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Thread: running CLen

  1. #1
    enigma10's Avatar
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    running CLen

    What do you guys usually do for Clen , how long do you run it for and do you stack anything with it.

    This is what im doing with no AS.
    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg

  2. #2
    enigma10's Avatar
    enigma10 is offline Member
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    oops, i hit enter twice disregard this one.

  3. #3
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    thats good u need too take taurine and run ur cycle for 14 days on 14 days off i raised my dose every day 20 mcgs untill i hit 120 mcgs as the high

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Taurine will help, you could also supplement keto, with keto you wont have to take two weeks off, run it straight through.

  5. #5
    toothache's Avatar
    toothache is offline Senior Member
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    Ketotifen up regulates the receptors so you can run clen for longer. It also makes you drowsy so it helps with the insomnia clen causes.

  6. #6
    sixoner is offline Member
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    clen may cause insomnia in some people it did not in my experience at 120mcg every day

    clen may cause cramping it did not in my experience, I take 1000mg of taurine regardless

    ketotifen may cause drowsiness it did not cause drowsiness in my experience at 2mg every night

  7. #7
    toothache's Avatar
    toothache is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    clen may cause insomnia in some people it did not in my experience at 120mcg every day

    clen may cause cramping it did not in my experience, I take 1000mg of taurine regardless

    ketotifen may cause drowsiness it did not cause drowsiness in my experience at 2mg every night
    You lucky bastard. I hate the sides from clen.

  8. #8
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    the whole two weeks on two weeks off thing is overrated IMO.. it takes that long to even get running in your system.. i know at least half a dozen guys who ran 120mcg ED for six weeks with no Keto or Benadryl or any of that shit and lost 20llbs...

  9. #9
    supersetman is offline Associate Member
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    yea I like to run it straight through, but I add keto and taurine, very good results.

  10. #10
    sixoner is offline Member
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    tooth that shit is harsh don't get me wrong..had me bouncing off the walls. I cant sit still on it feel like im going to pop,gives me the shakes like nobodys business..workout days are awesome on, caused me to bump my cardio to every day.. but I do my cardio first thing in the morning 8am-ish dose the clen between 1-2pm all 120mcg at once. that way I would already have a couple meals in me. my protocol now is i just run the keto @2mg from the beginning day 1 and all the way through and i start with 120mcg too cause i already know thats my dose...

    and machine as far as running it continuously for six weeks without keto.. it would not be effective after around the first 2 weeks..first time for me it began to lose its effectiveness at day 12 which was 11days of significant dosing so i began running the keto at day 13. body temp came back up around the 3 week mark in conjunction with incresing the keto from 1mg to 2mg ....basically at day 14 I would of just been taking the clen for the shakes cause my body temp would have been normal thus the clen would have been non-effective

    second run started the protocol same way I left off. cardio in the am, 120mcg clen between 1-2pm, 2mg ketotifen within a few hours before bed 21days straight results were kick ass body temp stayed up the whole time

    so machine, are you saying clen will work continuously past 14 or so days without support for your beta-2 receptors?? because studies, research, and my personal experience with the compound prove otherwise.
    Last edited by sixoner; 11-16-2010 at 10:54 PM.

  11. #11
    aPlinker's Avatar
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    The keto method has worked well for me. I take 160mcg of Clen in the morning on an empty stomach before cardio, 2,000mg taurine with breakfast, then 3mg Keto before bed (started on day 10).

    No problems with insomnia or drowsiness. I am on day 16 and will be doing it for 30 days

  12. #12
    sixoner is offline Member
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    damn bro thats a serious dose of clen on empty to boot..I will not lie i'm straight up scared to run more than 120mcg..keto seems to be effective @ 2mg with that dose so that's all square.

    how are the results with that cowboy dose, first week was pretty impressive or what?

  13. #13
    aPlinker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    damn bro thats a serious dose of clen on empty to boot..I will not lie i'm straight up scared to run more than 120mcg..keto seems to be effective @ 2mg with that dose so that's all square.

    how are the results with that cowboy dose, first week was pretty impressive or what?
    Results have been good, probably down about 9 pounds (194-185), 6 pack is more visible than in avi. I started my clen at 40mcg and upped it until sides started to affect me. The first 5 days or so I was feeling pretty shaky/nervous but after that, I really don't feel much except for some minor shakes. 160mcg might be slightly high, I will probably lower and cap it at 140mcg/day when I finish the week of Keto and the next time I cycle clen.

  14. #14
    Egan is offline New Member
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    Wow this is all good info i am looking at doing this soon.
    What Bf % should you be on before starting clen for good results?

  15. #15
    ylfcm is offline Junior Member
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    Iv been on clen for about about week and a half slowly increasing dose trying to feel the sides , im now up to 240mcg day divided into 3 doses and cant feel sides . just increased heart rate , I lost kg of fat in first week , no reducing calories and no cardio . Doing this for research purposes :-) My mate is feeling sides of 20mcg and cant handle 40 .

    Main reason im taking clen is to stay more anabolic post cycle.

  16. #16
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    240mcg is a ridiculous amount. I've never heard of anyone taking that much. Are you and your friend taking from the same batch? Or is his different?

  17. #17
    Egan is offline New Member
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    Wow that sounds like an awfull lot from what i have read on forums.....

    Anybody care to answer my post please

  18. #18
    sixoner is offline Member
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    yeah 240mcg is a seriously insane dose of clenbuteral. my best guess is that your compound is seriously underdosed or mis-interpretation the oral syringe or concentration of tablets or whatever..160mcg is a seriously high dose for that matter

    egan from my experience with clenbuteral I would not mess with the stuff if I were really out of shape.

  19. #19
    Egan is offline New Member
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    Thanks sixoner wasn't going to till in the teens as far as bf% went

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