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Thread: Clen help

  1. #1
    cuse140's Avatar
    cuse140 is offline Junior Member
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    Clen help

    I started using lions clen 1 week ago. I lost 6lbs in 4 days. Since then i have lost nothing. My diet has remained the same. I eat about 4-500 cals below maintenace. My sides are all there so i feel it's effects. Although i have not lost more weight, i do look a bit leaner. Here a a few questions

    1- Could this be because i started hitting the weights pretty hard so i'm gaining nearly as much muscle weight as i'm losing in fat weight? If thats the case thats fine with me. I just want to be leaner.

    2- Also, i know clen is anti-catabolic, but could i still be losing muscle mass while eating 4-500 cals below maintenane. Should i up the cals to maintenance level?

    3- I'm thinking of running Trenadrol (17b methoxy-trienbolone) with the clen.
    If i do this should i take the cals above maintenance keeping in mind my goal of leaning out while maintaining muscle and adding strength?

  2. #2
    cuse140's Avatar
    cuse140 is offline Junior Member
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    Your hot moms bedroom
    hello? anyone? a little help?

  3. #3
    cuse140's Avatar
    cuse140 is offline Junior Member
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    Your hot moms bedroom
    anyone??? C,mon people, help a brother out!

  4. #4
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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