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Thread: clen question

  1. #1
    natvtec1.8's Avatar
    natvtec1.8 is offline Associate Member
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    clen question

    just got some clen for my wife , was wondering what would be a good dose to start at . and what would be the longest she could run it for

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Jun 2007
    read this
    Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

    it has ways to check how the clen is working, temp, bp etc.
    start her off at 10-20mcg per day and go up by 20mcg every three days till she gets sides

    i'd say she can run it for 4-6weeks with the benedryl method, just monitor her temp and bp

  3. #3
    natvtec1.8's Avatar
    natvtec1.8 is offline Associate Member
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    started my wife with 60mcg and she got shaky hands, heart pounding, and ended get a head ache what could it be . she took it at 3 pm and its 12 56 am and she still has a head ache should i drop the dose , she also tells me that she started to sweat for only 30 minutes then it left , some one help me out .

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    i told you to start with 10-20mcg and you start her on 60, thats a high starting dose for a male, hell yess you should drop the dose and once you give it to her there is not much you can do but wait it out

  5. #5
    natvtec1.8's Avatar
    natvtec1.8 is offline Associate Member
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    yea i know i think i almost killed her , just playing, drop it down to 20 mcgs but she doesnt fell a thing not even shakes i will bump it up to 30 mcg to see.

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