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Thread: Help!

  1. #1
    shakeyjake is offline New Member
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    May 2006

    Exclamation Help!

    I'm 19 weigh 210lbs 5'9'' 15-20%BF

    OK... so it's been two weeks, and I have been following Rambo's cutting diet (a reputable guide in the diet forums) as well as a researched clen /t3 cycle. I am currently up to 200mcg of clen and I am feeling pretty much nothing from it. I am taking t3 ramped up to 125mcg supplementing it with kelp pills and am also seeing/feeling nothing. Water intake has been 1-1.5 gallons and I have been doing at least 30mins of cardio per day as well as my regular lifting routine. Why is nothing happening??? Is it possible? Bad products maybe, but I got them from Lion! It even feels like I maybe have gained a little weight... I really don't know because I am confused why I can't feel or see ANY effects! Am I missing something? Has anyone else had this problem?


  2. #2
    andye is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2006
    you wont feel anything from the t3.

    200mcgs of clen seems a bit high, you should have major shakes by now. you dont happen to take beta blockers for a medical condition do you? these will prevent the clen from working as it blocks beta receptors.

    dont go any higher with the t3 though. and make sure you taper off.

    oh... and these meds dont work miracles, only hard work, time and patience will show results

  3. #3
    shakeyjake is offline New Member
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    Nope, no beta blockers... and my receptor should be normal because I had done ECA about 6 months ago and I definately new that it was working. The clen is a different story though... I'm afraid that I got a bunk batch. Also, I have been having zero cramps... as I have heard of that being a common side.
    Last edited by shakeyjake; 07-08-2006 at 05:18 PM.

  4. #4
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
    ChiTownTommy is offline Senior Member
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    what are you takeing with the T3? what anabolic because T3 will tear down your muscles, have you been checking your weight? not just guessing. plus you could cut some lbs naturally just with cardio. plus why are you up to 200mgs by your second week i finally hit that in my 4th week and i weight 275

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I think the dosing is off 200mcgs of clen can kill.

  6. #6
    shakeyjake is offline New Member
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    May 2006
    As I understand I should be taking an anabolic , but all I am currently using is glutamine due to lack of resources... workouts have not suffered. Weight is down 5lbs after two weeks of serious diet and training along w/ the supps... And as I said, even at the 200 that im taking, no cramps and no shakes... Perhaps I a immune to both haha... or perhaps the products are bunk

    hmm... as i was writing this, i saw your post Lion... like I said, I am not feeling anything, so I doubt that I will die... ive been doing cardio ED on top of it as well...
    Last edited by shakeyjake; 07-10-2006 at 01:55 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Some people don't get the shakes. Your weight loss is good. The product is not bunk it is lab tested and it's fine. We sell thousands of these a week you would here a tidal wave of un happy people if it wasn't good. My staff and mother are both using it now. My mom shakes her ass off it is very funny. Don't increase the dose. Clen is ether on or off. More doesn't mean more fat loss. YOU Can Lower the dose alot.
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 07-10-2006 at 07:47 PM.

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