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Thread: UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...

  1. #401
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by blake702 View Post
    Hey, I have a question for my wife. How do we calculate how many calories she needs to eat to cut to the desired weight?
    All you need to do is take her weight time 10. For a man I would take it by 12-15. This gives you a guides total of calories. For example, I am 212, x12 =appx 2500 cals, so that's how you would do your wifes total calories. Some say, if you want to get to 180 and you weigh 220, then you need to go half way and adjust after 200. This also depends on how long she can sustain with depleted calories.

  2. #402
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by cory0311 View Post
    Meal 1:
    Lean Protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2:
    Protein shake/Lean Protein (2 tbsp flax

    Meal 3:
    Veggies, Lean Protein


    Meal 4:
    PWO Nutrition

    Meal 5:
    Veggies, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup rice or oatmeal.

    Meal 6:
    Shake with Flax

    That turns into approximately 300 grams protein, 130 grams Carbs, and 50 grams of fat.

    *Reminder: This is a PRIMER. It’s not mean to be comprehensive.

    I am new to this....Can you please break this down for me in dummy terms so I can understand this. I don't eat vegetables, I am a meat and potato type of can you please tell me what I can substitute for veggies, if there is anything out there?
    Currently there is not anything you can substitute for real veggies but you can use vitamins. Up to you, but the absorbtion rate of vitamins are sometimes horrible depending on where you buy them from. Look at vitamin absorbtion rates.

  3. #403
    Thank you for this post and knowledge. Much appreciated been trying a sort of version between keto and regular carb cycling without much results. Will be giving this a try

  4. #404
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Thank you again for all the help with this thread, I've had a great deal of success cutting down so far with the info provided =)

  5. #405
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    giving this diet a try...hope all still upto date

  6. #406
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    hello havnt been on here in long time just had a physical recently

    41 year male 6'2 285
    blood pressure fine and cholesterol fine doc wants me to lose weight and so do i.
    Is this sample diet a good starting point? i will just be doing cardio not lifting at this moment

    thanks marty

  7. #407
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by marty6674
    hello havnt been on here in long time just had a physical recently stats 41 year male 6'2 285 blood pressure fine and cholesterol fine doc wants me to lose weight and so do i. Is this sample diet a good starting point? i will just be doing cardio not lifting at this moment thanks marty
    Start a thread so everyone can critique but this is a great starting point!

  8. #408
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Great post Rambo, thanks for sharing.

  9. #409
    Does it have to be 6 meals? Can it be broken down to 2-3 larger meals?

    Edit: Also how do you feel about the Keto diet? Intermediate fasting?

  10. #410

  11. #411
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    What if I lift in the morning? I wake at 4:30 and down a protein shake and pre work out and start warming up so I can be lifting by 5 and done by 5:50. This is all the time in the day that I have so how can I properly fuel my workouts? I eat either sweet potatoes or brown rice for dinner but does that even help? Suggestions please?

  12. #412
    Very cool post! I have been using the info in this one with great results!

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