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  1. #1
    camm.thomson is offline New Member
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    1st clen cycle, want to know all?

    hey guys my name is cameron im new to this site an thought it would be a good idea to do some research and ask some professionals or people who have use Clen before using it myself.

    i have researched Clen from the net, i know of its die affects and how it works aswell. but to get the full facts 1st hand i came to this website.

    my main goals is to get ripped an lose the fat were it takes along time to, as im already dieting an have been for a few months its just not good enough at this time, ive had great results but i would to take the results to the next level.

    as i have researched this product ive found a dosage in liquid, which will be the form of Clen ill be using, the doasage for a 3 week cycle is:


    with plenty of complex carbs, water and protien.

    wanting to know if this is a long enough cycle and how long a should have off and if i should continue cycleing on an off Clen.

    thank you, cameron.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    the typical duration of clen is two weeks. personally, i would not recommend clen as it is hard on the body, and is "one of those shortcuts" that people use instead of doing it right with diet and cardio.
    Additionally, it gives me the shakes and makes me irritable.

    IMO, clen is good precontest to rid the last half to one % bf. but if your diet and cardio do not support it, in all likelihood, your body will try to revert.

    my .02

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I would make sure you really know how to diet, otherwise you will be taking something that can be rough on your body for no real benefit. The diet and cardio will do the hard work and Clen will just help. It will not just melt the fat off.

    Like TR said, two weeks will be the max unless you also take Keto. 2mg per day at night because it makes you sleepy.

    Also, take 3 grams of Taurine a day to help cut down on cramps.

    Drink lots of water, also for cramps.

    You can ramp up at whatever speed you want and stop at a dose and stop before it gets unbearable. Don't go over 120mgs a day.

    The shakes, anxiety and grumpiness usually go away after the first day or two for me, but many really have a hard time with Clen.

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