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Thread: Recommendations for Albut/Clen-Keto-T3 stack dose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Recommendations for Albut/Clen-Keto-T3 stack dose

    Ok so I got all my stuff today, and am wondering what the ideal amounts to take are using all 3 at once.

    I have taken clen up to 180 no problems stand alone, not much experience with anything else on the list. I would like to keep all the doses on the low end since I am not on cycle and know T3 especially can be a little dicey so you have to be careful.

    So here is what I was thinking...

    Clen - 140mcg
    T3 - 50mcg
    Keto - .7 mg


    Albut - 8ml
    T3 - 50mcg
    Keto - .7 mg

    Also what about diet I have heard protein needs to be very high if I did this. I am not on any anabolics due to fat being too high around 18% right now. I am trying to get to a better BF% before introducing any anabolics.

  2. #2
    I'm also really interested in others opinion about this. It seems like the keto might be a little low from what I have read. Again love to get some educated opinion here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    With ketotifen I always go 1mg/day. If i'm on a clen or albuterol cycle for really long then I up the dose of keto to 2mg/day. And make sure to take at night because it will make you drowsy.

    With clen make sure to start small then ramp up.

    Albuterol: I've gone as high as 24mg/day

    T3: I've ramped up to 100mcg/day. But didn't stay that high for long.

  4. #4
    Thanks a ton for the reply

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    With ketotifen I always go 1mg/day. If i'm on a clen or albuterol cycle for really long then I up the dose of keto to 2mg/day. And make sure to take at night because it will make you drowsy.

    With clen make sure to start small then ramp up.

    Albuterol: I've gone as high as 24mg/day

    T3: I've ramped up to 100mcg/day. But didn't stay that high for long.

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