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Thread: UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...

  1. #281
    great sticky. didn't know about cutting out fruit. i figured natural sugars were fine for cutting

  2. #282
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    awesome, alota good info thanks.


  3. #283
    this looks like my diet

  4. #284
    great post! simple and to the point! please dont get caught up with myths like doing anymore than 20 minutes burns muscle, and if you work at high intensity your body burns more muscle. You burn a higher % of total fat in grams at higher intensities, just make sure u leave enough time to recover between sessions. i.e. not doing high intensity cardio everyday, remember you will be weight training too which causes deficit hence, the lower heart rate cardio workouts. every workout has its purpose

  5. #285
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I like this diet been doing it based around my weight for 2 weeks and its working

    only query i have is im a spinn intructor and after my classes at night around 9 i finish i feel very drained and crave food trying to stave it off with 200-250 grams off chicken and veg but feel i need something in there?

    and if it falls on a non lifting day like today i didnt have the large input of carbs in pwo meal just had 200g of sweet potatoe spread thriugh after noon like 2 and 6 to get some carbs in there i took in a little extra protein to help so today i hit nearly 400grams through out with the bulk off it concentrated aroun my classes from 6pm

    stats might help
    weights 4-5 times a week and cardio after every session pre breakfast cardio 2 days on 2 days off and building it up next week 3 on 2 off etc etc..
    coming out to la in 5 weeeks want to get as low as possible any advice helpfull

    Im here to learn teach me!

  6. #286
    what would the calories be for someone whos 6 foot 240

  7. #287

    Thumbs up

    Great post man!

  8. #288
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Did not know about fruit - noted

    Don't know what I am going to do without milk - I drink about 60 oz of skim a day with my protein. I think I will cut that in half and mix water for the rest, that would only be about 48 grams a day in sugar from the milk.

    I don't know if I could get by with just water and protein powder, I might have to try though.

    Good info on the post cardio meals and how it is best to have that and the weights split up.

    Confused about Dextrose, the amounts listed are WAY outside the recommended dose on the label maybe I am reading it wrong.

    Would like some info on other supplements that are good for cutting if anyone has good ones they got results from.

  9. #289
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Chicago IL
    This might sound stupid but I have a question, Whey you guys talk about 1/2 cup of brown rice is that uncooked rice. or 1/2 cup already cook rice. Just wanted to make that clear so I don't **** up my diet plan. Thanks

  10. #290
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    am ready to start a cutting diet just wanted some advice if this sounds right or things i could change any help eill be much apreciated so this is how it looks so far?

    meal 1
    2 whole eggs
    6-8 egg whites
    12 a cup of oats

    meal 2
    pwo shake
    2 table spoons of natuaral peanut butter(no sugar)

    meal 3
    4oz chicken breast
    half a cup of cashew nuts/almonds

    meal 4
    pwo shake
    2 spoons of peanut butter

    meal 5
    salmon/swordfish/beef steak
    green salad(no tomatoes carrots red peppers etc)
    table spoon of olive oil and vinagar

    meal 6
    casein protein
    3 whole eggs
    3 egg whites

    how does this sound guys?
    i will also be doin 45 mins of cardio 4 times a week and lifting lightweights?

  11. #291
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    sorry my stats are as follows

    6ft 1"
    age 25
    19-20% bf
    5 years training

  12. #292
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by chalkmyster1 View Post
    am ready to start a cutting diet just wanted some advice if this sounds right or things i could change any help eill be much apreciated so this is how it looks so far?

    meal 1
    2 whole eggs
    6-8 egg whites
    12 a cup of oats

    meal 2
    pwo shake
    2 table spoons of natuaral peanut butter(no sugar)

    meal 3
    4oz chicken breast
    half a cup of cashew nuts/almonds

    meal 4
    pwo shake
    2 spoons of peanut butter

    meal 5
    salmon/swordfish/beef steak
    green salad(no tomatoes carrots red peppers etc)
    table spoon of olive oil and vinagar

    meal 6
    casein protein
    3 whole eggs
    3 egg whites

    how does this sound guys?
    i will also be doin 45 mins of cardio 4 times a week and lifting lightweights?
    you should make your own thread - you'll prob get more comments.

  13. #293
    i dint understand much of it but am definitely downloadin it to my desktop and goin to use it :P
    good post

  14. #294
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thanks for posting, alot of very valuable info

  15. #295
    Can someone please tell me what this means. Thank You.

    Q: What about cycling carb intake?
    A: Obviously on non workout days you will be without a shake, so you will be auto-cycling. It works well that way.

  16. #296
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    great post

  17. #297
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Is that 2 TABLESPOONS of flaxseed oil or TEASPOONS?

    Quote Originally Posted by rambo View Post
    The Cutting Primer
    By rambo

    It’s about time we had a decent full length post on cutting…

    Let’s get a few things straight…
    1. All of the insights I’m about to provide are not person-specific. What that means is that it is a general guideline, not a bible.
    2. I truly do believe that bodybuilding is 80% diet. You can lift your ass off daily, and still look horrible if you aren’t eating right.
    3. You are what you eat. It’s just that simple.

    The BASICS-
    1.Postworkout Nutrition- I’m a firm believer that PWO nutrition is hands down the most important aspect of dieting. It is within the 15 minutes after a workout that your body is in dire need of nutrients. It is a completely anabolic state, and what you take in can be optimized to ensure maximum results. A general rule of thumb is 40-60 grams whey protein, and double the amount of whey in carbohydrates (50% dextrose/50% maltodextrin).

    2. Carbs- You are **** right, carbs. In a strict cutting diet the majority of your carbs should come in the form of PWO nutrition, and the remainder in breakfast. Fibrous veggies are a staple, but keep in mind that they don’t count towards intake, as they have negligible impacts on blood sugar levels. (Exceptions: Carrots, Peas) All high glycemic carbs outside of PWO should be avoided. The best sources of low GI carbs can be found in oatmeal and brown rice, as well as yams.

    3. Protein- You need tons. 1.5-2.0 grams per pound of lean bodyweight is a good general rule of thumb. You should take in a good portion of your protein in the source of real meals, avoid intaking too many shakes, as real food comes to a better benefit. The list foods with high protein bioavailability is extensive, and I will only cover a few, (Egg whites, Lean steak, Chicken breast, the list goes on forever….).

    4. Fats- Guess what? You need fat to lose fat. We are talking about the granddaddy of fats, the EFA (Essential Fatty Acid). Good sources of fat are ( Flax Oil, Nuts, Salmon, Olive Oil).

    5. The separation of Carbs and Fats- This is a hotly debated issue, but again, in my opinion, an important aspect nonetheless. Remember that it is often when you eat items and with what you eat them that is more important than what you are eating. A mouthful, I know, but stay with me. Remember that when you take in certain carbs, you can spike your insulin levels. If you are taking in fats when your insulin has been spiked, you are allowing the basic laws of physiology to act out, and you allow for a higher propensity for fat storage. Separation is key. The sample diet will give a good example of how to separate them.

    6. Supplements-

    Glutamine: Helps prevent catabolism when cutting. Best used in dosages of 10grams daily, 5 grams before cardio, 5 grams at another interval, but not after workout as it fights for absorption with the glutamine peptides in whey.
    ALA/R-ALA- Gets my supplement of the day award. R-ALA is effective in lowering the spike of insulin when certain carbs are consumed. I could give you a dissertation on the stereoentisomeric properties of the R, but all you need to know is that it has been found to shuttle carbohydrates away from adipose and into myocytes. Translation: Away from fat cells, into muscle cells. It’s a supplement, however, not a miracle worker. It’s not a crutch, and won’t do anything about fat intake. ALA and R-ALA can also aid in the expedition of the ketogenic state. Remember that if you buy R-ALA that you supplement it with Biotin. Glucorell-R is prepackaged with it. If you can afford it, go for it. As far as dosage, with the R, you are looking at 1-2 pills of Glucorell R for each 30-40grams of carb intake.
    Protein and Carb Shakes: I’m not going to cover protein, because even if you can’t afford it, you should sell a kidney to get some. Carb drinks are rather convenient, and companies offer pre mixed dosages, (CarboHit, Glycoload, UltraFuel). Dextrose and Maltodextrin can be bought from most supplement stores or online.

    7. Cheating- Cheating is essential. Why? Remember, the body runs on homeostasis, it likes to keep balance. After eating so well after a week, your body begins to adjust, and fat loss over time will not be as rapid. The other extremely important aspect is mental sanity. So many diets crash and fail because people don’t give themselves a chance to breath. Remember, cheating is not an opportunity for you to pillage the entire mall food court. Shoot for a cheat meal, not an all out binge. A fast food value meal can be 2,000 calories. Eat that 3 times on one day, and you’ve consumed 6,000 calories. And that’s not good in any case.

    8. Cardio- Cardio and cutting usually go hand in hand. I won't go into specifics about length, other than cardio shouldn't be excessive. 45 minutes to one hour daily should be sufficient, and should be performed on an empty stomach.

    Sample Diet:
    Note: This is a sample diet for a 200 pound gentleman who is wishing to cut. We can assume his BF to be around 15%. This diet will NOT work for you if those criteria don’t apply to you; however it is easy to customize the below diet to take in account your own statistics. It is the principles that are applicable.. I am not going to post the total amount of calories, only the carb, protein and fat macros for the whole day.

    Meal 1:
    Lean Protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2:
    Protein shake/Lean Protein (2 tbsp flax

    Meal 3:
    Veggies, Lean Protein


    Meal 4:
    PWO Nutrition

    Meal 5:
    Veggies, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup rice or oatmeal.

    Meal 6:
    Shake with Flax

    That turns into approximately 300 grams protein, 130 grams Carbs, and 50 grams of fat.

    *Reminder: This is a PRIMER. It’s not mean to be comprehensive.

    Here comes the fun part: Question and Answer….

    Q: What about dairy?
    A: If you don’t mind a soft look, fat free cottage cheese is an excellent caseinate source, but as for milks- way too much processed sugar. NO.

    Q: Should I do a keto diet?
    A: Unless you are morbidly obese, or would like to drag your wilted muscles behind you, stay away from keto. Again, that’s my opinion. You can see my previous posts for my anti-keto ranting.

    Q: What about cycling carb intake?
    A: Obviously on non workout days you will be without a shake, so you will be auto-cycling. It works well that way.

    Q: Is sodium an issue?
    A: Outside of the bloating issue, or if you have high cholesterol, no.

    Q. How do I make my meals not taste like cardboard?
    A. Be creative. Mix in some sugar free jam or splenda in your oats, some hot sauce or soy sauce on your meats, or pick up some sugar free ketchup.

    Q. I don’t like old fashioned oats. Can I eat the pre mixed oats with fruit?
    A. No. Be a man. Those mixes have ridiculous amounts of sugar.

    Q. What about fruit?
    A: Fruit replenishes glycogen stores in the liver, and in my opinion, is not to be a staple of a strict cutting diet, with a few exceptions.

    Q: Can I eat steak while cutting?
    A: Definitely. Make sure it’s a leaner cut.

    And with this post I take a sabbatical. I’d like to thank ~Swolecat~ for his influence, and to thank all of you who may have indirectly annoyed me enough to result in this elongated post. If I missed anything, or am horribly wrong on anything, feel free to PM me, and I will edit it in. Best of luck, and remember…

    “Obsessed is a the word that lazy people use for dedicated.”

    Happy Holidays,


    * This was edited to reflect a few changes, and change the title to UN official, as was my original intent

  18. #298
    Join Date
    May 2006
    TBSP = tablespoon, TSP = teaspoon

  19. #299
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I have read this diet many times over and i am finally ready to do it once i get my body fat calculated accurately but i need some help with the diet as to the aspect of fitting it to myself.

    How do i change the amount of fats, carbs, proteins, etc. Proteins i know is 1 -2 per pound of lean body mass, carbs in the PWO is twice as much as the proteins. What about the rest???

    Please help as i am very interested in doing this diet comes new year.

    In case it helps my stats are as follows:

    235 lbs
    20% - 30% body fat (waiting to find a place where i can measure it accurately)

    How do i fit this diet for myself, and how do i change it as i go along and lose the fat??? Thanks a million again...

  20. #300
    Very nice post, thank you. I am trying to cut a little bit of my belly fat and bulk a little bit as well. Yea, I think the greatest problem for me is the discipline and planning your meals in advanced. It's so much easier just tagging along with your friends to Burger King when they are all going anyway, then to be the loser who is on a diet. But with gyming I have no problems. It's really just the food intake I need to work on.

  21. #301
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

  22. #302
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    how far before a contest should you start to cut?

  23. #303
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut View Post
    Thanks for the PM.... it has been sent to the mods along with your comments posted in this thread.

    Though this kid is immature I find it amusing that he is being such a d*** on here. Hope he has fun buying shit from the scammers!!!

  24. #304
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut View Post

    220-age * .7 = target heart rate. Don't cross it and you'll be good to go, no muscle loss.

    Holy Shit! And here I thought that killing myself for 30 minutes each day to obtain a heart rate of 150 - 160 was good for me? Are you saying that I would lose more of my belly with 30 minutes of keeping my heart rate around 130? Does this account for a person who has a normal resting heart rate of 90? Seems to me like there are too many variables.

  25. #305
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Lol... I quoted a 6 year old post.

  26. #306
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Nebraska USA
    Damn, good read. Read through all of it, but I was looking for a conversion of sorts so that I can fit it to myself. I saw a couple ask for some conversions but no one replied, for a conversion process. Still very good read and I will be starting a thread looking for advice as far as what to do and how much to eat a little later. Once again good read though.

  27. #307
    thank you for posting

  28. #308
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    great info

  29. #309
    Hi all

    Just after some pointers on what i may or may not be doing right.

    Over the last few months i have been slowly loseing centermeters and puting on muscle, i feel like i could be doing better so this is what my diet is atm.

    7:00 am
    40g protein shake

    8:30 am
    Bowl of weetbixs

    10:30 am
    40g protein shake

    12:30 pm
    Lunch, witch is normaily
    sushi or some pasta, some times somes steak

    2:00 pm
    40g protein shake

    4:00 pm
    Creatine drink

    work out =
    20 mins treadmill
    20 mins bike
    then weights

    steak and veggies

    8:00 pm
    40g protein shake

    any help would be greatly appreciated.

  30. #310
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Re-read the first post in the thread. No offense but your diet is awful. Nothing but protein shakes. You have three meals of actual food and one is just cereal.

  31. #311
    Quote Originally Posted by GoNoles99 View Post
    Re-read the first post in the thread. No offense but your diet is awful. Nothing but protein shakes. You have three meals of actual food and one is just cereal.
    No offense taken, thats why i asked.

    I did re read the first post as he states, the guid diet is for 200 lb man with 15 % body fat.

    im a 212 man and have atm 23 % body fat.

    i'm not sure what i should be doing/

  32. #312
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    new york
    lots of good info. thx for posting this.

  33. #313
    wow... hardcore dude. great tips!

  34. #314
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Good read, Cheers.

  35. #315
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    thanks, learned a lot

  36. #316
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    So I love the post very helpful. One quick question if I am at 13 percent BF according to Bod Pod and am starting a cycle of TEST 400 a week will this all gel? Can you cut weight and still put the lean muscle on during a cycle?

  37. #317
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by WEF2F View Post
    So I love the post very helpful. One quick question if I am at 13 percent BF according to Bod Pod and am starting a cycle of TEST 400 a week will this all gel? Can you cut weight and still put the lean muscle on during a cycle?
    IMO - if you're going to cycle, prioritize what you want to do. Either focus on adding weight (muscle), or reducing bodyfat. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to make it perfect and do both together.

  38. #318
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Yup thats my crazyness. If I focus on muscle mass and eat clean will that keep the fat in check. I am a bit nervous as I used to be belly boy and i put that shit on fast.

  39. #319
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    ^^^ then my suggestion would be, unequivocally, cut.

  40. #320
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    while on cycle? will the test help or hender? This is my first time.

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