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  1. #1
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:36 AM.

  2. #2
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    sheltonn is offline Junior Member
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    You should probably do a little research on the hGH/IGF-1 forum. Most of these have been talked about a lot. I am not sure that Lion can give you this kind of information since they are a provider of research chemicals and they are marked as not for human use. This would probably get them into some troubles.

    One note, search for the answers before you just post. Some people will not react to kindly to being asked to do your work for you.

    Good questions by the way.

  4. #4
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    I know for a fact that Lion can't answer most of those directly....... I believe that is the intent of this forum for other members to give advise who have used his products.

    First and foremost, it looks like its back in stock. As far as your questions go, those are some really good ones. I'm still looking for the answers to some of them. From what i do know regarding reconstitution of Lr3, shelf life alwas seems to be anywhere between 12-14 weeks., what ever compound your using. Injection is sub-qutanious best done with an insulin pin. In my opinion, through research and experience that a newbie cycling this such as yourself should run a cycle no longer than 4 weeks. I think you can get away with running it ed (everyday) @ 40mcgs. Very good question regarding protein. Protein is the KEY for IGF-1 Lr3 to work the way its suppost to. ( That seems to be the case with alot of things....). You should be intaking no less than 1.5 to 2 times your body weight in grams of protein. Meaning no less than 225-300 ed. This may seems compulsive, but it is crucial. No need to ladder, cycle, rotate, change, etc. your daily protein regime, in my opinion. Just eat a whole shit load of protein, mixing up the sources of protein, but maintain constant daily amounts. I'm not familiar with the term "turtle belly" but other than that, i think you hit all the known potential side-effects. I don't think anyone needs to run IGF-1 over 80mcgs ed. HOpe some of this helps. Like i said, your questions are really good and i'm still looking into some of them.. KEEP RESEARCHING, ASKING, READING....

  5. #5
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:34 AM.

  6. #6
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:33 AM.

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    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:32 AM.

  9. #9
    pimpdawgin's Avatar
    pimpdawgin is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, Green, I'm interested in finding out how to reconstitute Lion's IGF-1 LR3as well. I'm considering ordering it, but want to have a detailed breakdown of how to reconstitute it. Let me know of you find out anything new regarding this.

  10. #10
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:32 AM.

  11. #11
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    Some great information in this thread, i must say. GreenNBroken your doing a mighty fine job research this out. Now as you mentioned above, bw will greatly diminish the shelf life of IGF-1. The protein chain needs to have an acetic environment once reconsituted to keep it from bonding to the glass, leaving us between two options: NaCl and acetic acid. In my opinion, either will work fine .. Lion probably goes with NaCl becasue acetic acid stings like a mutha going in...

    Here's a really cool website on IGF-1: In fact the other night i was reading a PDF file they have available with a ton of good info.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimpdawgin
    Yeah, Green, I'm interested in finding out how to reconstitute Lion's IGF-1 LR3as well. I'm considering ordering it, but want to have a detailed breakdown of how to reconstitute it. Let me know of you find out anything new regarding this.

    These are the exact instructions mine came with:
    1. Use 2-3 ml water solution (only use the water supplied) and measure vial dose accordingly
    2. DO NOT use benzl alcohol (BA) or any other water to dilute.
    3. Each vial will yield 1000mcgs (1mg) of IGF-1 per vial.
    4. Inject water slowly down side of vial DO NOt force.
    5. Twirl solution gently and softly allowing to fully dissolve.
    6. ONLY inject via deep tissue intramuscular. Massage area after shot to allow for full absorption.
    7. ONLY use insulin pins.
    8. Practice sterile injections at all times.
    9. MUST keep refrigerated VERY COLD at all times once reconstituted.
    10. Store at JUST above freezing temperature. DO NOT FREEZE.
    11. Best temperature is just above 0 degrees Celcius.
    12. Once reconstituted it is stable at up to 8-12 weeks whilst refrigerated very cold at all times
    13. Is stable at room temp in its dry state during shipping, due to its unique stability formula.

    I used the extra vial it came with also. Let me know if you have any q's

  13. #13
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:31 AM.

  14. #14
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:31 AM.

  15. #15
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    pimpdawgin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic
    These are the exact instructions mine came with:
    1. Use 2-3 ml water solution (only use the water supplied) and measure vial dose accordingly
    2. DO NOT use benzl alcohol (BA) or any other water to dilute.
    3. Each vial will yield 1000mcgs (1mg) of IGF-1 per vial.
    4. Inject water slowly down side of vial DO NOt force.
    5. Twirl solution gently and softly allowing to fully dissolve.
    6. ONLY inject via deep tissue intramuscular. Massage area after shot to allow for full absorption.
    7. ONLY use insulin pins.
    8. Practice sterile injections at all times.
    9. MUST keep refrigerated VERY COLD at all times once reconstituted.
    10. Store at JUST above freezing temperature. DO NOT FREEZE.
    11. Best temperature is just above 0 degrees Celcius.
    12. Once reconstituted it is stable at up to 8-12 weeks whilst refrigerated very cold at all times
    13. Is stable at room temp in its dry state during shipping, due to its unique stability formula.

    I used the extra vial it came with also. Let me know if you have any q's
    Thanks for the response.
    -So is the water solution (referred to in step 1) the magic 0.6% Acetic Acid solution that I ultimately want?
    -What about the NaCl (Sodium Chloride)? Is this supplied, or do I have to make my own? If so, how, and how much to draw into the syringe before injecting (in proportion to the amount of solution to be injected)?????
    AAAAAAAHHHHH..... Help!
    Sorry for the panic attack

  16. #16
    GreenNBroken is offline New Member
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    Last edited by GreenNBroken; 05-21-2007 at 12:31 AM.

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