Will do
Ok... Noted.
Your 45-minute session duration includes the cardio?
Or is this weight-training only?
I'd peg your project kcals @ 2316 kcals for fat-loss
..and 2900 kcals on the re-feed day.
As outlined below, your diet is pretty good I'd say.
What i don't like... is how high the fat is: <>30%
I's subtract 6gr from each meal listed...That'd free up 270kcals (as well as lowering your fat allotment to <>20% of the overall kcals for the day).
My initial suggested kcal total for you was: 2316kcals
This is 255 kcals less than your current total.
So... dropping the 270 kcals would put you closer to where you should be.
5 meals... Hm... what's your meal-timing like?