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  1. #1
    sanman's Avatar
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    Question on clen...

    Been taking ar-r clen for the last 4 days & I am up to 80mcgs.I take the dosage first thing in the morning.I do feel my temp raising in the morning hrs but later on dont really feel anything no shakes no rapid heart beat.Just like to know am I suppose to feel the effects all day or just a few hrs a day.Just feel like if I dont feel any side effects its not working & just want to make sure whats going into my body every day.Dont feel like raising the dosage everyday just to see what dosage works for me.I just thought at 80mcgs I will be feeling it alot more.I know everybody reacts diffrent but if I dont really feel anything how is it working.Maybe just a bad batch????
    Last edited by sanman; 04-02-2010 at 02:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I just basically asked the same thing, I'm at 80mcg and feel it in the morning but after that nothing. Was thinking taking 3 times a day maybe?

  3. #3
    sanman's Avatar
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    Yea hope someone would chime in with the answer.Just hoping at 100mcs tomorrow I will feel some kind of side effects to know its working.

  4. #4
    sellersis's Avatar
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    I'm on day 6 at 120mcg. Of course the usual effects are present. I didnt think I had very bad shakes until I had to write. Dude, my hand writing went to sh*t. And I stay hot! No matter what I do I cant cool off. Other than that the only thing I've noticed is that my heart rate rises much faster during cardio. And just because the side effects arent bad doesnt mean its not working. What are the scales saying? After 6 days I'm down almost 3lbs. We all respond to things differently. And I feel sure that Ar-r produces consistant quality products. Enjoy the light side effects!

  5. #5
    sanman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sellersis View Post
    I'm on day 6 at 120mcg. Of course the usual effects are present. I didnt think I had very bad shakes until I had to write. Dude, my hand writing went to sh*t. And I stay hot! No matter what I do I cant cool off. Other than that the only thing I've noticed is that my heart rate rises much faster during cardio. And just because the side effects arent bad doesnt mean its not working. What are the scales saying? After 6 days I'm down almost 3lbs. We all respond to things differently. And I feel sure that Ar-r produces consistant quality products. Enjoy the light side effects!
    Maybe I am just lucky not to get the bad side effects then I should be grateful!!!LOL
    sellersis when you say you stay hot is that all day or when you first take it & a couple hrs after that?????

  6. #6
    ZoomyR6 is offline Junior Member
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    I started with 60 and went up to 120 in 5 days cause I wasnt feeling much either. I didnt get and side effects except increased HR. I went up to 160 so far with out feeling much but once I started my Keto, about 5 days later I am back down to 120.
    I guess we're the lucky ones that have the mild side effects

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomyR6 View Post
    I started with 60 and went up to 120 in 5 days cause I wasnt feeling much either. I didnt get and side effects except increased HR. I went up to 160 so far with out feeling much but once I started my Keto, about 5 days later I am back down to 120.
    I guess we're the lucky ones that have the mild side effects

    I guess sellersis is right check the scale.Or is it just the good diet I am follwing.Dont get me wrong I am not looking to get the side effects but when you read all about clen & it tells you the main thing is the rise in your temp.& you dont even have that I would think its not working.

  8. #8
    sellersis's Avatar
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    I really stay hot most of the day. Thats the main effect that I'm seeing, other than lookin like a sweat hog in the gym, which is good! I really want to throw in the T3 on the next cycle. After that my Test-E and Winny should arrive.

  9. #9
    sanman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sellersis View Post
    I really stay hot most of the day. Thats the main effect that I'm seeing, other than lookin like a sweat hog in the gym, which is good! I really want to throw in the T3 on the next cycle. After that my Test-E and Winny should arrive.

    Now I know its a bad batch...dont even feel hot!!!!!!

  10. #10
    sellersis's Avatar
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    Did you get it from Ar-r ?

  11. #11
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    I have dosed up to 180mcg of Clen and got to a point where I dont feel the "shakes".

    Your body adapts to it rapidly, some more then others.

    Also for the guy waiting for his Winny, why not cycle the winny with the clen versus taking the clen on it's own.

    I am about to start a mega cycle of Ritalin, Clen, T3, Caffeine, Aspirin and yohimbine-hydrochloride and then tossing in some EQ. Wish I could get my hands on some Winny tabs as I hate using darts.

    I am really just shooting to drop fat and get cut but Winny would be great to add a nice 5-7lbs of lb while I am dropping the fat.

    On that note I haven't taken Clen in a minute and forgot how to read/measure out into a 1CC syringe. Any help? I think it was for every 10 marker on the syringe thats 100mcg of Clen but now i can't remember as it's been about 2 years.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sellersis View Post
    Did you get it from Ar-r?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    I have dosed up to 180mcg of Clen and got to a point where I dont feel the "shakes".

    Your body adapts to it rapidly, some more then others.

    Also for the guy waiting for his Winny, why not cycle the winny with the clen versus taking the clen on it's own.

    I am about to start a mega cycle of Ritalin, Clen, T3, Caffeine, Aspirin and yohimbine-hydrochloride and then tossing in some EQ. Wish I could get my hands on some Winny tabs as I hate using darts.

    I am really just shooting to drop fat and get cut but Winny would be great to add a nice 5-7lbs of lb while I am dropping the fat.

    On that note I haven't taken Clen in a minute and forgot how to read/measure out into a 1CC syringe. Any help? I think it was for every 10 marker on the syringe thats 100mcg of Clen but now i can't remember as it's been about 2 years.

    Well really felt nothing since I started 4 days ago!!

  14. #14
    sellersis's Avatar
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    All the pros on this forum will strongly advise against using winny alone. When I run a cycle I would like to get as much out of it as possible. A winny only cycle wouldnt be very effective. Plus it WILL give you the limp dick since. Thats why its important to run test with it. Plus, winny is hell on your joints. Some bros have said that the pain is unbearable. Thats why they run test with it, to lube the joints. So no, I wont be doing a Winny/Clen cycle. But I will be doing a Test E/Winny/Clen cycle.

    And Sanman, I feel sure that the folks at Ar-r would be able to help you. If you somehow got a bad batch I feel strongly that they would return or replace.

  15. #15
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    Thanks selleris I see what they say when they get back to me.

  16. #16
    DP_Builtforlife's Avatar
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    End of second week on clen and my body temp has not risen, I don't sweat, and don't even really have the shakes. Heart rate goes sky high though. haven't lost any weight either!!

  17. #17
    sanman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DP_Builtforlife View Post
    End of second week on clen and my body temp has not risen, I don't sweat, and don't even really have the shakes. Heart rate goes sky high though. haven't lost any weight either!!

    Lets see what ar-r has to say!!!!!!!

  18. #18
    tballz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DP_Builtforlife View Post
    End of second week on clen and my body temp has not risen, I don't sweat, and don't even really have the shakes. Heart rate goes sky high though. haven't lost any weight either!!
    Sounds like it's working to me.

    What do you attribute the rise in heart rate if it's not the clen?

  19. #19
    ZoomyR6 is offline Junior Member
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    What batch are you using guys?

  20. #20
    sanman's Avatar
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    Batch # 316101

  21. #21
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    sanman, i am more than happy to send you a new bottle of clen .

    However, it needs to be clear - a "batch" consists of literally hundreds of units. It is highly unlikely that only a few units out of a batch are "bad". More likely, an entire batch would be bad, which would mean several hundreds of customers/members would be complaining, which isn't the case (thankfully has never been the case.)

    Please send me a PM with order #,


  22. #22
    sanman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR-R View Post
    sanman, i am more than happy to send you a new bottle of clen .

    However, it needs to be clear - a "batch" consists of literally hundreds of units. It is highly unlikely that only a few units out of a batch are "bad". More likely, an entire batch would be bad, which would mean several hundreds of customers/members would be complaining, which isn't the case (thankfully has never been the case.)

    Please send me a PM with order #,

    Thanks PM sent.

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