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Thread: ** The ASK GB ANYTHING thread (diet/nutrition related) **

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hey mate was looking at your carb cycling diet in your log. On your no carb days do u have absoultly zero carbs?

    Like I mean from everything coffee, veggie's and so on...

    And on your moderate and your carb up day what are max carbs that you won't go over?

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Hey mate was looking at your carb cycling diet in your log. On your no carb days do u have absoultly zero carbs?
    No starchy carbs at all, but plenty of fibrous veggies. At least that's the protocol, lol! Because cooking/storing (and eating to a lesser extent) veggies in the amount we need to consume is such a pain in the ass, I most often supplement with the green and red powders that I went into detail about on page 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Like I mean from everything coffee, veggie's and so on...

    And on your moderate and your carb up day what are max carbs that you won't go over?
    My moderate carb days are set at 105g carbs. I don't count down to the very last carb, but i'm certain I fall somewhere in the 100-120 range.

  3. #123
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    Feb 2010
    Lol I'm taking over this thread...

    When weighing food I hear people always saying to weigh it before you cook it to get your macro's. But I don't just cook one meal at a time I cook for a week of two in advance so I weigh the food individually after its cooked and divide it up into containers. As long as I'm using and selecting for example chicken breast 'cooked' and getting all my macros from that is that ok?

  4. #124
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    Lol I'm taking over this thread...

    When weighing food I hear people always saying to weigh it before you cook it to get your macro's. But I don't just cook one meal at a time I cook for a week of two in advance so I weigh the food individually after its cooked and divide it up into containers. As long as I'm using and selecting for example chicken breast 'cooked' and getting all my macros from that is that ok?

  5. #125
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    Nov 2009
    I know simple sugars should only be in my pwo shake and I should not consume them latter in the day, but I workout around 7:00pm can I have dextrose with my pwo shake around 8:30pm? I don't sleep til 12:00-1:00am.


  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Lol I'm taking over this thread...

    When weighing food I hear people always saying to weigh it before you cook it to get your macro's. But I don't just cook one meal at a time I cook for a week of two in advance so I weigh the food individually after its cooked and divide it up into containers. As long as I'm using and selecting for example chicken breast 'cooked' and getting all my macros from that is that ok?
    I think very few of us cook one meal at a time, considering how much and how often we eat. This can make weighing things a bit tough. I handle it like this:

    1) Let's use chicken as the example. I know that I want 6oz portions (raw), and am cooking for 5 days. So, I need 30oz raw chicken breast. I'll weigh out 30oz raw, cook it all off, then weigh again and divide by 5. Whatever that weight comes out to is the portion size I eat.

    You can do this with anything - i.e. rice, pasta, etc. Just know your starting serving size - e.g. for rice you probably wouldn't weigh it dry, but rather would measure out a serving - like 1/2 cup. So for 5 servings, measure out 2.5 cups dry. Cook it, then weigh it and divide by 5. That will give you your portion size in weight.

    Quote Originally Posted by ADO View Post
    I know simple sugars should only be in my pwo shake and I should not consume them latter in the day, but I workout around 7:00pm can I have dextrose with my pwo shake around 8:30pm? I don't sleep til 12:00-1:00am.

    I've given my thoughts on simple carbs/sugars on page 2 of this thread, post #52 in response to Baseline's question. Linked below for your convenience.

  7. #127
    Join Date
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    Thank you sir.

  8. #128
    Join Date
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    Holy crap glad I just read these 4 pages...

  9. #129
    Join Date
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    Hey GB already up to page 4! I see dr pepper posting more on this thread than you lol

    Quick question..

    I noticed in the shop the other day in the oat section there was oat bran. Never noticed it before. I had a look and the macros were different. Slightly higher in protein and less in carbs per 100g. Is it the same as oats? Is this a good source of carb?
    Last edited by boxa06; 10-27-2011 at 04:57 AM.

  10. #130
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    The doc likes to learn! :-)

    And there's no better than GB to be learning from...

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    The doc likes to learn! :-)

    And there's no better than GB to be learning from...
    That's true (:

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    Holy crap glad I just read these 4 pages...
    Glad you found them useful bro!

    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Hey GB already up to page 4! I see dr pepper posting more on this thread than you lol

    Quick question..

    I noticed in the shop the other day in the oat section there was oat bran. Never noticed it before. I had a look and the macros were different. Slightly higher in protein and less in carbs per 100g. Is it the same as oats? Is this a good source of carb?
    Oat bran is the outer husk of the oat grain. It's usually lost during the milling process - which sucks because it contains a good amount of fiber and minerals. When the husk is left on any grain, it is considered 'whole grain' (makes sense, right?!). Think of brown rice vs. white rice. Brown rice is the rice grain with the husk left intact.

    I haven't seen rice bran sold by itself, but as you said oat bran is, and it's a very good source of fiber/carbs, so feel free to eat up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    The doc likes to learn! :-)

    And there's no better than GB to be learning from...
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    That's true (:
    Meh, not really... but thanks guys!!!

  13. #133
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Anyone ask your opinion on diet soda yet? My previous diet coach had me drinking black coffee and unsweetened tea, but didn't like artificial sweeteners. So, the rule was no diet soda. I avoided it for months, but started drinking it a few days ago and found that it helps give me energy during the day that my high protein diet doesn't.

    She discouraged me from artificial sweeteners because it causes an increase in appetite in some people; something I didn't need as I am cutting.


  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Glad you found them useful bro!

    Oat bran is the outer husk of the oat grain. It's usually lost during the milling process - which sucks because it contains a good amount of fiber and minerals. When the husk is left on any grain, it is considered 'whole grain' (makes sense, right?!). Think of brown rice vs. white rice. Brown rice is the rice grain with the husk left intact.

    I haven't seen rice bran sold by itself, but as you said oat bran is, and it's a very good source of fiber/carbs, so feel free to eat up.

    Meh, not really... but thanks guys!!!
    Thanks GB! I'll be throwing in some oat bran every now and then (:

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Anyone ask your opinion on diet soda yet? My previous diet coach had me drinking black coffee and unsweetened tea, but didn't like artificial sweeteners. So, the rule was no diet soda. I avoided it for months, but started drinking it a few days ago and found that it helps give me energy during the day that my high protein diet doesn't.

    She discouraged me from artificial sweeteners because it causes an increase in appetite in some people; something I didn't need as I am cutting.

    From a fat gain/loss standpoint? No problem with diet soda, artificial sweeteners, etc. Maybe what she told you has some truth, but it all comes down to discipline. I will do better getting something I like (sweet) vs. cutting it out completely and craving it. In other words, if you can satisfy your sweet tooth with a sugar free sweetener, then I think that benefit outweighs any potential negatives.

  16. #136
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    From a fat gain/loss standpoint? No problem with diet soda, artificial sweeteners, etc. Maybe what she told you has some truth, but it all comes down to discipline. I will do better getting something I like (sweet) vs. cutting it out completely and craving it. In other words, if you can satisfy your sweet tooth with a sugar free sweetener, then I think that benefit outweighs any potential negatives.
    Good, because I have been drinking, like, four sodas a day and I LIKE IT! It doesn't seem to make me more hungry, but then again, I eat according to a schedule, not my whims.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Good, because I have been drinking, like, four sodas a day and I LIKE IT! It doesn't seem to make me more hungry, but then again, I eat according to a schedule, not my whims.
    I try to stick with water as my only drink as it's the only way I'll even come close to getting an adequate amount. However, I do usually have 1 diet root beer/day.

    If I were more conscientious about my water intake and got enough in no matter what, i'd probably have a few diet sodas/day without even thinking twice.

  18. #138
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    I like to eat my tuna with crackers. Are ritz crackers ok? I also like regular saltines.

  19. #139
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    Also, I eat alot of rice to. Whats the difference between say, Brown rice and Minute brown rice?

    Another one!! What about hamburger helper? I buy the whole grain type sometimes.

  20. #140
    Join Date
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    hey g.

    to come off keto properly

    how do you best approach this?

    introducing carbs slowly?

    carb cycling?

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    I like to eat my tuna with crackers. Are ritz crackers ok? I also like regular saltines.
    Neither would be a part of my diet, especially Ritz.

    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    Also, I eat alot of rice to. Whats the difference between say, Brown rice and Minute brown rice?
    Minute brown rice is parboiled... i.e. it's semi cooked so you don't have to spend 20 minutes cooking rice. Tbh, I don't know if that takes away from the nutritional content, but then again who is really eating brown rice as a source of nutrition. I mean, it's your carb source, we have veggies to give us nutrition.

    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    Another one!! What about hamburger helper? I buy the whole grain type sometimes.
    More processed crap. You won't find it in my house these days. I used to eat it all the time. I also used to be 255lbs with a 42 inch waist. Nowadays, I make my own healthy version - and it tastes surprisingly like HH imo!

    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    hey g.

    to come off keto properly

    how do you best approach this?

    introducing carbs slowly?

    carb cycling?
    Solid question T!

    Maybe it's just be being overly anal as i'm carb sensitive, but I definitely introduce slowly... and systematically.

    I'd start with up to a week of veggies only. The next week i'd add in a piece of fruit/day for 2-3 days, then a complex carb meal on top of that. So by the end of week 2, you're eating lots of veggies, a piece of fruit and a complex carb.

    By week 3 you can start getting back to 'normal', whatever that may be for each individual.

    Note this isn't a 'right or wrong', this is just what I have done to avoid any type of carb system overload.

  22. #142
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    If i were to use a blend of prop tren and mast, would it be wrong to end the cycle and go directly into PCT or should i buy some prop separately and continue for 1 week or so just with it ?

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    If i were to use a blend of prop tren and mast, would it be wrong to end the cycle and go directly into PCT or should i buy some prop separately and continue for 1 week or so just with it ?
    I don't think it's really a matter of right or wrong, just a matter of preference. Alot of guys prefer to run test alone a bit longer than the other compounds they're running... like a taper down effect. I'll be doing the same.

  24. #144
    Join Date
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    new york
    Excellent thread.

    Gbrice i want to start slowlybulkin back up in 10 days. I got rid of my gut and have nice 4 pack. Lost 10 pounds-12 pounds and am ready to put on slow mass.. 2lbs a month.

    Anyways how many grams of cArbs, fat and protein would u recommend for a 20 year old ecto at 3,000 calorie bulk.....

    (no gear of course)
    Last edited by Twin; 10-28-2011 at 05:27 PM.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin View Post
    Excellent thread.

    Gbrice i want to start slowlybulkin back up in 10 days. I got rid of my gut and have nice 4 pack. Lost 10 pounds-12 pounds and am ready to put on slow mass.. 2lbs a month.

    Anyways how many grams of cArbs, fat and protein would u recommend for a 20 year old ecto at 3,000 calorie bulk.....

    (no gear of course)
    Wouldn't want to answer that without knowing full stats (height/weight/BF% if you know it) and seeing a few current pics of you. Also not sure I want to have that in this thread as I'd like it to remain a Q&A type thread vs. personal consultation.

    My suggestion is you start a thread here in the nutrition section, provide the info I asked for above, list your current diet - be detailed - and you will get help from a bunch of good people here. I will drop in and add my .02 as well... sound fair?

  26. #146
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    May 2008
    So whats so bad about crackers? because its a flower product?

    and i understand hamburger helper is processed, but whats wrong with it? just the fat in the sauce? I dont eat it everyday but ill eat a box to myself once a week with 1.5-2 lbs of lean hamburger

    and about brown rice, I thought alot of people ate it as nutrition... its high in fiber and complex carbs i thought..

    Im a hard gainer, not concerned what so ever about getting fat... im 180lbs solid (kinda) lol

  27. #147

    First Cycle on Juice

    Ok, so I've been trying to do my own research and have also consulted with a few friends, but being that I'm not in the States right now it's hard for me to find someone knowledgeable to speak to in regards to using roids for the first time. I talked to a friend who's pro-football and has more experience than I do and he recommended the following:

    -20 decca/20 sus and then follow up with 20 wini/20 tren
    -just do growth

    Now as far as the first option, I'm doing 20 doses of dec/sus alternating every other day? Once I complete that cycle, should I follow the same steps with 20 doses of wini/tren? Is there any precautions I need to follow afterwards? And how long should I wait to pick up the same cycle again. As you can see I am a rookie when it comes to this crap.

    If someone could enlighten me that would be great. I am 26 and have never used before. Constantly workout and have achieved acceptable results so far.



  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    So whats so bad about crackers? because its a flower product?
    It all comes down to how cleanly you want to eat, and imo, choosing nutrient dense foods. Most crackers are highly processed and lacking in any real nutritional value. I don't care about crackers labeled as 'whole grain'. Are crackers like Wheat Thins, Triscuits, etc. the worst thing in the world? Definitely not. But please, Ritz? Read the ingredients and nutritional value on the box. That should tell you more than I can here.

    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    and i understand hamburger helper is processed, but whats wrong with it? just the fat in the sauce? I dont eat it everyday but ill eat a box to myself once a week with 1.5-2 lbs of lean hamburger
    Again, highly processed, low nutritional value. That packet of seasoning is loaded with sodium and a ton of other preservatives. It's not crap i'd want floating around in my system. But, I like to try and eat clean and treat my body to only the best fuel. It's like putting high octane gas in your car vs. some crappy cheap ass mix.

    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    and about brown rice, I thought alot of people ate it as nutrition... its high in fiber and complex carbs i thought..
    Yep. I have no issues with brown rice whatsoever...

    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    Im a hard gainer, not concerned what so ever about getting fat... im 180lbs solid (kinda) lol
    Most 'hard gainers' don't eat enough, that's a fact. They THINK they eat 'a ton of food', but really they're eating a bit of crap. Try eating calorie/nutrient dense foods, then we'll see how much of a hard gainer you really are.

    180lbs - at what height? Do you have any pics you can post up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maximus85 View Post
    Ok, so I've been trying to do my own research and have also consulted with a few friends, but being that I'm not in the States right now it's hard for me to find someone knowledgeable to speak to in regards to using roids for the first time. I talked to a friend who's pro-football and has more experience than I do and he recommended the following:

    -20 decca/20 sus and then follow up with 20 wini/20 tren
    -just do growth

    Now as far as the first option, I'm doing 20 doses of dec/sus alternating every other day? Once I complete that cycle, should I follow the same steps with 20 doses of wini/tren? Is there any precautions I need to follow afterwards? And how long should I wait to pick up the same cycle again. As you can see I am a rookie when it comes to this crap.

    If someone could enlighten me that would be great. I am 26 and have never used before. Constantly workout and have achieved acceptable results so far.


    Thanks for posting bro, however this is a nutritional thread and not an AAS advice column. I suggest you check out the Q&A section, make a post there introducing yourself and let the guys there know what you're looking for help with. There are many many knowledgeable guys over there, most know way more than I do on the subject.

    Good luck!

  29. #149
    Ok, cool. I'll check out the Q&A section. Like I said, I'm new here so appreciate the advice.


  30. #150
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    Im not trying to sound like a newb by no means although I can see where you might think that. Im not on any sort of diet right now, I was just curious how horrible that stuff actually is... its gotta be better than potatoe chips. Before when I was on a strict diet I cooked chicken and frozen veggies in bulk fried with olive oil in a pan and would much on it all day. Spaghetti twice a week or so plus hamburger helper. I would also eat eggs and hash browns for breakfast along with my PWO protein shake and a can of tuna when i got the munchies. Cottage cheese at night before bed. Im all about convenience. I know I dont eat the healthiest but I dont really try to either. And I dont plan on taking a cycle for awhile, I realize im not ready. Im just asking questions on how horrible it is thats all.

    If your up for it though maybe you could help me get down a good grocery list (or I could tell you what I usually buy). I can also PM you some pics as well, not comfortable posting my pics on the web ATM.

  31. #151
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    ^^ no worries bro. Like I said, it really just comes down to how hardcore you wanna be. Agreed, they are better than potato chips for instance. There is always something better though. For example, rice cakes are processed, but they're generally 'better' than most crackers.

    None of the above are foods you'd likely find on the diet of a body builder going into contest prep, but if you don't plan to step on a stage, and don't really put on fat, then you probably don't need to sweat this. Hitting your macros in conjunction with your current goal, whatever that may be, is what's most important imo.

    As for a grocery list - check out Jimmyinkedup's sticky -

    This will give you a good list of foods to go by, as well as convenient macro nutrient info. Hope this helps!

    PS - feel free to PM me with pics if you want. They will of course remain private between us.

  32. #152
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    I picked up Chromium Picolinate and L-Glutamine to try to help sugar cravings at night(my hardest time). Do they really work and is there anything else to help curb the cravings?

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failure View Post
    I picked up Chromium Picolinate and L-Glutamine to try to help sugar cravings at night(my hardest time). Do they really work and is there anything else to help curb the cravings?
    I don't supplement L-Glutamine, and use Chromium Polynicotinate... but not for curbing sugar cravings.

    How about something sweet right before bed? Lately i've been doing 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 packet splenda, a splash of fat free half and half, and a tsp of natty PB. It's like a snack right before bed, and gives me my sugar/sweet fix.

  34. #154
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    When carb cycling. On your low carbs days do u up your protein and fat to meet your daily calorie intake or is it just minuses off your your daily cals and that's it?

  35. #155
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    I am trying to be as hard core as possible with my diet I want my bf to be single digits. But would like to increase some size if possible. My diet egg whites 6 oz fat free milk. Usually one table spoon ground flaxseed. Then I eat about every two hrs chicken a few almonds and take a pre wk out shake 25g protein with 1/4 cup oats. People 50g protein with 1/2 cup oats. And two scoopshrs flazseed. Then rest of day back to chicken or steak eggs. Few peanuts and rain's that come in my nut mix. Bed 1/2 fat free cottage cheese and 40s g shake. What should I wk on or consider. Just started with the fish oil. Sorry forgot my spinach and brochure r the two greens I love and eat daily

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    When carb cycling. On your low carbs days do u up your protein and fat to meet your daily calorie intake or is it just minuses off your your daily cals and that's it?
    Nope, protein and fats stay the same. So cycling my carbs also creates a calorie cycling effect by default.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    I am trying to be as hard core as possible with my diet I want my bf to be single digits. But would like to increase some size if possible. My diet egg whites 6 oz fat free milk. Usually one table spoon ground flaxseed. Then I eat about every two hrs chicken a few almonds and take a pre wk out shake 25g protein with 1/4 cup oats. People 50g protein with 1/2 cup oats. And two scoopshrs flazseed. Then rest of day back to chicken or steak eggs. Few peanuts and rain's that come in my nut mix. Bed 1/2 fat free cottage cheese and 40s g shake. What should I wk on or consider. Just started with the fish oil. Sorry forgot my spinach and brochure r the two greens I love and eat daily
    Noted... thx for the info lol!

  38. #158
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    Gb- no words Od advice or something I am doing wrong. I weight 165 should I do 10g of fish oil daily. More or less??

  39. #159
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    GB, ive read here that you weight your chicken raw, i've been doing mine cooked, doesnt the macros change from raw vs cooked?? Which should be taken into consideration?? I mean you eat it once is cooked, so i thought it should be weighted cooked, so ive been doing. Also do you guys have a page or something were you get the food values from?? I have, what do you use that might be better? Thanks

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Gb- no words Od advice or something I am doing wrong. I weight 165 should I do 10g of fish oil daily. More or less??
    I'm certain I as well as other members can offer some helpful advice, however you should start your own thread, list all your stats, goals, complete diet etc. there.

    Sorry, don't mean to keep bouncing you around, but I'd like to keep this a general Q&A thread for the most part, vs. a 'what should I do for my diet' type thread. Know what I mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by Papiriqui View Post
    GB, ive read here that you weight your chicken raw, i've been doing mine cooked, doesnt the macros change from raw vs cooked?? Which should be taken into consideration?? I mean you eat it once is cooked, so i thought it should be weighted cooked, so ive been doing. Also do you guys have a page or something were you get the food values from?? I have, what do you use that might be better? Thanks
    Macros for most foods, including meats, are generally raw value. Foods lose weight when they're cooked - but the macros don't change. Well, actually they do, but we don't count it!

    Point being 6oz of raw chicken will cook down to roughly 4.5 to 5oz... but we still count the macros of 6oz raw. i.e. if you follow the general rule of 1oz meat = 6g protein, and you eat a 4oz piece of cooked meat, you are eating more than 24g protein as the starting weight was very likely 4.5 to 5oz. Make sense?

    As for tracking, fitday is decent, but my favorite by far is Also, you can reference Jimmyinkedup's chart - handy for quick reference

    Hope this helps!

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