someone mention the book " burn the fat not the muscle" but no one gave feedback.... so anyone?
someone mention the book " burn the fat not the muscle" but no one gave feedback.... so anyone?
anyone?Originally Posted by Eagleized2
hey all need help
im taking these things .... im not on a real diet but my purpose is to remove the fats that r only found around my ab ....
- Lipo6
- Amino 2002
- Tiromel 25mg
Lipo6 and Tiromel dosage 30mn then ..
Meal 1 (Breakfast)
3-4 eggs without the yellow thingy + up of milk
Meal 2:
tuna can or two turkey breast slices
3 Amino 2002 Tablets
Meal 3 (Lunch):
Fish or Grilled Chicken Breast
Meal 4:
same as meal 2
Lipo6 dosage + 3 Amino Tablets
Workout (1-1.5hrs) included Cardio
15min after workout then i take 3 Amino Tablets + Tiromel dosage
Meal 5 (dinner):
Salad or Fruits
well to be honest i feel hungry all day :s
so rambo or others can help me ... i have no choice than taking these things coz i bought them .. few days ago .. and im out of cash .. so can u offer me a diet related to these !!!
Regards ab![]()
Last edited by Abadeus; 02-09-2007 at 01:59 AM.
Awesome diet...I just need advice on one thing......In the post you said that the majority of carbs are to be taken with PWO shake and that the rest of the carbs are to be eaten at breakfast....I was wondering why there was a carb in meal 5, that late in the day?
Finally found it! Great Post!
is the cup of rice measured Dry or cooked.
Dry.Originally Posted by Ljavy17
okay, thanks a lot bro.
Great post Rambo.
I work out at 7 am, I get up at 6 to eat a whole wheat bagel and some lean protein. Then when I get home I have some whole grain cereal and a shake for PW. I can't stand oatmeal, is a whole grain cereal (dry) a good substitute?
umm... this first diet posted by rambo applies for the guys with 15% BF?
im at 23%what should I do to cut up?
It is meant as a primer and can be used by people of any bodyfat percentage.Originally Posted by Slaiv
Incredible post. It's a few years old now and it's still a big hit.Originally Posted by rambo
You say that cheating is essential. My question is, how often would you consider cheating in a month and still be 100% on track?
ok i got some questions...
milk is not good for cutting up?
peanut butter isnt good for cutting up?
Dairy in general is not ideal for cutting. Peanut butter in a pro/fat meal may be alright in the right amounts.Originally Posted by Slaiv
wow..... so no more milk for me then :'(
not even the 2% one?
this diet shredded me before and I plan on leaning out again so will diet this way again, thanks for the post.
Great Thread!!!
I have a question, how many carbs are you supposed to take in then cause it doesn't state a specific number for people wanting to cut.
Everyone is different, there is no set amount. You must calculate the amount for yourself based on factors as in: age, sex, height, weight, activity levelOriginally Posted by Clayguy
Can plain sugar be used as a sustitute for dextrose and if so how much sugar equates to 80g carbs?
Please and Thank you
A few questions. Im new here, so I apologize if they seem clueless:
1) His meal says "Lean Protein (comma) 1/2 cup oatmeal". I assume this means lean protein AND a half cup of oatmeal?
2) His second meal says "Protein Shake (slash) / Lean Protein (open parenthesis) Flax." Confusing. He means Protein Shake OR Lean Protein Food, correct?
3) I usually take 1200mg Fish Oil every morning. He doesn't mention anything about this, but mentions Flax at the 2nd meal. So scrap the fish oil and just do Flax 2nd meal, nothing else throughout the day?
4) On Non workout days he says "of course you dont have the shake". He mentions shake several times in the diet. I assume he means the post workout shake is omitted?
5) Would anyone be willing to write out a quick non-primer version of this diet here? A lot of guys seem interested in knowing what food fills in all those blanks, even though we all know eggs and chicken are common.
Last edited by Priapism; 10-13-2007 at 12:48 PM.
What about instant oats? I have heard they are bad but I cant figure why. Just regular flavor and adding sliced bananas for flavor and sweetner?
Awesome post, thanks man
Instant Oats have unnecessary added crap in them that makes them "not good". Something I started doing a couple years back due to always being in a hurry was to get a coffee bean grinder (less than $20) and grind up my oats in there, then add to my shake.
This is a great solution for everybody out there who "hates oats" because you are basically chugging the shake and oats in a very short time. I usually add 1/2 cup of ground up oats to one or two of my shakes each day....simple solution to the "I CAN'T STAND OATS" issue.
(1) Yes, you'd have the protein AND the Oats. See my post right above this one!
(2) Yes, you can substitute one for the other on the shake or protein.
(3) Fish oil is beneficial, and you can use both. I generally use Fish Oil 2-3 times a day and take Sesamin oil instead of Flax Seed
(4) Since you're not working out, you wouldn't have the PWO shake
for those of you who have actually tried this diet, how do you feel?..
as in, how are your energy levels?
have you been able to somewhat remain at your normal lifting numbers in poundages?
-specifically because this diet contains no carbs pre-workout.
i just find it hard to imagine training without any carbs immediately beforehand..
any experiences?
Should cardio be performed AFTER the workout(due to increased GH levels) or should cardio be performed BEFORE the workout to get a warmed-up feel, or does it depend on what you're going for?
You mentioned how it was better to seperate your fats from your carbs, in your sample diet you are taking flax, I'm assuming this is your essential fat. I take an ***** 369 pill with all of my five meals of the day. Should I not take one if I am having a carb in that meal?
i used to read this thread religiously !!!
NOw im where i wanna be !!! YAY !!
awesome post. thanks alot!!
this is great and really think this will help me to achieve my goals!!
can't believe i havent found something like this sooner
rambo, im in the first week of this diet u posted, this is my first time ever dieting so do u think u can critique/ approve of my meal times... id appreciate it
Meal 1
meal 2
meal 3
3:15 - 5:15
Meal 4
with in half hour of traning
meal 5
Meal 6
*im not even sure if these times matter but like i said im new at this n still learning so any help would be awsome.thanks
Last edited by baseball_guy; 04-15-2008 at 10:40 AM.
rambo, im in the first week of this diet u posted, this is my first time ever dieting so do u think u can critique/ approve of my meal times... id appreciate it
Meal 1
meal 2
meal 3
3:15 - 5:15
Meal 4
with in half hour of traning
meal 5
Meal 6
*im not even sure if these times matter but like i said im new at this n still learning so any help would be awsome.thanks
Last edited by baseball_guy; 04-15-2008 at 10:41 AM.
Fantastic gives a nice overveiw and helps me allot thanx for taking the time to do this...
this is probally a dumb questions but i usually do my cardio for about 20 to 30 mins right after i workout should i be consuming protein/carbs 1st, because it said to have your post wo meal 15 mins after??? just asking
Sorry i got a question about the diet posted. it says for a 200lb guy at 15% bf to consume about 300P 130C and 50F well this would mean kcal to total 2170. Isnt this a bit low considering your meant to have a 500kcal deficit when dieting? As a 200lb guy with 15% bf whos weight training would need about 3200kcal maintenance, so whered the other 500kcals go?
Newbie here, just found the post and much thanks....all the answers I was looking for, sorry for being part of the inspiration to this post..but great post!
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