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  1. #1
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Clen + T3 same time? Please help!

    So I got some t3 and clen in and looking to take. Im wondering how I should be dosing this stuff when taken together. I have recently taken clen, up to about 140 a day for about 6 straight weeks with the sleeping pills in the middle of that. Had great results, and hoping the inclusion of t3 will help even more so.


  2. #2
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006

  3. #3
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    If your purposes are fatloss only, so stick with this stack. Any anabolics on your course?

  4. #4
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    did a cycle already of: test, deca , and winny. finished up pct about a month ago and now looking to cut. Ive done clen before so i know how to run that just not entirely sure on the t3. Im thinking ill do both for about 5 or 6 weeks and see how much it helps.

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