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Thread: Am I immune to clen?

  1. #1

    Am I immune to clen?

    I am on day 5 of clen and I can honestly say I feel nothing? I started out with 40mcgs a day and the past two days I have been doing 80mcgs daily and I really cant feel anything.

    I have been eating very clean and wanting to shed some fat and was hoping this would help me but thus far this stuff doesnt seem to affect me.

    I have been eating clean and normally walk/run 5 miles after every workout normally 4 days a week.

    should I just go to 120mcg and see if that works?....eca stack seems to work better (for me anyways)

    When you squirt it in your mouth you have to swallow it correct? thats what I have been doing but sometimes it doesnt seem to get down my throat all the way LOL.

    I dunno I was just hoping to get some responses.....Thanks!


  2. #2
    chances are it is working. Not everyone gets the negative sides. A few who cracked out on eca have found that it didn't work for them. I can't stand ether .....makes me shake. the HGH fragment for me. make sure your drinking alot of water it is the trigger for fat loss. a few days after your don the water weight will come off and you should see whats what.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I found I had to dose up a lot higher than expect with Lion's stuff. Make of that what you will. But other than shakes and cramps, also check body temperature (digital thermometer in mouth, ideally to two decimel places), resting pulse and blood pressure first thing in the morning before doing anything. Ideally you'd of taken a base reading over a few days before starting clen. If it's working, you'd expect to see an increase.

    Also if you had been using ECA beforehand, you could try stopping use a couple weeks before using clen to give your beta receptors time to recover. Supposedly ECA doesn't down-regulate them as quickly as clen, but might help. Instead maybe use Forskolin inbetween, as that also increases cAMP (and ultimately HSL for breakdown of fat) but bypasses the receptors.
    Last edited by mikej; 08-14-2007 at 06:31 PM.

  4. #4


    Yes I was using quite a bit of ECA stack right before I started on Clen....that could be the problem.

    well its been a week and I havent lost any weight.... My weight is exactly the same and I have been eating clean and doing a ton of cardio.

    I think I might quit for now and take a couple weeks off and start fresh again and give my receptors a break.

    on a side note...... I recently quit smoking and maybe my metabolism is screwed up right now and I am coming back from a long layoff from the gym due to injuries last summer. I smoked for 15 years 2 packs a day and I am currently 6 weeks without a smoke....... YAY for ME!!

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