just comin off a clen/cla cycle tomorrow and just wonderin how to properly administer an eca stack i got some ephedrine at 25 mg per cap... help
just comin off a clen/cla cycle tomorrow and just wonderin how to properly administer an eca stack i got some ephedrine at 25 mg per cap... help
25mg ephedrine
200mg caff
200-300mg Asprin
is that taken evenly throughout the day? so could i take caffeine in the mornin, ephedrine in the afternoon, and aspirin at night?
don't quote me on this, but i believe those doses are to be taken 3 times per day. Also try doing a search on eca(if u haven't already) I'm sure you will find multiple answers to that questions.
Last edited by Intruder; 07-02-2006 at 06:15 PM.
Originally Posted by hangtight08
No, You would take that dosage as one "Serving" (not the right word). You would take it 3 times a day. With lots of water. They say not to take past 4-5pm. Depends on your sleep schedule though.TO summarize
Eph 25 x3
Cafffine 200x3
Asprin 200x3
Gives you your daily totals
what caffiene pills do you guys recommend? Some of these companies caffiene sux ;p its like they throw cheap shit into it
i think you can get away with the baby aspirin, which is 81mgs. 900 mgs of aspirin ED for any length of time is not good for you.
Just buy some anhydrous caffeine manOriginally Posted by embalmer
make sure it's 200 mg per capsule or per serving
whats anhydrous caffeine?is it a pure source or is it found in something, i.e. coffee, energy drinkk, etc??
Go to any drug store and look for No-DOZE or the store brand knock off. Same stuff.
yeah man thanks that clears that up
Last edited by hangtight08; 07-09-2006 at 02:24 AM.
I take ephedrine 25 mg and caffeine 200 mg before my workouts for extra energy but what is the asprin suppose to do?
Supposed to thin the blood... Not sure exactly but i heard its not very effective anyways. i will try to find the link
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