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  1. #1
    rawlings22 is offline New Member
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    Finished first week of clen

    Yesterday I finished up my first week of clen from Ar-r . So far so good I haven't weighed but def. feel thinner and have noticed some fat loss esp. around my lower back and upper part of my stomach. So far I have dosed it like this....

    day 1 40mcg
    day 2 40mcg
    day 3 60mcg
    day 4 60mcg
    day 5 60mcg
    day 6 80mcg
    day 7 80mcg
    day 8 100mcg

    This is my first clen cycle so I have nothing to compare it to but it seems like its good stuff. As far as the side effects mainly just shaky hands and mild cramps. I am taking taurine everyday and plenty of potassium. On day 2 my temp. went up to 99.9 but every since has stayed around 98.6 or so. It usually ran 98 to 98.3 before the clen. No headaches, BP has been good. Yesterday however I had to cut my workout short because of cramps. I was doing shoulders and arms and my shoulders and quads were cramping so bad I had to quit. Also about day 3 seems like every muscle in my body was sore and that actually lasted for 2 or 3 days. Also resting pulse has went up from 56 to about 70. I'm gonna weight after the 14 days. still not sure if I'm gonna do 2 on 2 off or the benadryl. I'll try to update regularly

  2. #2
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Take Taurine......Helps with cramps......Only thing that ever cramped on me was my feet......Strange......

  3. #3
    rawlings22 is offline New Member
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    I am taking taurine 2g a day. Guess I'll bump it up

  4. #4
    ArmedHammerd's Avatar
    ArmedHammerd is offline Associate Member
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    damn sounds like this stuff works good im going to b starting my clen cycle here in a couple days please post ur weight loss from taking this product best of luck thanks

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Take Taurine......Helps with cramps......Only thing that ever cramped on me was my feet......Strange......
    Wait until you have a cramp where your left arm locks up to the point you have to push it against your leg and use all your power to straighten it out. I will never use clen again without taurine lol.

  6. #6
    rawlings22 is offline New Member
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    Looks like I've lost 7 lbs since I've started which was 12 days ago. I'm sure some of that is water weight. So far I've been impressed. Side Effects have gotten better, no more cramps, just shaky hands. I've taken 110mcg the last 2 days. Gonna do 120mcg tomorow, and start taking the benadryl on day 15.

  7. #7
    rawlings22 is offline New Member
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    Just checked my temp and its 99.4 orally. Since I've started taking 100mcg or more my temp hasn't been lower than 98.8. Anyone elses temp ever get to like 99.4 or higher while on clen ? Also quick question. If my temp is still staying elevated above normal after day 14 could I continue to run the clen without the benadryl until my temp goes back to normal? thanks

  8. #8
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    glad to see your having results on clen , that stuff works amazing. If your temp is too high then you should think about dropping your dose a bit to see how that affects you. Clen is very subjective some people need to go up to 200 mcgs per day to see results, I only use 100 mcgs per day max and that's enough for me.

  9. #9
    Bren's Avatar
    Bren is offline Associate Member
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    What are you using to measure out the dosage? Does the kit come with anything to measure out the mcg's

  10. #10
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bren View Post
    What are you using to measure out the dosage? Does the kit come with anything to measure out the mcg's
    When you get a research chem from ar-r they give you a measuring syringe.

    The clen definitely works. I'm thinking I may go with albuterol to cut down on the sides plus you can run it longer.

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