bad batch""" or something other then t3/clen.....i am already pretty upset that it has taken so long....i thought this was a reliable service???

    my order was also shipped out on the 9th and i too have received nothing although i trust lion is making it right, likely a problem with the mail more so then with Lion nutrition

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    clen and t3 cause the increase in body temp. Thats why they are used. You knew this when you asked the question. I odine should be supplemented when using T3.

    Keto is quicker. through in some CLA, b complex and Houdia Gordonia (SP) and distilled water pump up the protein 2 grams per pound ofbody weight . if you don't see results cut the protein too.

    Health discusion is great. I have a habbit of over simplifing because I too am educated. I don't think your being a dick. My proticol is tuned to me and my experence. I don't often share it unless being paid.

    I don't guess I knew this either. Wow...2 certified nutritionists in one thread. Hey, I don't guess I have ever seen a picture of you either Lion...guess I missed it. Anyway you can post that up, afterall, I am suppose to be listening to your advice. Even if it is free advice, I would still like proof you know what you are talking about. Thanks in advance Lion.



  18. #18
    you should have received your order by now even if you live in Canada. Please include the name on the order the shipping address and what was ordered

    Sorry guys no pics of me.......

  19. #19

    Why not use a different / more reliable / faster, method of shipping than USPS which is obviously biting it lately... to mind...

  20. #20
    bro we have 2 -3 day shipping 99.9 % of the time most of time they is a problem with shipping it;s do to the customer forgetting an apt # or typoing the address. We ship thousands of order a week with less than 1% complaints. Please send an email to [email protected] We will be happy to express your order to you.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you don't need to drop oatmeal to have clen and T3 be effective in my experiecce. I'd be more suspect of those than the oats, unless you are consuming so many more carbs than you need that you burn only excess and see no other results.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Great White North
    I've dropped about 2% body fat (on a 240lb stature) in 3 weeks doing clen and T3 by eating oatmeal and egg whites every morning for breakfest, as well as doing cardio in my target heart range and eating healthy, so that just sounds messed up, but hey I guess everyone is different so do as you wish!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    I don't guess I knew this either. Wow...2 certified nutritionists in one thread. Hey, I don't guess I have ever seen a picture of you either Lion...guess I missed it. Anyway you can post that up, afterall, I am suppose to be listening to your advice. Even if it is free advice, I would still like proof you know what you are talking about. Thanks in advance Lion.




  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I Am A Female Starting Out On Clen/t3. What Kind Of Diet Should I Be Doing? I Am Not Seeing Any Weight Loss As Of Yet And It Has Been 10 Days Now.

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