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  1. #1
    itsthatguy is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    AVS System Mismatch..

    Hey, just reposting the message I sent through customer service to hopefully speed up the process.. I don't know why the AVS system on some supplement websites (this has happened before) says that my card information doesn't verify but hopefully we can clear this up quickly.

    "Hello, I tried making a single purchase of ???? and it said my card didn't make it through the AVS system. This has happened a couple of times when I order through supplement websites like this. I went ahead and checked my bank account and you guys do have a hold on my funds, and I know how this process works, so if you can please get a hold of me ASAP so I can verify my account information and we can continue this transaction, that'd be great. I don't know why AVS always says my card doesn't match the billing information or whatever, but the last time this happened (through TFSupplements) I ended up calling them and we had to talk to my bank via three way conversation. Anyway, thanks for the help."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    AVS errors usually occur when the address or zip is entered incorrectly. Our payment portal software attempts to "match" what the customer enters on the site with the information the bank has. If they don't match up, no dice. The pending sale will drop off on your banks side within 24-48 hours.


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