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  1. #1
    kingofhard is offline New Member
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    First Clen/T3/Yohimbe Stack

    Hi guys, I just got my first Clen stack in and I'll be posting my results. I'll be taking the yohimbine to enhance the effects of the stack and suppress my hunger. Yohimbine does act as an anti diuretic so I'll probably hold a little water but the overall effects are worth it to me.
    I started as a very obese guy and I've been training for a little over three years and this is my first try with gchems. I am currently around a bf% of 22. I've used eca, ecy, oxyelite, and now I'm ready to step it up.
    Usually, my diet is on point but I've been eating dirty for the last month(stress) but that will change now because I'm always dedicated when I need to be. Along with my diet of a balanced meal of high protein, moderate carbs, and low fat, I will be taking Metforman with carbs which should make every meal a post workout meal. And I'll take ZMA for some add test boosting.
    My workouts will vary from week to week. Right now I'm doing POF with low rep/heavy weight for the midrange(4sets x 4,6,8,10). My stretch lifts are a moderate weight(3 x 10). And my Isolation lifts are light(4 x 12-15). I always have serious pump after these workouts.

    I'l keep you'll posted as to how everything is working out

  2. #2
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Why T3? If you decide to do T3, keep the dosage low because when taking with Clen you can't really feel the effects so people up the dosage on T3 and end up feeling like crap due to what it does to your thyroid.

  3. #3
    kingofhard is offline New Member
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    I'm keeping my T3 dosage at 50mcg in the morning and 25mcg in the evening.

  4. #4
    kingofhard is offline New Member
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    Ok, it's been four days now and so far so good. On Fri, I had legs/shoulders. On my squat I usually use 495lbs and 4 x 6-8. This time I got 4 x 10 easy. Didn't realize that this stack would give me extra strength. Or did it. Next was my leg extensions. I did 4x10 with 110lbs. But now I'm tired as hell all of a sudden. So I skip my stiff legs knowing I still have shoulders and go straight to leg curls. I do one set of 12 with 90lbs and the cramps come hard. I try to get a second set after a minute break but only get seven. Next it was seated military presses behind the head. I got my four set at 130lbs pretty well. I used the same weight to do shrugs at four sets. But for some reason I feel completely beat. This workout was over. Not ever eneough energy for cardio.
    I rest for the weekend and feel really tired the entire time. On Mon. I had chest and triceps. I started with three drop sets on the incline with dumb bells 100x6 95x8 and 90x10. Then I did barbell bench 3x10 at 225/185lbs. This was weird because I usually do all three sets with 225lbs but felt a little weaker this time. I then moved to incline flies 2x12 35lbs superset with pushups 2x10. After this I did crossovers, drop set of 15/12. I finished with thirty mins of cardio. I don't know what the weak feeling is coming from but I hope it passes.

  5. #5
    kingofhard is offline New Member
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    The Diet
    On Sun I grilled up some chicken breast, sirloin steaks, and pork chops for the whole week. For breakfast I have 8 eggs 7 whites and 1 whole. After that, I'll have three 50g whey shakes and three salads with two boiled eggs, hot peppers, almonds, onions, and a cup full of the diced grilled meat topped with some Italian dressing. I alternate the salads and whey shakes, feeding every two hours except for my wourkout time. I eat an hour before my workout, and a pwo shake after cardio.

  6. #6
    kingofhard is offline New Member
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    Also, gonna take the T3 out tomorrow to see if tuner was right, and if that's whats making me feel like hibernating.

  7. #7
    toothache's Avatar
    toothache is offline Senior Member
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    Doing a clen /t3 stack then working out it's as if you already worked out. It takes a toll on your body.

  8. #8
    streets is offline New Member
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    I just got my clen in the mail with the keto but T3 was out of stock. I'm ordering the T3 tomorrow. Im on a winstrol only cycle. My main goal is to add a little lean muscle and cut as much fat as possible. Im 28 years old. 5'10" 197lbs. If I had to guess, I would say Im around 20% bodyfat. Can anyone give me any suggestions on the doses? Any any other suggestions? Thanks in advance
    Kingofhard, did you start feeling better after doing away with the T3? Did you try reducing the dose? and what kind of results have you noticed from both the clen and T3?

  9. #9
    czuniga2 is offline New Member
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    Ok i have done a lot of research on the proper cycle to use clen and t/3 becuase i want to take it but their are a couple of questions I have. Please someone email me and tell me where to get the legitment stuff most people give me the site sponsor which i have got mixed reviews on. So please ill give you my email tell me where you go it and what brand of t/3 i should look for and the brand of clem i should look for. This will be my first time taking it!

    Do i take them in the morning all at once or do i split up the doses to twice a day and when should i work out?
    i have the cylce program im using so these are the only things hanging me up!

    Please someone help me i know your not suppossed to give out your sources but how the hell m i anyone supposed to get the stuff then its like impossible please HELP

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