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  1. #41
    Dr_BruceBanner is offline Junior Member
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    Seems like LION went OUT OF HIS way to satisfy a customer. That's what I call good business. I would do busiess with Lion in a heartbeat.

    As for G-force, I can see your point about not shipping to Europe but if it was me and you had waited 6 months, I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to help you out in anyway. In the future maybe you need to reconcile your checkbook every month. You do know that the BANKS make mistakes ALL the time. You need to stay on top of it every month.

    One month I found the bank had deposited a $2800.00 check of mine in some one elses account. That person didn't let the back know. In fact they spent most of it as soon as they realized the mistake deposit was in their account. Luckily I still had the deposit receipt and do business with them regularly and so they resloved it ASAP. BUT if I had waited 6 months and had bounced checks to a dozen places you can imagine what a fcking headache that would have been.

    Each place would have charged me a 35 return check fee plus the back charging me a 35 dollar overdraft fee. Plus screwing up my credit and it wouldn't have even been my fault. It could have easily gotten into the thousands of dollars.

    As you can imagine I check my statements with a fine tooth comb these days. Funny thing is that wasn't even the first time a back has screwed me over.

  2. #42
    *Admin* is offline AR Admin
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    Jul 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacquesvw View Post
    Thanks so much!

    Lion stated t o me that he was checking into it and would get back to us/you with details... so please give it another day or two to see what is going on....

    also please start a thread in the one on one section and post the details of your situation with the email addy apparently the one we here is incorrect...

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  3. #43
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    all this couldve been avoided if he simply stated on his website that they arent currently shipping overseas

    so easily avoided

    yet he still hasnt done it

  4. #44
    Jacquesvw is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008
    Yes, and I've not had any reply from them as of yet. So I guess they are not going to refund me or send my products... last time I checked that was called stealing.

    I do not recommend them to anyone and they should be added to the list of scammers out there.

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