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Thread: A+++ for AR-R

  1. #1
    bigdreamz's Avatar
    bigdreamz is offline Junior Member
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    A+++ for AR-R

    Placed my first order with AR-R late Thursday (after 4pm) and it arrived in the mail this morning Priority mail. Don't know for sure what the best way to use the products that I got from them (tamox/clomid) but that is a story for another post. Super Service will be ordering from again.

  2. #2
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Jul 2005
    Are you talking about dosing and timing?

  3. #3
    bigdreamz's Avatar
    bigdreamz is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2006
    Yes. not sure how to read the oral syringe either. I am 6'1 228 and going to start my first cycle soon very simple 500mg test c/ week for 10 weeks. My plan is 10mg Tamox everyday from the start of cycle. Bump it to 20mg/day Tamox & 35mg Clomid everyday for pct. Does this sound OK? Also since the oral syring is in 10ths of a ml I would assume to get 10 mg of tamox at 20mg/ml I would fill the syring up half way to the .5 mark is this correct? Sorry for such basic questions. I have been reading but just trying to make sure I understand what I read correctly. Thanks for the help

  4. #4
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    lion is the Best!!!

  5. #5
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdreamz
    Yes. not sure how to read the oral syringe either. I am 6'1 228 and going to start my first cycle soon very simple 500mg test c/ week for 10 weeks. My plan is 10mg Tamox everyday from the start of cycle. Bump it to 20mg/day Tamox & 35mg Clomid everyday for pct. Does this sound OK? Also since the oral syring is in 10ths of a ml I would assume to get 10 mg of tamox at 20mg/ml I would fill the syring up half way to the .5 mark is this correct? Sorry for such basic questions. I have been reading but just trying to make sure I understand what I read correctly. Thanks for the help
    1ml = 20mg of nolva (this would be one syringe)
    1ml = 35mg of clomid (this would, also, be one syringe)

    The dose for the clomid is a little low. I would increase the dosage.

    For nolva:
    0.5ml = 10mg
    1ml = 20mg

  6. #6
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mwolffey
    lion is the Best!!!
    Definitely the best tasting that I have ever had.

  7. #7
    bigdreamz's Avatar
    bigdreamz is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the help, I thought it might be a bit low for the Clomid. What do ya think, should I double it to 70 or maybe go 100 mg. I didn't think I would need to go to high since I am doing tamox as well. Also not sure as to how long for pct. I was thinking 6 weeks, too long or not long enough.
    Last edited by bigdreamz; 06-14-2006 at 09:57 AM.

  8. #8
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdreamz
    Thanks for the help, I thought it might be a bit low for the Clomid. What do ya think, should I double it to 70 or maybe go 100 mg. I didn't think I would need to go to high since I am doing tamox as well. Also not sure as to how long for pct. I was thinking 6 weeks, too long or not long enough.
    20mg nolva and 100mg clomid is a common dose. Run PCT for at least four weeks or until you have fully recovered.

    Check your PMs. Oh...I forgot you don't have those capabilities yet.

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