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  1. #1
    theboss's Avatar
    theboss is offline Associate Member
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    what to use for 1st TEST E cycle...

    LION!.....PCT is pretty many products and opinions.....what AAR products do you recomemnd for this cycle....

    I am 32 - 6'4" about 230 pounds natural.

    Cycle: TEST E 300mg - 2 x week (might add Dbol to this...does that change anything in regards to PCT?)
    Can you tell me what AAR products to buy.
    When to take them and how much and for how long.???
    Can you also explain how to take them for each (oral or inject or ??)

    Also...will customs snag this stuff if its coming to Canada ??

    **sorry in advance if i ask a question i shouldnt..let me know and i will edit it asap **
    Last edited by theboss; 10-16-2006 at 12:55 PM.

  2. #2
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    aromasin or arimidex for the AI, use regular dosage. keep nolvadex on hand in case ur sensitive to gyno. start pct 14 days after last shot, run the dbol the first 4-6 weeks.

  3. #3
    theboss's Avatar
    theboss is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    aromasin or arimidex for the AI, use regular dosage. keep nolvadex on hand in case ur sensitive to gyno. start pct 14 days after last shot, run the dbol the first 4-6 weeks.

    no Clomi ?? .....and i assume Tamox is a good sub for reg. Nolvadex ??

    So can i use the Clomi & Armidex together after cycle for PCT together and keep the Tamox for the gyno (but dont take it unless it starts)?
    Last edited by theboss; 10-16-2006 at 02:07 PM.

  4. #4
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    ook lemme dive into this a little deeper
    ull run the AI the whole time ur on cycle if ur looking to stay lean or if ur sensitive to estrogen. however i wouldnt cuz estrogen that comes with test is 1 hell of a bulker. so FVCK the AI's. you can use clomid if u like it but it makes me go nuts, seriously. i have used tomoxifen citrate (same thing as nolvadex ) thats just its codename or whatever, with great success and no side effects. and yes youll start nolva either 14 days after last shot, or right as soon as ur nips get sensitive and gyno starts or whatever. ive never got gyno my bodies kinda resistant to estrogen so i cant say what it feels like. if another member sees this thread and the questions u asked theyre gunna strognyl advise you read up more and say ur not ready for this cycle, because you dont really understand PCT

  5. #5
    theboss's Avatar
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    thats why i am sking these questions...i am reading like crazy....and trying to make sense of everything...local guys i talk to about gear have even said not to bother with PCT...i am doing my research definatley! so i appreaciate any help you can give me.

  6. #6
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    alright man ill help u with anything. either on this thread or pm me, but threadz are fine. did that clear it up for you? dont listen to ANYONE who said u dont need pct. those r the typa guys who will say a deca only cycle is good lol

  7. #7
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    I thought it was Nolva throughout and clomid 2.5 weeks after last shot?

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