Last year I used cytomel for the first time to get ready for my show. I lost a lot of weight in those last four weeks of prep. I wasn't able to get cytomel this time so I purchased some AR T3 and it's different( I'm trying to be nice). It's been 2 weeks, I'm taking 200mcg ED. No weight lost. I even added some kelp to the T3 and still no dice. Some of you probaly think it's my diet, Are you kinding me I'm eating 35g of carbs ED. You ask how's my cardio? I doing 2 sessions of 45min ED. If I keep doing what I'm doing it will come off because it is. All I'm saying is last time I used T3 at 125mcg ED I lost 15lbs in two weeks. My water intake is 2 1/2g ED. Is there something I'm missing with AR's T3 ? Or is it just some bunk SH$T?