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Thread: Wtf Lion???

  1. #1
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Feb 2005

    Wtf Lion???

    Lion, once again you rock my f*cking world!!!!

    I ordered some stuff on friday, yes FRIDAY!!! and i got it TODAY, MONDAY!!!! dude, BIG PROPS to you and you great business. Oh, and BTW, your products are the shiz compared to other research chems tasting, higher quality, and best of all, FAST SHIPPING!!! Sorry, hahaha got to do that for an A+ seller!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    glad to see another happy customer....drop the service department a line at [email protected] they love to here this stuff. THey don't visit the boards.

  3. #3
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks
    Lion, once again you rock my f*cking world!!!!

    I ordered some stuff on friday, yes FRIDAY!!! and i got it TODAY, MONDAY!!!! dude, BIG PROPS to you and you great business. Oh, and BTW, your products are the shiz compared to other research chems tasting, higher quality, and best of all, FAST SHIPPING!!! Sorry, hahaha got to do that for an A+ seller!
    What did you order?

  4. #4
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    glad to see another happy customer....drop the service department a line at [email protected] they love to here this stuff. THey don't visit the boards.

    Will do bro, always happy to send great comments towards great companies like yours!

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    What did you order?

    Liquidex (which came in Tangy Lemon) and also some pins and syringes. Dude, i just couldnt believe it came that fast. Man screw all the good prices on other websites, my motto is if its good, and it ships fast, then it gets a A+ for me. So i see that your online.... or were online.... Did you get a computer yet or are you at the library again? Man, we gotta go out again sometime. Im going to Disney next week and then starting my cycle, so no drinking for me. Oh, and instead of wearing the beer goggles, ill have the Test goggles on!! Call me tommorow or ill call you. you still working tommorow right?

  6. #6
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks
    Liquidex (which came in Tangy Lemon) and also some pins and syringes. Dude, i just couldnt believe it came that fast. Man screw all the good prices on other websites, my motto is if its good, and it ships fast, then it gets a A+ for me. So i see that your online.... or were online.... Did you get a computer yet or are you at the library again? Man, we gotta go out again sometime. Im going to Disney next week and then starting my cycle, so no drinking for me. Oh, and instead of wearing the beer goggles, ill have the Test goggles on!! Call me tommorow or ill call you. you still working tommorow right?
    Yeah, I'll be working tommorow. I'm thinking about going to state fair, this weekend, and watch bb . com member compete in the deadlift. Not sure if I am but I'm thinking about it.

  7. #7
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    Phx, Arizona
    got my pct 1 day b4 i shulda started

    ordering cialis soon for rocky point!!!

    THX LION u r the shiet!

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