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  1. #1
    scarface007 is offline New Member
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    question on clen

    im about to start using clen , but i was wondering about the liquid form from a-a-r. how many mcg's is each spray ?
    if i wanted to run a cycle like this
    40/40/40/60/60/60/80/80/80/100/100/100/80/80/80/60/60/60/40/40/40 mcg/day for 3 weeks would i need about 7 bottles right ?

  2. #2
    Thug Nasty is offline Associate Member
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    no no no. In Lion's clen I believe it is 200 mcg/mL. The bottle is 30 mL. One pump is roughly 20mcg. So total in a bottle there is 6000 mcg. I'm not going to add up all your numbers, but the sum of all yours should be less than 6,000.

    edit: anyone feel free to correct me.

    edit2: and in my opinion, that's a crappy way to take it. I'd do much more research about dosage and how to take clen before you jump into this.

  3. #3
    scarface007 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Thug Nasty View Post
    no no no. In Lion's clen I believe it is 200 mcg/mL. The bottle is 30 mL. One pump is roughly 20mcg. So total in a bottle there is 6000 mcg. I'm not going to add up all your numbers, but the sum of all yours should be less than 6,000.

    edit: anyone feel free to correct me.

    edit2: and in my opinion, that's a crappy way to take it. I'd do much more research about dosage and how to take clen before you jump into this.

    why do you say this is a crappy way of taking clen ?

  4. #4
    scarface007 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thug Nasty View Post
    no no no. In Lion's clen I believe it is 200 mcg/mL. The bottle is 30 mL. One pump is roughly 20mcg. So total in a bottle there is 6000 mcg. I'm not going to add up all your numbers, but the sum of all yours should be less than 6,000.

    edit: anyone feel free to correct me.

    edit2: and in my opinion, that's a crappy way to take it. I'd do much more research about dosage and how to take clen before you jump into this.
    oh i see 200mcg per ml . i read it wrong i tought one bottle had only 200 mcg.

  5. #5
    Thug Nasty is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scarface007 View Post
    why do you say this is a crappy way of taking clen ?
    Because basically, I believe, your body's receptors get use to it after roughly two weeks. So many people go two weeks on/ two weeks off OR use something like benydril (sp?) to prevent those receptors from getting use to it.

    What worked best for me was:
    wk 1: 20/40/60/60/80/80/100
    wl 2: Clen 100 -
    wk 3 clen / ben 100 -
    wk 4 120 -
    wk 5 140 -
    wl 6 - clen / ben 140
    wk 7 - 120/120/100/100/80/ 60/40

    and for the Ben, I used a max of 50mg I believe.

    Anyway, that's just a rough outline of what worked best for me. Ultimately, listen to your body and how it responds. 140mcg a day may be too much for you. I dont know, only you can tell.

    But I am absolutely no expert on this, you'll have to keep researching....
    Last edited by Thug Nasty; 04-08-2008 at 12:25 AM.

  6. #6
    scarface007 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thug Nasty View Post
    Because basically, I believe, your body's receptors get use to it after roughly two weeks. So many people go two weeks on/ two weeks off OR use something like benydril (sp?) to prevent those receptors from getting use to it.

    What worked best for me was:
    wk 1: 20/40/60/60/80/80/100
    wl 2: Clen 100 -
    wk 3 clen / ben 100 -
    wk 4 120 -
    wk 5 140 -
    wl 6 - clen / ben 140
    wk 7 - 120/120/100/100/80/ 60/40

    and for the Ben, I used a max of 50mg I believe.

    Anyway, that's just a rough outline of what worked best for me. Ultimately, listen to your body and how it responds. 140mcg a day may be too much for you. I dont know, only you can tell.

    But I am absolutely no expert on this, you'll have to keep researching....
    yeah i read perfect beast thread were he described preatty much what you are saying .

    did you use the spray from lion or the tabs ?

    were you doing the complet dosage once a day or were you sprding it out ?

  7. #7
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I thought I had answered this question already.

    question on clen

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