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  1. #1
    FFA2 is offline New Member
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    Question Safe Clen Usage?

    I've come into possession of Clenbuterol for research purposes, and am thankful that a legitimate supplier like AR-R exists for us researchers, I appreciate the professionalism and service.

    For my research, I'm looking into its effects in weight loss. My research subject has already lost 7lbs since the New Year and is very happy with his progress so far, a simple clean diet and light cardio program with weightlifting thrown in has done a lot for him so far. He estimates (and will know for sure today), about 15 percent bodyfat, at around 170lbs. My research subject does not want to use Clen until he is at least 12 percent BF or less, and wants to use it as a way to breakthrough any potential stalling, not a shortcut along the way.

    I have some questions:

    1. About dosage, should it be dosed daily? Is this an appropriate dosing pattern? 20/20/20/40/40/40/60/60/60/80/80/80/100/100/100, then stop for 2 weeks. Really the research subject sees no need to cycle again after 2 weeks off. Again this is simply to push through walls and assistance with getting to the single digit BF, not to make weight loss faster along the entire way.

    2. My research subject has heard about the effects of T3 coupled with Clen, and is interested as it hailed as the most potent thermogenic/weightloss combination available. My research subject is worried about "synthetic thyroid hormone" and is concerned about the effects on his thyroid and endocrine system. Is there any risk with responsible use, maybe a single two week cycle or two within a year coupled with Clen? My research subject values the natural balance and hormone levels and is not willing to risk health problems down the line for a few lbs being lost faster. My research subject will try Clen for a cycle, and then consider T3 later on if necessary.

    3. I also have a question about down-regulation. I'm not sure what this term means. This is both in reference to Clen and T3. Is downregulation reduced sensitivty in the receptors to the effects of these compounds? Are the receptors in anyway damaged or "fried"? Or are they simply tolerant and need time away from these to return to normal? Are beta 2 receptors in anyway damaged or their ability to return to baseline affected just from a 2 week cycle?

    Also looking for any previous experiences with Clen and their effectiveness, I've heard people claim they've lost 5lbs within a week, at the same time they do not mention their current weight, so for someone at 170 and 15% BF, that seems quite unrealistic and unhealthy at that fact.

    I know you all may not have all the answers, but I appreciate any input, and again thanks for this great resource, I appreciate all the information available.

    Also if this is the wrong forum, sorry, not sure where else was appropriate!

  2. #2
    FFA2 is offline New Member
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    In addition, I noted that a sticky here says it must be refrigerated, how fast will Clen breakdown without refrigeration? It was in the mail for about a week before it got to me, and its pretty warm where I currently am, so I'm unsure if the heat and non-refrigeration for that long could have damaged the quality of the product?

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Others more knowledgable will chime in, but here are a couple of things I have learned.

    Everyone is different when it comes to sides and what dose they can handle. I can take over 100mcg with virtually zero sides. Others stop taking it at 40 because they feel so awful. So, start at 20 or 40, but don't waste your time taking those low doses for four days if you don't feel much.

    Also, this is no miracle worker. Two weeks, with much of it spent at low doses, probably won't give you the results you are looking for. You have heard of losing five pounds in a this weight loss, or a body builder saying they lost 5 pounds of fat? The last time I did a cut, I dropped my calories, did some extra cardio and lost seven pounds in the first week without clen , so this doesn't seem that great.

    There are a lot of guys with strong opinions on clen on this forum, so you should be hearing from others.

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Some love the stuff but I personally can`t handle the sides and opted to give away a big bottle of it.

  5. #5
    FFA2 is offline New Member
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    Definitely going to have the research subject take it slow and steady, and its not planned to go to 100 unless the sides don't become to crazy when dosing up, so taking it slow and steady is no problem for me.

    Again, when administering, it is done daily? So 20mcg for 3 days straight, then 40 for another 3, etc. for two weeks. Is this too slow of a ramp to notice effect in 2 weeks? Would really not prefer the subject be on it for longer than that, but do not also want to waste a 2 week period, I want to make sure I observe the full potential. Maybe 20/20/40/40/60/60 until the sides become too much? This sounds better while being the safer approach.

    Diet and exercise are in check, keeping around a 500-700 deficit clean, no processed foods/simple sugars lifting 3x a week, and doing moderate cardio, mostly LIIT nearly daily. It's been effective so far and is a good foundation, I'm just really curious to see the effect compounded with Clen . If the subject is going to be losing more than two pounds a week, definitely would prefer it NOT being muscle tissue. As long as the protein intake is high and a good workout routine is implemented, I would hope the higher fat loss is primarily fat. I also heard Clen may promote abdominal/midsection fat loss through a large amount of receptors there, I really have no idea if this is true or not though, just curious.

    Another side question, is T3 administered orally?
    Last edited by FFA2; 01-25-2012 at 07:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I start at 20 mcg day 1 then go up 20-40 a day until i reach 120mcg. I have a love/hate relationship with clen . It is great for fat loss but gives me the worst cramps no matter what. My workouts suffer when im on it

  7. #7
    FFA2 is offline New Member
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    Just going to ramp the dosage steadily until the sides become too much, seems like the most logical and safe way to do it.

    Again I'm seeing threads where people have said they've left Clen out for months in room temperature and it has been fine, and yet the sticky says refrigerate.

    Still refrigerating it, but would like to keep it out if I didn't have to immediately.

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