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Thread: T3 questions

  1. #1
    Broscience is offline New Member
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    T3 questions

    Well I have a couple questions and it wouldn't let me search T3.

    1. Are there any sides to T3?
    2. I see sample programs, you don't need to do on and off weeks?
    3. Do you need some kind of therapy after due to it being a synthetic hormone?
    4. What is the max time someone should take it?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    X83's Avatar
    X83 is offline Member
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    Side effects include, but are not limited to: heart palpitations, agitation, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, headaches, and psychic/metabolic disorders. As for the dosage, one should be very careful since Cytomel T3 is a very strong and highly effective thyroid hormone . It is extremely important that one begins with a low dosage, increasing it slowly and evenly over the course of several days. Most begin by taking one 25 mcg tablet per day and increasing Cytomel dosage every three to four days by one additional tablet. Its doses higher than 100 mcg/day that are not necessary or advisable. It is not recommended that the daily dose be taken all at once but broken down into three smaller individual doses so that they become more effective. It is also important that Cytomel not be taken for more than six weeks. At least two months of abstinence needs to follow. Those who take high dosages of Cytomel over a long period of time are at risk of developing a chronic thyroid insufficiency. As a consequence, one might be forced to take thyroid medication for the rest of his life. It is also important that the dosage is reduced slowly and evenly by taking fewer tablets and not be ended abruptly. It can be stacked or alternated with clenbuterol . It's recommend to alternate, three weeks clenbuterol with three weeks cytomel, since clenbuterol loses most of its benefits after a short period of time and using cytomel for extended time-periods will increase the risk of permanent thyroid failure.

    Running it for three weeks, one could choose for a schedule as follows:

    25/25/25/50/50/50/75/75/75/100/100/100/75/75/75/50/50/50/25/25/25 mcg/day

    If taken for 4 weeks, then run each dose for 4 days, 5 weeks then each dose for 5 days and so on.

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