5 things you can do to make workouts work for you!
By Corey Springer
AKA "Narkissos"
Owner of: Apollo Fitness Barbados & "The NarkSide" Fitness Forums.
Written: Wednesday July 15th 2009
Re-written for: Kurama Magazine
Hey all. Today’s article comes to you courtesy of lazy clients the world over.
I'm currently typing this up mid-stride on the treadmill. Why?
Well, I incurred a slipped disc just over a week ago... the second in 3 months mind you... and, as part of my rehabilitation my chiropractor prescribed one hour of cardio per day.
That's right...no bed-rest... No laying on my back bemoaning my misfortune. One hour of cardio per day. Clearly she's trying to kill me right?
On top of that, she prescribed mobilization exercises and stretches thrice per day. Is that all? Hell no. My doc added self-myofascial release (i.e. self-induced deep tissue torture) on top of all of that.
A long story made short?
She made me accountable.
She cleared me to return to weight-training two days ago... so now we're tossing an elite workout on top of the rehab.
Counter-intuitive much???
While plodding away here, sweat blinding me, my mood's turned quite bitter.
Why you ask?
Well while I plod away here in pain, a bunch of excuses I've heard from 100% healthy clients all came flooding back.
"[Insert exercise] doesn't work for me."
"I don't 'feel' [insert exercise]".
"I can't"... blah, blah, blah!
Full Article: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=111995801125