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Thread: Free Diet advice by Narkissos & Novastepp: Intro to Performance Nutrition 101

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    ok i could use some help here, im 26 6'1 weight 220, no idea on bodyfat. i own a landscaping business and work my balls off, i barely have time to eat let alone eat right most of the time. i want to trim down a bit and was wondering how possible it was without having to eat the 5-6 small meals a day as i just dont have the time.

    And what would you reccomend i start eating as far a foods go to help me out. i usualy never eat breakfast, and for lunch i usually get a sandwich at a deli, such as roastbeef on a hardroll, dinner is always diffrent. usualy never healthy food, lol.
    It is very hard to evaluate a diet based on the info you gave. realistically i would say take a look at the bulking sticky, the cutting sticky, and this thread...bulking grocery list... for food selection ideas.

    at that point you will need to find a way to eat something every 3 hours. and when you can successfully make some kind of plan. post it up in a new thread for everyone to critique for you.

  2. #82
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    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    I wasn't sure if you said I should include the green veg carbs or not in my totals?
    I did.

    You should.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    Thanks for the reply Nark.
    np mate.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    I have a torn meniscus/strained ACL. I could probably do some upper body workouts.
    How bad is it?

    Does it prevent you from executing cardio with a moderate knee-bending component... like low-incline walking?

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    My plan is as follows…

    I’m 6’0, 185, estimated 25%bf. I was at one point 270 and went on an extreme caloric deficient and lost a lot of size. Knowing what I know now, I can see that was a really bad idea….But all I can do is move forward.
    Size being muscle?

    Or size being fat + muscle?

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    Low carb days 1-13, followed by a reefed on day 14 (high carb) then back to Low carb days with a reefed every 7 days. Here’s what I’ve came up with.

    Low carb day:
    06:30AM Meal 1:
    ½ cup egg whites 61 0 13 1
    1 whole egg 75 5 6 1
    1 scoop whey 104 0 20 6
    ½ cup dry oats 145 2 6 25

    Totals 385 7 45 33
    Not a bad meal

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    09:00AM Meal 2:
    6 oz turkey burger 180 2 42 0
    1 tbsp. flax oil 120 14 0 0
    2 cups broccoli

    Totals 300 16 42 0
    Broccoli contributes both carbs and protein.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    12:00PM Meal 3:
    6 oz beef burger 180 2 42 0
    1 tbsp. flax oil 120 14 0 0
    2 cups g. beans

    Totals 300 16 42 0
    Beans contribute carbs and protein.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    02:30PM Meal 4:
    6 oz chicken 180 2 42 0
    1 tbsp. flax oil 120 14 0 0
    2 cups broccoli

    Totals 300 16 42 0
    See above.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    05:30PM Meal 5:
    6 oz tuna 180 1 43 0
    2 tbsp mayo 120 14 0 0
    2 cups spinach

    Totals 300 16 43 0
    See above.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    08:00PM Meal 6:
    6 oz turkey burger 180 2 42 0
    1 tbsp. flax oil 120 14 0 0
    2 cups broccoli

    Totals 300 16 42 0
    See above.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    Daily totals: 1885 87 255 25

    Your carbs are higher.

    Personally.. reviewing your case.. I think you should carb cycle.

    I'll reserve further comment until you clarify just what you can and cannot do w/ regard to training.

    For future reference.. what is your training split at present?

    Or your projected training split for this cutting phase?

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    And for the refeed day I would follow this:
    • Daily totals: 2400 calories, Carb: 350g, Protein: 185g
    Looks decent.

    Originally Posted by Braunstein View Post
    • Per meal totals: 400 calories, 30g protein, 58g carb (fruits okay)
    See this post:

    Particularly my thoughts on fruit.

    Keep your kcal/carb allotment in mind when adding fruits on your re-feed day.

    Re-feed isn't synonymous with 'cheat'.. So don't confuse the two.

    Reposted by Nova
    Last edited by novastepp; 04-25-2008 at 02:46 PM.

  3. #83
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    Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG
    Hey thanks for the response.
    Np mate

    Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG
    Ok so do you suggest for PWO i use what, 40-50 grams of protein and maybe 40-50 grams of oatmeal?
    How much protein you use should be related to you, your diet structure, and your LBM.

    The carb choice I'd suggest would be oats or potatoes.

    Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG
    What is your PWO meal?
    Eggwhites + potatoes
    Soy protein + oats

    Or even a standard whole meal if i'm cutting.

    Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG
    Can i add malto into this since its considered complex?
    Again...It's a matter personal preference.

    Years ago I used a weight-gainer: massive whey-gainer by ultimate nutrition.

    Malto was its primary carb-contributing ingredient.

    It worked relatively well.

    So.. i'm not against malto in the least.

    But.. i will concede that you have to experiment to figure out what works best for you.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBell View Post
    Only fats taken in need to be of the O M E G A 3,6,&9 category that you would get out of fish, flax or borage oils.

    i don't agree with that at all, and that totally depends on what you are doing with your diet. Fats are essential to hormone regulation, and after harsh cycles it is commonplace for extreme supplementation with saturated fats. But this isn't the discussion we are looking for in this thread so I won't comment on it further.

    Everyone should avoid milk and everything else that is white except beans, eggs, and cauliflower. Milk is very bad for you. It is intended for baby calf not humans. Rice milk is safe for men. Soy contains alot of phytoestrogens as well.

    wow, that's a blanket sweep that isn't backed by much literature at all. I use milk bulking/cutting/crapping... all the time. and to say food thats are "white" are harmful is juvenile.

    Sugar, flour, starches all bad. Don't shop the middle isles of the store. Bottom line is if it ain't in your cabinet you won't eat it. So, learn how to shop properly. Get the produce up front, meat down the side isle, and the juice and eggs are in the last isle. Fruit juice that is. Awe dream with me. If we could only go to the store and get our juice.

    you said sugar was bad, but you're buying fruit juice? I don't see any sense to your post and I am basically going to disregard what you said.

    NE way back to the subject..... The middle isles are boxed foods with thickeners which are starches, noodles, baked goods, chips, sodas, snacks. All these things are empty calories that have no place in an athletes body.
    Peanut butter? Hmmm I can rationalize protein and some good fats. LOL
    i don't know what to say. did you have a question?

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    No, I definitely like to hear your opinions always too Nova, respect your knowledge just as much.
    thanks man

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05 View Post

    Although my own methodologies differ quite markedly with your own, I am always eager to read what both of you have to say when it comes to nutrition.
    and in all honesty, that is what makes this so great. There are varying opinions in regard to dieting. We are merely showing ours based on science, and our experiences with others and ourselves. I would ask you to gather as much info as you can and try this approach. It really does work wonders for those dedicated to the lifestyle we choose to follow. one of destruction and big thighs.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by pump.joe View Post
    Why exactly is milk bad for you?
    I know you were replying to him, but I have something to say about milk. First of all, I do not have a dairy allergy like many do. Basically it doesn't bloat me. Many have problems digesting the sugars in milk, mainly galactose. Many folks have slight food allergies and don't know it. For instance I get really bloated if I eat rice, and that is my little food allergy. So I stay away from rice.

    In reference to milks nutritional value, wow. I love it. Low GI sugar, whey and casein protein. 80% of the protein in milk is usually whey and the other 20% is usually casein.

    I also use milk in every single PWO meal.

  8. #88
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    Low carb day:
    06:30AM Meal 1:
    ½ cup egg whites 61 0 13 1
    1 whole egg 75 5 6 1
    1 scoop whey 104 0 20 6
    ½ cup dry oats 145 2 6 25

    Totals 385 7 45 33

    09:00AM Meal 2:
    6 oz turkey burger 180 2 42 0
    1 tbsp. flax oil 120 14 0 0
    2 cups broccoli 50 1 5 9

    Totals 350 17 47 9

    12:00PM Meal 3:
    6 oz beef burger 180 2 42 0
    2 cups g. beans 50 0 4 12

    Totals 230 2 46 12

    02:30PM Meal 4:
    6 oz chicken 180 2 42 0
    1 tbsp. flax oil 120 14 0 0
    2 cups broccoli 50 1 5 9

    Totals 350 17 47 9

    05:30PM Meal 5:
    6 oz tuna 180 1 43 0
    2 tbsp mayo 120 14 0 0
    2 cups spinach 10 0 2 2

    Totals 310 16 43 2

    08:00PM Meal 6:
    6 oz turkey burger 180 2 42 0
    2 cups broccoli 50 1 5 9

    Totals 230 3 47 9

    Daily totals: 1855 62 275 74

    I added the macros for the veggies as you requested, and removed 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil to compensate for the added calories from the veggies. I hope that was the right thing to do?

    The injury isn’t that bad. I could probably stand to do some low impact cardio 3-4 times a week.
    I currently undertake in no weight training.
    By size I was referring to overall weight. (fat and muscle)
    For the reefed day, I understand. I won’t make it a cheat time.

    Thanks again for your help, I hope I answered everything correctly.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I think some Mod should change the title of this thread in "Free Diet Advice by Novastepp".
    He will be surely up to this.

    I'm going to be emailing Nark responses, and we're going through this together. For now I have to go to another meeting, but I will be around all weekend to discuss with anyone along with Nark. in the meantime please keep the questions coming and the discussion rolling.

  10. #90
    sepp2323 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice. i always think about going back to the weights but i am really happy with my "core training workout". have not used weights for 2 years now and feel as healthy as i have in 10 years. all i need to do is cut about 5-10 lbs of fat and i will be really well off for the summer. i can say this thou..lifting weights for 13 years gave me a good core. as for when do i workout...after work after meal 4. funny i have been having zero energy when i get the gym at 6 at night. thansk again for the advice bud

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    I know you were replying to him, but I have something to say about milk. First of all, I do not have a dairy allergy like many do. Basically it doesn't bloat me. Many have problems digesting the sugars in milk, mainly galactose. Many folks have slight food allergies and don't know it. For instance I get really bloated if I eat rice, and that is my little food allergy. So I stay away from rice.

    In reference to milks nutritional value, wow. I love it. Low GI sugar, whey and casein protein. 80% of the protein in milk is usually whey and the other 20% is usually casein.

    I also use milk in every single PWO meal.
    Thanks for chiming in, Nova. I've read a couple posts on this board about how lifters should stay away from milk with no mention of lactose intolerance. I'd like to hear the rationale behind that, if there is one. I drink milk for the reasons you stated above, but if there is a reason I should avoid it I'd like to know!

  12. #92
    Fat Bloke is offline New Member
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    over 50 fat bloke needs help to loose weight ,running out of ideas
    my medication i am on is as follows
    1. bendroflumethiazde 2.5 mg blood/p
    2.candesartan 16mg blood/p
    3.atorvastaitin 40mg colesterol
    4.levothyroxine 200 micograms over active pituitary gland
    5. glucosamine & chondroitin 500mg + 400mg x 3 4knee's
    I am 5'8'' 240lbs 50''chest 46''belly 25%bf i have been training hard since xmas have been eating clean 4months only loss 7lbs in the first 3 weeks but cant move any more can you help
    train 5 days a week weights and cardio HIT 30mins or 45min low if knees are sore?
    8.00 oatmeal /semi milk,glass protien drink water,tea
    10.30 4 eggs scramble or tuna
    1.00 chicken,brown rice,green veg,water,cup tea
    3.00 protien drink 1/2cup oats
    4.30 training,lots of water about 3 bottles
    6.00 whey protein drink
    6.30, chicken or fish lots of vegs potatos,pasta,or rice, cup tea,water
    10.00 protien drink
    any ideas please or changes, i was thinging of trying The Ketogenic Diet

  13. #93
    Fat Bloke is offline New Member
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    my medication i am on is as follows
    1. bendroflumethiazde 2.5 mg blood/p
    2.candesartan 16mg blood/p
    3.atorvastaitin 40mg colesterol
    4.levothyroxine 200 micograms over active pituitary gland
    5. glucosamine & chondroitin 500mg + 400mg x 3 4knee's
    I am 5'8'' 240lbs 50''chest 46''belly 25%bf i have been training hard since xmas have been eating clean 4months only loss 7lbs in the first 3 weeks but cant move any more can you help
    train 5 days a week weights and cardio HIT 30mins or 45min low if knees are sore?
    8.00 oatmeal /semi milk,glass protien drink water,tea
    10.30 4 eggs scramble or tuna
    1.00 chicken,brown rice,green veg,water,cup tea
    3.00 protien drink 1/2cup oats
    4.30 training,lots of water about 3 bottles
    6.00 whey protein drink
    6.30, chicken or fish lots of vegs potatos,pasta,or rice, cup tea,water
    10.00 protien drink
    any ideas please or changes, i was thinging of trying The Ketogenic Diet

  14. #94
    THEGOLDPRO is offline New Member
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    well i have changed my diet up, been eating small meals every few hours, stopped eating junk food and crap, been eating alot of tuna,chicken, rice, veggies, low fat yogurt and the such. and started pounding cardio more, so hopefully ill slim down a bit. im down to 220 from about 240.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Bloke View Post
    over 50 fat bloke needs help to loose weight ,running out of ideas
    my medication i am on is as follows
    1. bendroflumethiazde 2.5 mg blood/p
    2.candesartan 16mg blood/p
    3.atorvastaitin 40mg colesterol
    4.levothyroxine 200 micograms over active pituitary gland
    5. glucosamine & chondroitin 500mg + 400mg x 3 4knee's
    I am 5'8'' 240lbs 50''chest 46''belly 25%bf i have been training hard since xmas have been eating clean 4months only loss 7lbs in the first 3 weeks but cant move any more can you help
    train 5 days a week weights and cardio HIT 30mins or 45min low if knees are sore?
    8.00 oatmeal /semi milk,glass protien drink water,tea
    10.30 4 eggs scramble or tuna
    1.00 chicken,brown rice,green veg,water,cup tea
    3.00 protien drink 1/2cup oats
    4.30 training,lots of water about 3 bottles
    6.00 whey protein drink
    6.30, chicken or fish lots of vegs potatos,pasta,or rice, cup tea,water
    10.00 protien drink
    any ideas please or changes, i was thinging of trying The Ketogenic Diet

    at your age, i would not recommend the keto diet..

    I'm 47 by the way..
    you could do the above diet, but drop the rice, potato, pasta..
    you need to add EFA/fish oil and cook in olive oil..

    I find the cutting sticky easy to follow, it's at the top of this diet forum..
    The answer to your every question


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  16. #96
    Canon7 is offline New Member
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    I need some help with my cut, I need to lose bf%, get my 6 pack shredd, and have these muscles ripped for July. I am currently running a diet with low carbs, somewhat of a keto diet loosely*. If someone can recommend a diet that would be better to lose bf and maintain muscle, please do so. But for now this is what I am working with. I am 21, weigh 205, current bf 12%, workouts consist of 5 days a week Mon-Fri usually last 1hr 15min long. Cardio is done 3x a week usually mon, wed, fri, on an empty stomach in the morning for 1 hour heart rate around 130bpm.

    Here is my current daily meals:

    Food Name Servings Cals Fat Carb Protein
    Meal 1
    Whole Egg 4 whole 216 15 1 19
    Egg White 5 white 85 1 1 18
    Total 301 16 2 37
    Meal 2
    Whey Protein 2 scoops 234 4 4 48
    Peanut Butter 1.5 tbsp 142 12 5 6
    Total 376 16 9 54
    Meal 3
    Grilled Chicken Breast 8oz 294 5 5 54
    Almonds 22 kernels 172 16 5 6
    Total 466 21 10 60
    Meal 4
    Whey Protein 2 scoops 234 4 4 48
    Peanut Butter 1.5 tbsp 142 12 5 6
    Total 376 16 9 54
    Meal 5
    Top Sirloin Steak 8oz 416 13 0 70
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1.5 tbsp180 21 0 0
    Salad - Greens Only 1 cup 9 0 2 1
    Total 605 34 2 71
    Meal 6
    Whey Protein 2 scoops 234 4 4 48
    Peanut Butter 1.5 tbsp 142 12 5 6
    Total 376 16 9 54
    Grand Total 2500cal 119fat 41carb 330protein
    Last edited by Canon7; 04-28-2008 at 02:35 PM.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by sepp2323 View Post
    nova can u please help me out with my diet. im pretty lean but i think im stuck and i cant get rid of these last 10 pounds of fat i wana lose. cna u help?

    this is my first time ever doing attempting to do macros. i think i eat pretty well but i have never added everything up so here goes. let me first say im 32 yrs old..around 200. do pushups, kettlebells, chin ups 3-4 days a week for about 30-40 minutes..then 5 days a week i do 30 minutes of sprints afterwards..5 minute warmup,1 minute sprint/4 minute medium - rinse and repeat 4 more times..then do 5 minute cooldown.

    my goal is to get leaner than i already am. i know this is not that great so please help.

    meal 1:

    6 eggwhites (100/22/2/1)
    2 whole wheat bread. (200/8/40/4)

    total - (300/30/42/5)

    i think you should add more protein here. from your stats i would shoot for around 400 calories a meal. a couple whole eggs would help.

    meal 3: 2

    2 scoops whey protein (240/46/6/4)
    1 tablespoon flax (120/0/0/13)

    total - (360/46/6/17)

    no real reason to use whey here is there? if this is the only thing you can possible choke down then sure. but I would rather see you eat 8oz of lean meat and some sweet potato (which is super easy to bring with you) or some oats, or rice.

    meal 3:

    9 oz chicken (425/80/0/9)
    3 oz brown rice (095/2/20/0)

    total - (520/82/20/9)

    now, this is a meal. i would lower the protein a tad and up the carbs. 50/50 in terms of grams here would be fine.

    meal 4:

    2 scoops whey protein (240/46/6/4)

    total - (240/46/6/4)

    again, lean meat (beef, steak, eggs, chicken, tuna) and more carb choices (i like oats and sweet potatoes).

    meal 5:

    2 scoops whey protein (240/46/6/4)

    total - (240/46/6/4)


    meal 6:

    6oz cottage cheese (110/16/10/0)

    total - (110/16/10/0)

    sure, use the cottage cheese, but why not a chicken breast, broccoli, and a little pasta as well?


    (1870 cal/266 protein/80 carbs/49fat)
    first of all, give us a little more info. height along with weight and the best guess you can at your current body fat percentage. a picture helps (and don't forget the legs).

    as far as your approach looks, you aren't eating enough, and your choices are poor. not enough carbs. i have bolded any opinions i have on your diet in accordance to this thread's topic; performance.

    without specifics on your body's composition, it is hard to guess at your caloric needs, however I would guess you should be slightly under the 2800 mark daily. again, add the info and we'll go from there.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by sepp2323 View Post
    funny i have been having zero energy when i get the gym at 6 at night. thanks again for the advice bud
    this is largely due to the fact that you are under eating, and not only that but you are starving your body of energy.

    i could rift a list of the benefits to lifting, but I believe we all know them. In any case, after taking a very long hiatus, you would be prime for putting on some quality lean muscle. I would root around the workout forum ( and pick up a workout routine and stick to it for 6 weeks. Your body will thank you. So get that diet in order and hit the weights. It will help get rid of those last few pounds, plus add a little size and thickness.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Bloke View Post
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    my medication i am on is as follows
    1. bendroflumethiazde 2.5 mg blood/p
    2.candesartan 16mg blood/p
    3.atorvastaitin 40mg colesterol
    4.levothyroxine 200 micograms over active pituitary gland
    5. glucosamine & chondroitin 500mg + 400mg x 3 4knee's
    I am 5'8'' 240lbs 50''chest 46''belly 25%bf i have been training hard since xmas have been eating clean 4months only loss 7lbs in the first 3 weeks but cant move any more can you help
    train 5 days a week weights and cardio HIT 30mins or 45min low if knees are sore?
    8.00 oatmeal /semi milk,glass protien drink water,tea
    10.30 4 eggs scramble or tuna
    1.00 chicken,brown rice,green veg,water,cup tea
    3.00 protien drink 1/2cup oats
    4.30 training,lots of water about 3 bottles
    6.00 whey protein drink
    6.30, chicken or fish lots of vegs potatos,pasta,or rice, cup tea,water
    10.00 protien drink
    any ideas please or changes, i was thinging of trying The Ketogenic Diet

    you failed to list amounts, macros and caloric numbers. please reevaluate your approach and submit a new diet. you may want to make a diet thread of your own to increase the number of responses. Your dietary approach doesn't consist of any of the practices of this thread, however if you want advice in regard to carb cycling and a higher carbohydrate diet, please feel free to comment.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    well i have changed my diet up, been eating small meals every few hours, stopped eating junk food and crap, been eating alot of tuna,chicken, rice, veggies, low fat yogurt and the such. and started pounding cardio more, so hopefully ill slim down a bit. im down to 220 from about 240.
    so are you currently supplementing any fats into your diet or are you sticking with a pro/carb approach?

    do you have an updated dietary approach that you could post?

    I'm just looking for more input from members who are attempting to try this approach.

  21. #101
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    Great new avy Nova

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canon7 View Post
    I need some help with my cut, I need to lose bf%, get my 6 pack shredd, and have these muscles ripped for July. I am currently running a diet with low carbs, somewhat of a keto diet loosely*. If someone can recommend a diet that would be better to lose bf and maintain muscle, please do so. But for now this is what I am working with. I am 21, weigh 205, current bf 12%, workouts consist of 5 days a week Mon-Fri usually last 1hr 15min long. Cardio is done 3x a week usually mon, wed, fri, on an empty stomach in the morning for 1 hour heart rate around 130bpm.

    Here is my current daily meals:

    Food Name Servings Cals Fat Carb Protein
    Meal 1
    Whole Egg 4 whole 216 15 1 19
    Egg White 5 white 85 1 1 18
    Total 301 16 2 37
    Meal 2
    Whey Protein 2 scoops 234 4 4 48
    Peanut Butter 1.5 tbsp 142 12 5 6
    Total 376 16 9 54
    Meal 3
    Grilled Chicken Breast 8oz 294 5 5 54
    Almonds 22 kernels 172 16 5 6
    Total 466 21 10 60
    Meal 4
    Whey Protein 2 scoops 234 4 4 48
    Peanut Butter 1.5 tbsp 142 12 5 6
    Total 376 16 9 54
    Meal 5
    Top Sirloin Steak 8oz 416 13 0 70
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1.5 tbsp180 21 0 0
    Salad - Greens Only 1 cup 9 0 2 1
    Total 605 34 2 71
    Meal 6
    Whey Protein 2 scoops 234 4 4 48
    Peanut Butter 1.5 tbsp 142 12 5 6
    Total 376 16 9 54
    Grand Total 2500cal 119fat 41carb 330protein
    Too low on the carbs. Again, the purpose of this thread is integrating carbohydrates into every meal. The dietary approach you exhibit mocks those used by many, but not by Nark or myself. We both condone an approach that is much higher in carbs with proteins available to compensate for varying carbohydrate levels. Personally I may have an occasional pro/fat meal before bed, but that is in accordance with a period of fasting longer than normal.

    I will post a diet momentarily that would work for many if they choose to truly be dedicated to loosing body fat and increasing performance in the gym or their respected athletic activity.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Great new avy Nova
    oh man, i use this picture for everything. I can't believe I haven't had it up here for longer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    oh man, i use this picture for everything. I can't believe I haven't had it up here for longer.
    He looks at the top of his form there

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    Here is a sample dietary approach I have assimilated, very simple, but it is explained.

    Chicken breast 8 oz= 240cals, 8g fat, 0g carbs, 42g pro.
    Sweet potato 5oz= 132cals, 0g fat, 30g carbs, 3.5g pro.

    Meal total= 372cals, 8g fat, 30g carbs, 45.5g protein

    ((*7))= 2604cals, 56g fat, 210g carbs, 318g protein.

    Point of this simplification is that it is calculated based on my LBM. I have nearly 200lbs of lean body mass, which translates into roughly 2,329 calories a day. Using an activity multiplier, I have respectfully ended with a daily calorie expenditure of about 2500-2600.

    Granted some of my daily choices will change, but they change in regard to the same macro values. For instance, if I decided to have a half-cup of oats instead of the sweet potato, that would land me 150calories, 3g of fat, 27g of carbs, and 5g of protein. This keeps my macros nearly identical to those outlined in the example. Also, I may choose to have two cans of light tuna instead of chicken. The tuna will yield me 300calories, 3g of fat, 0g of carbs, and 50g of protein. Again, this keeps me right around those macros given in the example.

    The above example also does not take into account my PWO offering. My PWO offering will generally take the place of one of the 7 meals, so differences are minimal. I generally have a PWO meal consisting of about 400 calories, of strictly protein and carbs; about 45g of protein and about 45g of carbs.

    Now for those of you who want to follow in a similar pattern I am copying one of Nark’s previous posts about how to calculate your caloric needs based on your LBM.

    The Katch-McArdle formula calculates BMR based on lean body weight.

    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    Then, using the BMR, TDEE is calculated using the activity multiplier:

    Activity Multiplier:

    Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
    Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
    Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
    Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
    Extr. active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)

    Also, this example does not include any subsequent carb cycling. In the even that fat loss slows, one may decide to lower their calories and move closer to a caloric deficit. However I myself find it more beneficial to manipulate my carbohydrate numbers. I will post another example diet showing how I prefer to cycle my carbs, and subsequently my daily caloric numbers. Keeping your body in a dynamic environment through dietary manipulation, cardio, and weight training is the best way to change your body composition for the good.

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  27. #107
    Canon7 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Too low on the carbs. Again, the purpose of this thread is integrating carbohydrates into every meal. The dietary approach you exhibit mocks those used by many, but not by Nark or myself. We both condone an approach that is much higher in carbs with proteins available to compensate for varying carbohydrate levels. Personally I may have an occasional pro/fat meal before bed, but that is in accordance with a period of fasting longer than normal.

    I will post a diet momentarily that would work for many if they choose to truly be dedicated to loosing body fat and increasing performance in the gym or their respected athletic activity.
    Hey thanks a lot for the quick response.
    As for me, I am very dedicated to loosing body fat and increasing my gym performance. I want to be a bodybuilder. I go to college and I have no job, just time on my hands so besides doing my school work I live in the gym. My diet that I posted was a low carb diet, based on keto, since I read a few good and bad things about that kind of diet, I wanted to see others feedback on that subject. I read everyday a lot of information on bodybuilding and nutrition, and nutrition is still one thing I have yet to perfect. I read so many different opinions on nutrition I know there are many different ways to diet. I for a while now have been listening to noobs offering me advice on nutrition and its getting me no where, thats why I am here today to get some real advice from someone who knows their stuff. I have read over your last post about a sample dietary approach, and I have a few questions.
    1. So from what I got out of it, this is based off a 7 meal a day instead of 6 meals? How many hours should you wait for the next meal if it is 7 meals?
    2. I see you show chicken breast and sweet potato as a sample meal. What other foods would be appropriate for this diet, just anything that would fit into that macro 372cals, 8g fat, 30g carbs, 45.5g protein? Is there anything I should stay away from on this diet like milk etc?

    If you could give an aspiring bodybuilder some advice I'd greatly appreciate it. I know 99% of you guys know a lot more than I do on this subject, I will admit I am a noob, but I learn new things everyday. Right now my nutrition is the main thing I want to get down and then go from there. I put some pictures up of my progress as of recently, I took almost 4 months off from lifting (worst mistake I have ever made) but have been back in it for about a month, working on getting my form and strength back to par.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Free Diet advice by Narkissos & Novastepp: Intro to Performance Nutrition 101-dscn2661.jpg   Free Diet advice by Narkissos & Novastepp: Intro to Performance Nutrition 101-frontflex.jpg  
    Last edited by Canon7; 04-29-2008 at 02:11 PM.

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canon7 View Post
    Hey thanks a lot for the quick response.
    As for me, I am very dedicated to loosing body fat and increasing my gym performance. I want to be a bodybuilder. I go to college and I have no job, just time on my hands so besides doing my school work I live in the gym. My diet that I posted was a low carb diet, based on keto, since I read a few good and bad things about that kind of diet, I wanted to see others feedback on that subject. I read everyday a lot of information on bodybuilding and nutrition, and nutrition is still one thing I have yet to perfect. I read so many different opinions on nutrition I know there are many different ways to diet.

    I feel that this "performance"dieting approach will help you 10-fold in your progress.

    I for a while now have been listening to noobs offering me advice on nutrition and its getting me no where, thats why I am here today to get some real advice from someone who knows their stuff. I have read over your last post about a sample dietary approach, and I have a few questions.
    1. So from what I got out of it, this is based off a 7 meal a day instead of 6 meals? How many hours should you wait for the next meal if it is 7 meals?

    you can base it off of 6 meals if you want. You would just need to divide macros evenly across those meals. I eat every 2.5-3 hours.

    2. I see you show chicken breast and sweet potato as a sample meal. What other foods would be appropriate for this diet, just anything that would fit into that macro 372cals, 8g fat, 30g carbs, 45.5g protein? Is there anything I should stay away from on this diet like milk etc?

    tuna, steak, beef, turkey, salmon, eggs: your lean protein choice can vary as often as you'd like, you just want to be close to those macro totals for each meal. you're looking at minimal fat, around 30g of carbs and 40-50g of protein in your meals on this day in the diet. You can supplement milk into teh mix but then you would need to make room for it in your macros. So, in the example if you wanted 8 oz of milk you would cut that sweet potato offering in half, and eat about 4-5oz of chicken. Then your numbers would be roughly the same. Plus veggies are always a plus in a cutting diet. The fiber helps with motility and keeping you full.

    If you could give an aspiring bodybuilder some advice I'd greatly appreciate it. I know 99% of you guys know a lot more than I do on this subject, I will admit I am a noob, but I learn new things everyday. Right now my nutrition is the main thing I want to get down and then go from there. I put some pictures up of my progress as of recently, I took almost 4 months off from lifting (worst mistake I have ever made) but have been back in it for about a month, working on getting my form and strength back to par.
    Right now your goals should be to stay lean and work up your size. A diet high in carbs and protein is essential. Progressive lifts and a varying routine will do wonders over time.

  29. #109
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    For a meal would a protein shake and a carb supp work? Or do you recommend whole foods for each meal? I'm guessing my lean body mass to be about 185 so my calorie intake should be around 2300 right? Thanks a lot for the reply.
    Last edited by Canon7; 04-29-2008 at 06:00 PM.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canon7 View Post
    For a meal would a protein shake and a carb supp work? Or do you recommend whole foods for each meal? I'm guessing my lean body mass to be about 185 so my calorie intake should be around 2300 right? Thanks a lot for the reply.
    i would use lean protein in every meal. i use whey PWO so i can't tell you not to do that, but it may help you to use lean meat PWO as well. The PWO window is exaggerated by many, and I don't see any problem with having some lean meat and a complex carb source PWO if you are cutting. This is just personal preference though. Yeah if your LBM is 185 then your maintenance should be around that mark.

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    Ok, quick question for Nark, I have been reading up on your diet views and I have only one question. I know you are a big proponent of adequate carbs and low fat while cutting. The problem Im seeing with this is the random bits of fat that are in most carb sources, i.e. oatmeal has 2.5 grams in every 1/2 cup. So should I assume that you cut back on the oats when cutting and make use of other slow-digesting carb sources, such as yams, legumes, veggies, brown rice, etc...?

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    I lied. 2 questions. Here is what my splits/cardio will look like during cutting, what would my activity multiplier be?

    Lift- M,T,Th,Sat (about 75min sessions)
    Cardio- M,W,Th,F,Sat,Sun (45min steady-state or 25min HIIT)

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Ok, quick question for Nark, I have been reading up on your diet views and I have only one question. I know you are a big proponent of adequate carbs and low fat while cutting. The problem Im seeing with this is the random bits of fat that are in most carb sources, i.e. oatmeal has 2.5 grams in every 1/2 cup. So should I assume that you cut back on the oats when cutting and make use of other slow-digesting carb sources, such as yams, legumes, veggies, brown rice, etc...?
    i will forward your question to Nark, and I'm going tp put my $.02 in. The fat supplied by the carbs is minimal and is only going to aid in digestion. Plus 1.5g or whatever is minimal and should be added into your macros, but it isn't much to worry about. If you are relying on oats, you are ok. In a few previous posts, Nark explains why he thinks potatoes are better, and him and I use sweet potatoes as a primary carb source while cutting. Again, I am forwarding him your question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    I lied. 2 questions. Here is what my splits/cardio will look like during cutting, what would my activity multiplier be?

    Lift- M,T,Th,Sat (about 75min sessions)
    Cardio- M,W,Th,F,Sat,Sun (45min steady-state or 25min HIIT)
    use 1.725-1.9 as your multiplier. keeping muscle is priority number one. when you can find your appropriate maintenance calorie levels then you can manipulate your carbs, and cardio and reduce overall body fat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    i will forward your question to Nark, and I'm going tp put my $.02 in. The fat supplied by the carbs is minimal and is only going to aid in digestion. Plus 1.5g or whatever is minimal and should be added into your macros, but it isn't much to worry about. If you are relying on oats, you are ok. In a few previous posts, Nark explains why he thinks potatoes are better, and him and I use sweet potatoes as a primary carb source while cutting. Again, I am forwarding him your question.
    Oh no thats fine man, I didnt realize that you both subscribe to the low fat cutting method. I trust your word just as much as his. Thanks for all your guys help, i gotta say its pretty cool what you are both doing, quite a service to the site, it is greatly appreciated....So what happened to Nark?

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    Hey whats up guys so I am looking to get back into the gym after being out for months (est 7). Anyway this is my roomates user name we all use the same computer in the house. Anyhow my stats are 5'9 175lb about 12-13% bf.

    0830 Meal 1: 8-10 Eggs whites, 1 cup of dry oats, 2g Flaxseed, Multi-Vitamin

    1130 Meal 2: 8oz of Turkey,1/4 Cup of Brown Rice

    1430 Meal 3: 8oz of Chicken Breast, 8oz of Red Potato, 4g Fish Oil

    1730 Meal 4: 8oz of Chicken Breast, 1/4 Cup of Brown Rice, 1 Cup of Garden Salad

    Pre Workout: Animal Pump, 10g of BCAA

    1830-1900 WORKOUT for an 1hr

    Immediately after Training Post Workout Meal 5: Multi-Vitiman, 10g of BCAA, 5g L Glutamine, 2 Scoops of 100% ON WHEY 44g, 3 Rice Cakes, Banana

    PWO Meal 6: 8oz Steak, 60-80g Complex carbs... (would I use starchy, or fibrous?)

    ESTIMATE:3200-3600 Cals/ 290 Pro/ 180-220 Carbs/ 50g Fats

    Im looking to build lean mass and would like to get down to 8%bf. Is my carb intake ok or is it to high for that? I am still trying to figure out how to take my supplements on the days I do not work out. Can someone help me out with that? Maybe also a different meal to replace my Post workout meal on non training days. I am open to anything anyone has to say or adjusting to this. Thank you in Advance!
    Last edited by Z06; 04-30-2008 at 01:59 PM.

  37. #117
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    i was thinking cutting but i am now thinking lean bulking here is where i am at for dieting, what do i need to change/add to do a lean bulk?


    MEAL 1
    6 egg whites 100-1-2-24
    1/2 cup oats 150-2.5-27-5
    canadian bacon 60-1.5-1-11

    total: 310-5-30-40


    MEAL 2
    whey pro amino shake 200-1-0-45
    4oz. chicken grilled 80-1-0-17
    3/4 cup black beans 150-1-25-9

    total: 430-3-25-71

    MEAL 3
    4oz. steak 180-7-0-23
    sweet potato 120-0-26-2

    total: 300-7-26-25

    MEAL 4
    6oz. chicken grilled 160-2-0-34
    3/4 cup black beans 150-1-25-9

    total: 310-3-25-43

    MEAL 5
    6oz. tuna w/ light mayo 215-7-0-45
    3/4 cup black beans 150-1-25-9

    total: 365-8-25-54

    MEAL 6
    whey pro amino shake 200-1-0-45
    peanut butter w/celery 200-16-7-7

    total: 400-17-7-52

    DAILY TOTAL: 2115-43-138-285

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z06 View Post
    Hey whats up guys so I am looking to get back into the gym after being out for months (est 7). Anyway this is my roomates user name we all use the same computer in the house. Anyhow my stats are 5'9 175lb about 12-13% bf.

    I would run a strict lean bulk. You can maintain your leanness and add some strength and size.

    0830 Meal 1: 8-10 Eggs whites, 1 cup of dry oats, 2g Flaxseed, Multi-Vitamin


    1130 Meal 2: 8oz of Turkey,1/4 Cup of Brown Rice

    fine, may add more rice.

    1430 Meal 3: 8oz of Chicken Breast, 8oz of Red Potato, 4g Fish Oil

    i like this meal here. any reason for the added fish oil?

    1730 Meal 4: 8oz of Chicken Breast, 1/4 Cup of Brown Rice, 1 Cup of Garden Salad

    another good meal.

    Pre Workout: Animal Pump, 10g of BCAA

    yeah, don't know what the hell this is.

    1830-1900 WORKOUT for an 1hr

    Immediately after Training Post Workout Meal 5: Multi-Vitiman, 10g of BCAA, 5g L Glutamine, 2 Scoops of 100% ON WHEY 44g, 3 Rice Cakes, Banana

    hearty PWO meal. i would substitute a carb source that has substance, in place of those rice cakes...

    PWO Meal 6: 8oz Steak, 60-80g Complex carbs... (would I use starchy, or fibrous?)

    i would use both. have some potato and some broccoli.

    ESTIMATE:3200-3600 Cals/ 290 Pro/ 180-220 Carbs/ 50g Fats

    Ok so at your lean body mass I'd put you around the 3200 calorie mark. So that diet should do the trick. If you want to lose a little body fat while lean bulking, personally I would do morning cardio. As long as you are eating enough, you should still see gains.

    Im looking to build lean mass and would like to get down to 8%bf. Is my carb intake ok or is it to high for that?

    I would keep your carbs around 250g a day.

    I am still trying to figure out how to take my supplements on the days I do not work out. Can someone help me out with that?

    what supplements?

    Maybe also a different meal to replace my Post workout meal on non training days. I am open to anything anyone has to say or adjusting to this. Thank you in Advance!
    Add the macros to your meals if you can. Gives a much more accurate picture.

    For that PWO meal, just figure out a meal that consists of about 30-40g of carbs and 30-40g of protein. That would be a worthy substitue. (beef, steak, chciekn, fish + sweet potato, "any potato really", oats, rice)

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphadog View Post
    i was thinking cutting but i am now thinking lean bulking here is where i am at for dieting, what do i need to change/add to do a lean bulk?

    about 1,000 calories. you aren't even eating enough to cut. based on your stats (6'1" 180 12%bf) I put you right on the 3000 calorie mark, for a lean bulk.


    MEAL 1
    6 egg whites 100-1-2-24
    1/2 cup oats 150-2.5-27-5
    canadian bacon 60-1.5-1-11

    total: 310-5-30-40


    MEAL 2
    whey pro amino shake 200-1-0-45
    4oz. chicken grilled 80-1-0-17
    3/4 cup black beans 150-1-25-9

    total: 430-3-25-71

    MEAL 3
    4oz. steak 180-7-0-23
    sweet potato 120-0-26-2

    total: 300-7-26-25

    MEAL 4
    6oz. chicken grilled 160-2-0-34
    3/4 cup black beans 150-1-25-9

    total: 310-3-25-43

    MEAL 5
    6oz. tuna w/ light mayo 215-7-0-45
    3/4 cup black beans 150-1-25-9

    total: 365-8-25-54

    MEAL 6
    whey pro amino shake 200-1-0-45
    peanut butter w/celery 200-16-7-7

    total: 400-17-7-52

    DAILY TOTAL: 2115-43-138-285
    you need to add carbs and subsequently your other macros should rise a little. If you like sweet potatoes I would use them over beans in your meals. Personally I have seen the best success in my diets when eating mainly sweet potatoes. I would reevaluate your diet based around a 3000 calorie diet.

    That puts you around 500cals every meal if you are having 6 a day. give or take a few grams, but around 45 grams of carbs and protein in every meal. adding in the fat that is usually included with the lean meat at those amounts, is usually about 8-12g, adding roughly another 100cals. That is general, so re-evaluate your choices, and post up a new diet when you're ready.

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    so are you currently supplementing any fats into your diet or are you sticking with a pro/carb approach?

    do you have an updated dietary approach that you could post?

    I'm just looking for more input from members who are attempting to try this approach.
    well i have been doing a basically low carbs/fat/saturated fat, but high in protein.

    When i wake up ill eat a small breakfast of lowfat yougurt, and a few hard boiled eggs and sometimes a bagel with low fat cream cheese.. then a few hours later ill have a protein bar, then ill eat lunch usually a sandwich, then a few hours later another small snack such as yogurt. then ill eat dinner such as chicken, rice, spinich/tuna/ more hard boiled eggs. then usualy another yogurt or 2 before bed. also when im done with a hard work out ill drink a protein shake at the gym.

    it all sounds mundane and boring which it is, but im slimming up pretty good so far, and my roomate has been doing the same diet for roughly 4 months with NO cardio or gym what so ever, and has lost 50 pounds. he was like 265 and hes down to 215 right now. i have since got him into the gym and he is still seeing good progress.

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